Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Rumy Millard––Message from the other side
Rumy Millard is a friend of mine who grew up in Brazil and thus speaks Portuguese. She herself is a psychic healer and a meditation teacher. She recently received this message ( in Portuguese) from a friend and translated it for others to read. It is long but quite fascinating for its perspective on the covid crisis.
From: "Facebook"
Subject: Rumy Millard tagged me in a post on Facebook
Date: July 21, 2020 at 1:45:32 AM MDT
To: Dorothy Walters
Reply-To: noreply
Rumy Millard tagged you and 33 others in a post: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes".
Rumy wrote: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes"
From: "Facebook"
Subject: Rumy Millard tagged me in a post on Facebook
Date: July 21, 2020 at 1:45:32 AM MDT
To: Dorothy Walters
Reply-To: noreply
Rumy Millard tagged you and 33 others in a post: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes".
Rumy wrote: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes"
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Initiation––poem by Dorothy
The Initiation
There was nothing to see.
No words were spoken.
Even afterwords
I could not describe it.
It was as if
you felt
the breath of God
on you face.
As if, at last;
things were no longer
preparation, but realization,
as words such
as holy, sanctified,
final essence
at last had a meaning,
no longer a metaphor
but a silent awareness
blossoming in the blood,
as you as a thing
were annihilated
and all that existed
was this,
placeless center of the divine,
Presence, Hallowed, Complete.
Dorothy Walters
July 22, 2020
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Fascism in America? These are the tactics of the Nazis and other fascist groups.
These happenings in Portland are perhaps our greatest threats yet to democracy. They are indeed disturbing and must not be allowed to
continue. (Peaceful protesters were "seized and detained" without probable cause by paramilitary forces in unmarked cause.") »
Oregon Will Sue Feds to Stop Unmarked Detentions
Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)
Saturday July 18, 2020 · 7:54 AM MDT
Recommend 149 Share Tweet 94 Comments 94 New
Police stand as protesters gather during a demonstration, Thursday, July 16, 2020 in Portland, Ore. Federal officers deployed tear gas and fired less-lethal rounds into a crowd of protesters late Thursday. The actions came just hours after the head of the Department of Homeland Security called the protesters “violent anarchists.†(Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP)
I just saw this on the Oregonian — good news! I’ll update with more when I get it:
Oregon will sue federal police agencies, open criminal investigation into use of force
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced late Friday that her office would sue several federal law enforcement agencies over their response to Portland protests and launch a criminal investigation into an incident of force by federal officers.
Rosenblum is seeking a temporary restraining order to stop federal officers from detaining Portlanders, arguing federal agencies seized and detained Oregonians without probable cause. She said the state’s lawsuit in federal court will name the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protection Service as defendants.
...Rosenblum also said the state and the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office would criminally investigate the shooting by federal officers of Donavan La Bella in the face with a less-lethal munition Saturday, critically injuring him. La Bella’s hands were above his head when he was shot.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 7:57:53 AM MDT · CathyM
This is from yesterday, but important: Wyden, Merkley, Bonamici and Blumenaur have asked for an investigation:
this is page two:
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:05:19 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s more from Willamette Week:
Oregon Attorney General Sues to Stop Federal Arrests of Portland Protesters
“Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening. If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere.”
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum will file a lawsuit in federal court tonight seeking a temporary restraining order barring the Department of Homeland Security and other federal law enforcement agencies from seizing and detaining Portland protesters without probable cause
...As the top law enforcement official in Oregon, Rosenblum is asking a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order against four federal agencies: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Federal Protective Service, which guards federal buildings.
In late June, President Donald Trump created a task force out of those four agencies to defend federal monuments and buildings from protesters. He has chiefly deployed them to one city: Portland, where they have used the wide powers granted to federal police in spite of the objections of local officials.
If a judge grants Rosenblum the injunction, it would limit the authority of federal police to make street arrests without meeting the typical standard held to by cops: probable cause that a crime is being committed.
Which seems like the minimum standard to be held to!!
