Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Rumi and Braco
Rumi’s poem:
Imagine the time the particle you are
Returns where it came from.
The family darling comes home!
Wine without being contained in cups
Is handed around.
A red glint appears in a granite outcrop
And suddenly the whole cliff turns to
About Braco
Braco hails from Croatia and is reputed to have wondrous healing powers, though he does not call himself a “healer.” Rather, he prefers to be known as one who acts as a conduit for the divine energies from Source. Braco does not speak--rather he holds “gazing sessions” in which he appears before a vast audience and gazes into their eyes. He is well known in Europe and attracts huge crowds wherever he goes.
Those who have been in his presence describe him as incredibly gentle and loving. Many report impressive results, experiencing healing or significant improvement in body, mind, and soul. Some report seeing a beautiful aura around his face, others see his countenance morph into various other faces. Some feel intense heat or waves of bliss. And many say that they feel that they have “at last come home.”
He does all of this in silence, and his “gazing sessions” last only five minutes, though he repeats these throughout the day.
He does not charge for his services when he appears in Europe, but there is a small charge (about $6.00) when he travels to other countries. He visited California recently, then went on to Hawaii and Japan.
Is he authentic? Many believe so, and his record seems to support this. How could such a being appear in our midst?
For one thing, I think the veils between the worlds are indeed growing thinner, and things that might have been impossible only a few years ago, now are becoming more frequent, just as more and more people are awakening to spiritual reality.
For another, I am convinced that in such gatherings, a marvelous vibrational field is created by the crowd itself, for people are truly in an altered state and each amplifies the emanations of the others. And such energy infusions (of love) are healing, whatever the source.
In any event, the process helps many people in all sorts of ways.
And--finally--I think this is how the world itself is undergoing massive transformation. Great energetic fields are being created, impacting larger and larger numbers of people. As more and more are drawn to participate in these “higher” vibrations, the field becomes larger and more intense, until at last the vast majority of the populace is involved.
This may seem fanciful, but why not? If it can happen on a lesser scale, why not across the entire planet? And thus we will experience global Kundalini initiaton as the instrument by which we will together enter a new stage of evolution of consciousness. Far fetched? Perhaps, but no more farfetched than many of the other major transitions into new levels of consciousness humanity has undergone in past eras.
To read more about Braco, look him up on google or check him out on YouTube. Whatever or whoever he is, he is a fascinating phenomenon on the world scene --we need more like him.
(picture from unknown source)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/30/2010 09:36:00 PM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
How It May Happen
Of late, I have thrown caution to the winds, and am writing things I might not have been bold enough to share a few years back. I do not consider myself a channel or a prophet, but sometimes I seem to get "hits" or glimpses of how things might be. Where we might have come from, where we may be going, and--now--how the change will happen.
This is whatI think. I don't think that the "end" will be as traumatic or frightening as one might suppose. If we are indeed at the end of an era, or possibly the end of planet earth, then this is how we may--as individuals and groups--experience it. I think that vast numbers of people will be--in effect--cast into an altered state, a dream state, if you will, and together we--possibly the entire population of the planet--will easily and effortlessly move together into our next level of consciousness. Some might see this as death, a vast tragedy afflicting earth. But I think otherwise.
Many writers in the past have spoken of evolution of consciousness in terms of actual "root races" that preceded our present status. In fact, some, such as Madame Blavatsky, have described different "races" existing in ancient times, all predating by many eras the appearance of "humanity" on earth. In order to move into a new state of being--to become a transfigured version of the prior self--the old condition must be surrendered, to make way for the new reality.
I am putting this forth not as solid truth, but rather as grounds for speculation. I once experienced death as it came about in a past life. At the (actual) time, I was receiving a massage, but in my "dream body" I knew that I was a monk lying prone, undergoing the transition from "life" to "death." The passage was very easy. As my fellow monks surrounded me, I drifted in and out of consciousness, and slowly made my way--effortlessly and painlessly--into the other realm.
This notion may seem untenable, but my bottom line--as always--is that if what happened to me so unexpectedly (K. awakening) some 30 years ago then anything is possible. Anyone who has had experience well outside the norm will likely be convinced of this. Whether it is sudden ecstasy, altered consciousness, or near death--even alien contact--one is changed forever in terms of acceptance of the "possible" in a way one simply could not accept before.
And more and more are having such key experiences. These are the yeast transforming the dough into the bread, the seeds that have been sown sometimes years ago that now are opening in full bloom.
Kundalini is, I believe, the key ingredient for the transition itself, for through the years it transforms the nervous system in astonishing ways, preparing the self for the move into yet higher realms.
# posted by Dorothy : 6/29/2010 01:09:00 PM
Monday, June 28, 2010
More New Views in Science
Last night I watched the Science Channel, where first I learned that "String Theory" (the universe is composed of an infinite number of vibrating "strings" (beads) had been for a time discredited in favor of Super Gravity--then, when the idea of 11 dimensions (instead of 10) was accepted the two theories appeared to be complementary instead of contradictory.
The 11th dimension is said to be infinitely long but extremely thin--a fraction of a millimeter across. Thus it is very, very close to everything in the universe.
Also, somewhere in all of this theorizing is M theory--the notion that the universe is a giant membrane--although some (skeptics?) interpret "M" as Magic or Mystery or Mother of All, or even Madness.
But the theory of the weakness of gravity led to the notion of parallel universes. Some were cylindrical or membranes with holes in them--there seem to be an infinite number of membranes with untold parallel universes. Some of these parallel universes may be quite close to us but we are not aware of them.
Indeed, I would add that when I described in a recent entry those of us who feel we are " not at home" in consensus reality might be seen as inhabiting a "parallel universe" of a kind, since we occupy the same space as the "others," yet we experience the world in a totally different fashion.
Indeed, science is sounding more and more like science fiction--in fact, I think it is time to look at the Seth books again--Seth spoke of matters similar to these notions. And we should not forget the Spanda Karika of ancient India--in which vibration itself is the basis of all that exists (or seems to ) in the cosmos.
The bottom line is that Kundalini (vibration of source) is the ultimate reality, and when we connect with it (or are connected to it) we too "vibrate" with that reality which is the final mystery. If we are not prepared, we may suffer serious consequences. But if we are in the right alignment, we can know unsurpassed bliss of union.
(image found on internet from unnamed source--see "string theory" for more images)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/28/2010 07:16:00 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Drumvalo Melchizedek
The Shifting of Earth's Kundalini Energies
Today I was in a bookstore and picked up the latest book by Drumvalo Mechizedek--"Serpent of Light." I read only a bit of the introduction, but found some interesting observations there. First, he talks about the Kundalini of the Earth as changing. Now, of course, other writers and mystics have spoken of the Kundalini of earth itself, so this notion (that earth also possesses Kundalini) is not brand new.
Drumvalo says that once every 13,000 years, the central base of earth's K. energies shifts to a new location--and that this shift is sometimes accompanied with an actual polar shift, with all that that entails. He feels that in the present era ("now" is swiftly becoming the previous era), this spiritual center was located in India and Tibet, but that at present it is shifting to Peru and Chile, a place somewhere high in the Andes.
I have no idea whether this theory is or is not correct, but we do know that India and Tibet have been special energy centers for many centuries. Why these would now move to a new location on earth is not clear.
Drumvalo also says that this big shift will occur in the next few years--perhaps even in 2011 or 2012. In this respect, he is clearly in line with the many other prophecies from various seers and traditions speaking of this as a time of major change.
And, like many others, he sees this shift as both positive and negative. As outer structures collapse, new spiritual formations are emerging--the phoenix of change rising once more from the ashes of decay.
One of these changes is the shift from male dominated to female dominated culture. The notion of the resurgence of the feminine aspect of humanity has been with us for some time now. Many years ago, gender studies became a significant topic in university classes. Now, it seems to be gaining ever more strength, as more and more women take on positions of authority in various social institutions, more women spiritual teachers have emerged, and the divine feminine is acknowledged as central to our salvation as a society. In fact, one popular magazine currently features an article entitled, "Are Men Obsolete?" Personally, I think this is going a bit far, for we know many men who successfully embrace their "feminine" aspect, as well as some women who seem to be more "male" in their drive to power than some men. But on the whole, it is interesting to see such notions grow from small beginnings to mainstream themes in contemporary society and more and more people become aware of the need to balance the male and female energies within. The balancing of the opposites--including male and female aspects of self--is essential in virtually all initiatory systems.
I then discovered that if you look up Drumvalo's "Serpent of Fire" on Amazon, you can actually read a good portion of the book there and gain even further insights as to his theories.
(About the photo--in the next entry, I discuss the current view of science that there are "parallel universes" in the physical cosmos. But fish, birds, and indeed all other creatures also exist in "parallel universes"--that is to say, their "worlds of experience" are radically different from our own, yet we inhabit the same planet, the same earth plane. Even humans, in some sense, live in different experiential worlds. When I was young I coined the term "simultaneous reality" to account for some of these differences in sensibility and insight among humans, but it would also apply to the animal world.)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/27/2010 08:09:00 PM
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Party to Remember
Last night, I attended a party to remember. It was not the typical gathering of persons attempting to connect with "chitchat" about irrelevant topics, but quite the antithesis. Held at the home of Tami Simon, founder and publisher of the Sounds True company, it celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of that firm. Sounds True pioneered the recording and distribution of major spiritual teachers and musicians, and has since its beginnings grown into a major presence in the spiritual world, an institution recognized as at the forefront of the creation and distribution of both CD's and books on spiritual topics.
SoundsTrue is the publisher of "Kundalini Rising," the anthology of writings on Kundalini which has been called the essential Kundalini handbook for our time. I was delighted that such a book was published and honored to be a contributor (see sidebar.) Tami herself has experienced Kundalini and writes about this awakening in her introduction to "Kundalini Rising."
Tami Simon's life has been quite remarkable. When she was only twenty-two years old, she founded the company with money she had inherited from a relative. Her gamble with destiny paid off, and her company is one of the best and most productive around. Her story is told on the Soundstrue website at
This party was unlike any other I have ever attended, for it included many well known luminaries in the field of spiritual development and expansion of consciousness, as well as others who were devoted employees or friends of SoundsTrue. Suddenly, people I had admired from a distance were real and palpable and lovely in every way. And it seemed that everyone, famous or not, was part of the same "tribe," the forward thinkers or "evolutes" of our time. One could approach virtually anyone present and feel quite at home discussing topics of mutual interest, for we were all working (each in our own way) for the expansion of awareness of humanity as a species.
For me, it began with a surprising synchronicity. I had arrived early, in the hopes of meeting Tami and perhaps speaking with her briefly. When I entered her home, she was no where to be found. There was an intriguing sign at the bottom of the stairs announcing that something called a "NexNeuro" was available above. My friend and I went up to investigate and learned that this was the name of a relaxation bed that combined vibrations with music. The presenter announced that I would be next in line to try out this device. Although I was fearful that by waiting to experience this novelty, I would miss my chance to meet Tami, I waited out of curiosity and politeness. After a few minutes, the door opened, and out walked Tami, with a bright glow on her face. Obviously, she had loved her session on the bed.
I talked briefly with Tami and then I had my session, followed by a long talk with the local distributor of the bed. He and I exchanged life stories as we sat next to one another downstairs, and he mentioned that he often sold books at various alternative health conferences and in fact might be interested in including copies of "Unmasking the Rose."
Later, in that same location (a circle including several well known musicians and writers), Jonathan Goldman (someone I have long admired for his work in sound healing) took a seat. I was especially delighted at this, since I have for years listened to his music, which is designed specifically to awaken the energy centers within. At one time, I listened to his CD's as my major meditation--"Trance Tara" in particular used to put me into deep ecstasy daily, so I was grateful to be able to tell him how much his music meant to me.
Then we all partook of a dinner consisting of catered Indian food. It was not hot and spicy as so often is the case, but just right, and in fact, it was the best Indian food I have ever eaten.
Later, we gathered outside for a short talk by Tami, who of course was in a state of glory as she told of her long relationship with her firm, which she described as her "consort," a lover who gives constant inspiration and encouragement.
The final speaker was Clarissa Pinkola Estes, the beloved and famous author of (among others) "Women Who Run with the Wolves." Clarissa and Tami have a long standing connection, and clearly are deeply devoted to one another. Among other things, Clarissa stated that we (about 200 people gathered together) were the prototypes for the future human. After she finished, she stepped down and then she offered a private blessing to Kabir, the musician/kirtan singer I so respect, as he stood before her. When she finished, I told her how pleased I was to meet her and how moved I was by her presentation. She then asked me what I did, and, after I explained that I was a poet/writer who offered help and encouragement to those undergoing Kundalini awakening, she asked me to bless her. Of course, I was quite surprised and deeply honored to bless a woman of such stature and standing, one who has given so much to the betterment of our world.
To meet and speak with so many distinguished persons I have so long admired was of course quite gratifying for me, almost like a dream. I am still in a bit of a daze from all this spiritual nectar.
(mandala from Stacy Wills at )
# posted by Dorothy : 6/26/2010 01:43:00 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Into the Tunnel
Into the Tunnel
Sometimes it happens that way.
You are walking along,
maybe with your hands in your pockets,
not thinking of anything in
and you spy a strange light
glowing from beneath
a doorway
into the mountain.
You have never noticed
this entry before,
but you stop
and ponder
and then,
just to see,
press the button at
the side,
just like Aladdin
or someone summoning
an elevator.
The door swings open.
It is mostly dark
in there,
like a dim lit cave
or a dusky tunnel,
but a faint ball
of light
hovers above
and something seems
to whisper,
“Come in, dear one,
I have been waiting.”
And a little bit eager,
a little bit afraid,
you step inside.
After that,
your life is
never the same.
Dorothy Walters
June 24, 2010
# posted by Dorothy : 6/24/2010 03:16:00 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Are there two different kinds of humans?
Why some of us are different
Many of us feel that somehow we have never "fit in." It is as if we actually originate from some other realm, some place of origin different from the "others." Wordsworth said of himself (when he was young) that he was "not of this time, not of this place," and he also asserted that we came into this world "trailing clouds of glory" (from our former existence.)
I have often discussed this mystery with many friends. Why do some seem to stumble blindly (or perhaps easily) through their lives, accepting the dictums of society, conforming easily to the given norms and expectations, apparently happy in their paths, while others are never really comfortable in their efforts to "fit in," often sensing that they are "different" in ways they can't quite describe.
And, furthermore, why is it that some seem to be more "open", "awake", in tune with forces that others remain oblivious to? The former are often the real visionaries, the psychics, the mystics, the shamanic healers, those who sense the energies of what surrounds them, and, certainly, those who have undergone the mysterious process of Kundalini awakening. (Anyone who experiences Kundalini awakening at a deep level knows how extremely difficult it is to share this key event with others--often family, friends, doctors and therapists simply cannot comprehend this experience and may interpret it as a sign of mental imbalance or worse.)
At times, it seems as though there are two different races or strains among the group we name "the human species." Why are some more aware, more sensitive, more in touch with invisible realms?
Recently, I considered the theory that space travelers from other planets did indeed visit earth at some point in ancient history, and implant a new set of genes in what became the human race. Perhaps some of us now have more of those genes "turned on" in our systems, while others do not. Everyone carries this potential within, but some already are living this awakened state.
Tonight, watching another episode of Morgan Freeman's "Through the Worm Hole" (on the Science Channel), I was again fascinated by the notion of time travel. One researcher has discovered that it is possible to send a signal (from one device) to another--and the latter picks up the signal slightly before it is actually sent. This was presented as an example of "travel into the past."
However, it occurs to me that from the perspective of the "receiver", it might as well be seen as an example of "travel into the future." Indeed, one experiment in telepathy at a major university asked a human subject to press a lever when a signal was sent--some were very good at this, and some could even anticipate the signal, pressing the lever a split second before the signal was sent. Did these subjects literally travel into the future, sensing the event before it became the "present" in normal space/time?
Now--here is my clincher--if the familiar laws of space/time can be set aside in these various experiments, can they not also offer possible explanations of such things as intuition of coming happenings, premonitions, visions of the "future" in waking or dreaming states?
Unfortunately, the scientists who are working on these issues do not seem to connect their theories with happenings well documented in the storehouse of human experience. There are many such examples, some involving well known historical figures, some involving ordinary people, perhaps those we ourselves know--or even ourselves. How often have you known who is on the phone before you pick it up, or think of someone who then gets in touch shortly thereafter? How often do you dream of something that happens later, including details that were included in the dream (as if time were reversed)? Science seems to disregard all evidence that does not occur in a laboratory under controlled conditions, but we do not live in laboratories, and our lives occur in totally unregulated environments.
And--here is another even more radical theory. One of the scientists on Freeman's program commented that if time travel were possible, we would be inundated with visitors from the future. My question: how do we know that these visitors are not already here, living more or less undetected among us, looking and acting pretty much like the rest of humanity? Indeed, how do you know that we--the ones more open, more seemingly "awake," more "sensitive' in ways unfathomable to the "throng"--are not in fact "visitors from the future," infused with ways of perceiving and knowing beyond the comprehension of the "regular folk" who represent the majority among the masses of humanity?
If we are not in fact "visitors from the future" we are certainly representatives of the next stage of human evolution, when expanded consciousness will characterize everyone. If nothing else, we are here to point the way, to enable others as they enter this transformed state.
I am not insisting that any of these notions is true. But Freeman's program does awaken speculation on some central issues--in particular, how it is that the "two tribes" of humanity are so different from one another in so many ways.
# posted by Dorothy : 6/23/2010 08:01:00 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Symeon the Theologian
| What is this awesome mystery By Symeon the New Theologian (949 - 1032) English version by John Anthony McGuckin What is this awesome mystery that is taking place within me? I can find no words to express it; my poor hand is unable to capture it in describing the praise and glory that belong to the One who is above all praise, and who transcends every word... My intellect sees what has happened, but it cannot explain it. It can see, and wishes to explain, but can find no word that will suffice; for what it sees is invisible and entirely formless, simple, completely uncompounded, unbounded in its awesome greatness. What I have seen is the totality recapitulated as one, received not in essence but by participation. Just as if you lit a flame from a flame, it is the whole flame you receive.
This lovely poem was written by an early Christian mystic, yet in many ways it could be describing the experience of Kundalini awakening today. We know Kundalini (divine flow within) not by thinking or reading about it, but by "participation." The hand cannot write out an adequate description, the mind can know what is happening, yet cannot accurately convey its nature and power to others. It is indeed an "awesome mystery" taking place within us.
Symeon the Theologian is one my favorite early writers--I have often wondered if indeed he did not experience Kundalini in his own life, but used a different vocabulary to express it. |
# posted by Dorothy : 6/22/2010 10:32:00 AM
Monday, June 21, 2010
Poem by Susan Glassmeyer
I Tell You
I could not predict the fullness
of the day. How it was enough
to stand alone without help
in the green yard at dawn.
How two geese would spin out
of the ochre sun opening my spine,
curling my head up to the sky
in an arc I took for granted.
And the lilac bush by the red
brick wall flooding the air
with its purple weight of beauty?
How it made my body swoon,
brought my arms to reach for it
without even thinking.
In class today a Dutch woman split
in two by a stroke — one branch
of her body a petrified silence,
walked leaning on her husband
to the treatment table while we
the unimpaired looked on with envy.
How he dignified her wobble,
beheld her deformation, untied her
shoe, removed the brace that stakes
her weaknesses. How he cradled
her down in his arms to the table
smoothing her hair as if they were
alone in their bed. I tell you—
his smile would have made you weep.
At twilight I visit my garden
where the peonies are about to burst.
Some days there will be more
flowers than the vase can hold.
Susan Glassmeyer
Sometimes Kundalini itself brings us such moments of joy and transcendence. It is then that we feel our cells dance, and we see the "beauty beneath the beauty." It is then that every pebble sparkles, and the mundane world lights up with the beauty of the sublime. At those times we "see with saint's eyes" and know that we are blessed.
# posted by Dorothy : 6/21/2010 01:58:00 PM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Emotional Pain, Suffering, and Catharsis
Someone has asked me to write on the topic of "catharsis." We know that the awakening of Kundalini can bring into consciousness all sorts of issues and feelings, many related to disturbing events of the past. Sometimes it feels as though we are literally re-experiencing sensations or feeling states from these earlier experiences.
So--what do we do with these deep states of "remembering" that have arisen so strongly and are asking to be dealt with in present time?
To begin, I am not a certified therapist, so what I will say next will be strictly a subjective or intuitive response. But here are some of my thoughts on this subject.
First, let them come through in full force. Don't try to "squash them down" or pretend they are not happening. They are happening and are saying loud and clear, here I am, I linger in your cells, and this is the time to attend. Tibetan Buddhism tells us not to skirt pain, but to enter it fully--feel it, allow it, and move through it. Once that happens, relief may come.
Acknowledge them ("yes, I know, you are still angry; yes, I recognize this as continuing grief"--and so forth). Name them for what they are. That sometimes is in itself enough to lessen their intensity.
But even more important--release your feelings in any way possible--crying is really good, if you can cry. Or screaming or hitting a pillow, if you are dealing with anger and are in a safe environment.
This is a perfect time to seek professional help on these issues. So if you can, see a reliable therapist, one who will give you appropriate techniques to allow these emotions to come through and then find release. If possible, find one who knows about Kundalini as spiritual transformation--stay away from those who see it as an "illness." If you are afraid to tell your therapist about Kundalini (that is, if they are still ignorant of this subject), you don't have to go into the details of this part of your awakening--you can focus on the feelings themselves. Surely they will understand grief, anger, basic feeling states. Don't let them focus entirely on talk therapy--that can be good, but you need to get right down to your gut sensations, your bodily responses--your cellular body wants relief. So find a therapist who combines bodily release techniques with mental exploration.
And by all means, write it out in a personal journal. You can say things there you never told anyone or even said to yourself before. You may be amazed what will come forth. You can, at times, even be more or less your own therapist in this way.
Until these basic issues are pretty much resolved and inner healing occurs, you cannot make the kind of progress you desire on your spiritual path. These are the blockages that can cause "Kundalini pain"--both mental and physical--once they are released, you can make speedy progress, with fewer of the "down" periods of the K. process.
And, if you want to explore other techniques, one that sounds helpful is "EMDR," a method based on eye movements, sound, and tapping. I have no first hand knowledge of this, but a friend tried it and found it a very valuable healing tool. An interesting article on this subject is
I am sure there are many other techniques of use here--I have offered only what occurs to me at this moment. Even certain yoga and meditation teachers might have useful advice. Find what works for you.
And keep in mind that you are dealing with an entire lifetime of struggle and challenge--so be patient for the change to occur.
And always remember--it is not enough to 'know it" mentally--you must experience it at its deepest level and thus experience the actual connections.
But it could be an "a-ha" moment, when you not only see but feel the root cause, and from that time on, everything can change.
And don't give up--I finally discovered my own "root cause" of suffering and self-rejection after years and years of not knowing--and after that, everything changed. I literally became a different person, free at last of the anxiety and self-doubt that had plagued me all my previous life. Kundalini was at last free to weave its full magic, as I gained confidence and discovered (what we all need to know) that we need not depend on others for our sense of self-worth, but can in fact be "our own person," and become who we truly are.
(picture from Prissybev)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/20/2010 12:32:00 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2010
About Intention
About Intention
There seems to be a great deal of discussion these days about "intention." Apparently, the idea is to set your intention for whatever it is you want and then it will come to you. One man decided he wanted a million dollars, so he pasted a copy of a million dollar bill over his bed so he would see it first thing each morning. He did get his million--in fact, he made many millions through a popular book he wrote, and bought himself a multimillion dollar house and fancy car(s).
Now, I have nothing against "asking the universe" for what you need, but I am mystified that so many seem to think the technique is to be used to gain excessive material wealth. Little is said about desiring to be closer to the divine or doing work that is true to one's soul purpose. In fact, it seems that for the most part "God" (the divine, source, reality, ultimate essence, whatever you wish to call it) is simply ignored.
I have indeed asked the universe for things I truly needed in the past. I once got a car this way--not a fancy expensive one, but a "pre-used" model that was quite inexpensive and was perfect for my needs. I also found an ideal apartment when I moved a year ago--indeed it was the first one I looked at--and I had in fact asked for "outside help" for this.
However, I am not sure we should focus on this technique to the exclusion of other interests and avenues. I feel our best "intention" is to be open to what the universe brings us--whether friends or activities or transcendent meditations or progress on our spiritual path. If we need a new (or any) job, indeed we should ask. If we are hungry, we should ask for food. If we are lonely,we should ask for friends.
But--asking to become a millionaire? Whatever happened to "lay not up treasures on earth"--an admonitions once most honored.
My daily prayer is "Give me the strength to do what I am supposed to be doing on this earth and the good sense to know what that is."
I also believe that those of us who have been blessed with Kundalini awakening have already received the greatest possible gift the planet offers, and thus our overall intention should be--surely--to deepen our own spiritual connection and to contribute in whatever way we can to the welfare of the world around us. I see many who do this in various ways--sometimes they drive old cars, wear the same clothes for years, live in modest houses. Some give through their art or other forms of service. Some dedicate their own spiritual practices to raising the overall planetary vibration. They are our models and our inspiration.
They bless and are blessed for they understand and practice true dedication.
Dorothy Walters
June 17, 2010
(Mandal is by Stacy Wills. See more of her work at: )
# posted by Dorothy : 6/17/2010 03:41:00 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Descent by Habiba Kabir
By Habiba Kabir
Our descent into the world is made. Tendrils of fear and hope entwine as we slowly and carefully unite with the tiny form that will be our home for the forseeable future. Tenderly and with great care, we explore this newly made one within whom we are the expected guest. Who will we be now? Will we manage to fulfill our contracts this time? So much longing resides in this new journey. Will our courage carry us through? Will we re-member what we came to do? Sweetly and with great gentleness we expand our light until this new form accepts our presence with trust. Now the waiting begins.
I am eager to see the new faces of my parents. Long have we been together in our soul group and on earth as mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, friend. I hope they have remembered our agreements and that we have a home in the forest, far from the city energy and the tension that it carries. Soon we will be together again. Perhaps this time our ascent will be a beautiful journey into expressing fully who we truly are. My prayers flow back to our Source. May we be a blessing to the world. May we walk in beauty all the days of our life.
(Habiba is the leader of a local Sufi group. She is one of the most spiritually dedicated persons I know. Recently, I wrote this description of her:
She is the kind of person you wish you could get to know. There is something about her, something subtle yet present, something you can't quite name. You sense that she has lived deep, has mysteries she could unveil if she wished.
When she speaks, everyone listens, for she dispenses wisdom in her quiet voice. Beautiful poetic images roll forth, like nuggets retrieved from far beneath earth’s surface. When she is cast in the role of leader, she has a quiet command, a presence that calls others to attend, for they know that something of significance is taking place, that they are being offered bountiful gifts.
Her lineage is one with ancient roots, but her role as a female leader in this primarily male domain defies all the traditional prescriptions. She accepts her position easily, for she knows this is a cloak that fits. She has prepared for her role for many years, both as a student and as one who has explored life at a deep level. She is a pioneer, a risk taker, a poet whose tongue has been kissed by spirit. Her commitment to her calling is complete, and compels respect and love from those who come into her orbit.
Above all, she is not afraid to express love. She has found the secret and her eyes sparkle with that knowledge, for she carries a wisdom born from both pain transcended and ecstasy revealed. She is open to visions, for she is an authentic mystic. For her, the veils are thin, and she travels where others are afraid to venture. She is protected. She gives fully of herself to others, and is blessed with their love in return.
Dorothy Walters
May 21, 2010
# posted by Dorothy : 6/16/2010 03:47:00 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
Mechtild of Magdeburg
I received this note today from a friend who is herself experiencing K. awakening, and thought I would pass her letter along to you. The area of the mystical experience and its relation to Kundalini is always a fascinating one. Many of the mystics speak of the deity as the "Beloved" and use the language of love to express their connection with the divine. One is never sure if, for them, the "Beloved" is simply a useful metaphor to express their feeling of Oneness, or whether they are actually experiencing this love in their bodies as inner rapture or bliss.
In any event, as Mary points out, the similarities with Kundalini bliss are obvious. Once more, I am reminded of the best definition of Kundalini that I have heard: "Kundalini is God moving through your body."
Hi Dorothy,
I found myself in the car today listening to a CD I've had for several years. Today the lyrics jumped out at me as never before. Wonderful expressions of kundalini energy. I'm sure you've heard these by now but just in case you haven't here's the lyrics from 3 of the songs.
Lyrics from CD: Woman’s Song of God Composed by: Briege O'Hare Sung by: Marie Cox
Songs inspired by the writings of women mystics:
WOMAN Mechtild of Magdeburg
Woman, Woman,
When will you soar on the wings of your longing
To the blissful heights
Where I await your love
And if you meet Me with all your desire
I will touch you with my presence Divine
And you shall delight in body and in soul in my Love
Woman, Woman.
Come now to Me in your sighings
In your heart’s desire
For I am the One you seek
Since I am in you and you are in Me.
We are One and forever shall remain
And you shall delight in body and in soul in My Love.
Woman, Woman.
LOVE ME DEEPLY Mechtild of Magdeburg
Come, Lord
Love me deeply
Love me often
And love me long.
Come, Lord
Love me deeply
Sing to me Your Lover’s song.
For the more often You love me
The purer I become.
And the more deeply You love me
The more beautiful I am.
And the longer You love me
The holier I be.
Yes, I love you deeply,
I love you often. I love you long.
I will love you deeply
as I sing My lover’s song
Oh, Yes, I love you deeply
For this is My desire
Yes, I love you often
I can be no other way.
And I love you.
Love you, love
For I am the Eternal One
Come Lord
Love me deeply
Love me often
And love me long.
Come Lord
Love me deeply
Sing to me Your Lover’s song.
Sing to me Your Lover’s song.
GOD’S COMING Mechtild of Magdeburg
As a bird glides through the air
Without the movement of its wings
So Your love flows through me My God
And forever in my heart it sings.
And together we fly in the sweet clear air of your flowing love in me.
Gliding, soaring, one in heart,
Always ever free.
As the dew comes on the flowers
So do You come My God to me
Like the morning sun
Of the birds
You come to set my spirit free.
And together we fly in the sweet clear air of your flowing love in me.
Gliding, soaring, one in heart,
Always ever free.
As a bird glides through the air
Without the movement of its wings
So Your love flows through me My God
And forever in my heart it sings.
Oh we fly, yes we fly
Your love sings,
Yes, it sings
As we fly
Yes we fly,
Oh we fly,
Yes , we fly.
(picture found on Amazon)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/14/2010 08:36:00 PM
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Once More (poem)
Once more,
I’ve been
But I’m
not complaining.
I don’t care
if you leap
from a plane
or jump
from your horse
and tackle me
on the Mongolian steppes,
or come by
strumming a guitar
and scattering rose petals.
Anything will do.
Just don’t leave.
(from "A Cloth of Fine Gold")
(original photo by N. M. Rai, who captured the bird as it appears in the picture)
# posted by Dorothy : 6/13/2010 02:17:00 PM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Taken (poem)
First, you must let your heart
be broken open
in a way you have never
felt before, cannot imagine.
You will
not know if what you are feeling
is anguish or joy,
something predestined
or merely old wounds
flowing once more,
reminders of all that is
unfinished in your life.
Something will flood into
your chest
like air sweetened by
desert honeysuckle,
love that is too strong.
You will stand there,
very still,
not seeing what this is.
Later, you will not remember
any of this
until the next time
when you will say,
yes, yes, I have known this before,
it has come again,
just as your lids close shut
(from "A Cloth of Fine Gold")
# posted by Dorothy : 6/12/2010 09:23:00 PM