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:07:30 AM MDT · CathyM
Short video of ACLU official observers in Portland last night:
Sergio Olmos
ACLU legal observers in Portland
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:16:32 AM MDT · CathyM
I want to be objective in this — photos are emerging on Twitter of protesters using sections of fence to block the doors of the Federal Courthouse… that is provocation, and certainly needs to be addressed — apparently they were pushed away with smoke bombs:
credit: Dave Killen, Oregonian
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:33:29 AM MDT · CathyM
And not at all surprisingly, Dana from OAN posted a sensationalist photo and clutches her pearls on twitter (I won’t repost photo — it’s just odd)
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:40:50 AM MDT · CathyM
I’m reviewing how the rightwingers are reporting this on Twitter — talk about an alternative universe!! But sadly there are a few violent protesters, which gives them an opening to condemn the city for “not responding”… this is the kind of crap being posted (by one of Portland’s notorious non-journalist wimps):
Andy Ngô
Lilith Sinclair, a Portland antifa activist & sex worker, says she is organizing for the abolition of the police & United States at an event outside the federal courthouse today. She is applauded by the audience & joined by religious clergy.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:48:48 AM MDT · CathyM
This is NOT good news, if confirmed (my bold):
Josh Marshall
· 10h
Deputy Secretary of DHS Ken Cuccinelli tells NPR not only are they not stopping the Portland tactics they're going to take them nationwide. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/dhs-under-boss-were-taking-this-national
via @TPM
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:01:06 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s a bit more on last night’s protest- apparently Portland cops and Feds acting “in tandem” (bolding mine):
...The overnight force against protesters by federal police came soon after Oregon’s attorney general announced she was suing several federal agencies over the arrests of protesters. Several other state and local officials, including Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, also criticized the federal presence.
Yet after Portland police declared the downtown demonstration to be unlawful early Saturday morning, federal and local officers emerged at the same time to advance on protesters. Some demonstrators had piled fence parts in front of some entrances to government buildings.
At a press conference hours before the demonstration began, Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell said city officials “communicate with federal officers for the purpose of situational awareness and de-confliction.” But he said they do not act at one another’s direction.
...As hundreds of people huddled together at the candlelight vigil, a few dozen other people began gathering at two recently closed city parks across the street. They started to dismantle the chainlink fence that surrounded the parks and moved parts of the fence into the street around 9:30 p.m.
...dozens of federal officers emerged from the next-door federal office building. Protesters stood several feet away near the intersection of Southwest Third Avenue and Madison Street.
Federal officers within minutes used impact munitions, stun grenades and some type of gas to force people to leave. Journalists for The Oregonian/OregonLive did not see a precipitating event that prompted officers to deploy those tactics.
People shouted, “Go home!” as federal officers advanced toward them. Some officers wore camouflage uniforms and others wore darker uniforms marked with the Department of Homeland Security.
quite a lot of photos in this article, and a step-by-step description of how the night’s unfolded.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:06:39 AM MDT · CathyM
At least one Portland commissioner was out last night, calling for Feds to leave:
Hardesty calls for feds to leave on steps of Justice Center
The City Commissioner organized a candlelight vigil Friday evening
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty spoke out against the federal response Friday evening outside the Justice Center.
This comes a day after protesters were doused with hefty amounts of tear gas and hit with impact munitions Thursday night….Community leaders joined Hardesty on the steps of the Justice Center to call for federal forces to leave Friday night. She called for a peaceful protest and said Portlanders’ rights to free speech and assembly need to be protected, and called for an end to the violence “perpetrated against protesters.”
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:07:48 AM MDT · CathyM
Pelosi reacts:
Nancy Pelosi
Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti.These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission.Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:09:09 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s a reminder that is nauseating:
Garrett M. Graff
Angry about Portland? Remember none of the DHS leaders were Senate confirmed. We have an acting Sec, acting Dep Sec, acting head of CBP, acting head of ICE. It’s been that way for over a *year*.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:37:28 AM MDT · CathyM
Spudsy posted a very good link to legal analysis of this:
It addresses questions such as which officers are being used, which laws are being used as reasons, what authority do these officers have? Well worth reading all of it!
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:48:30 AM MDT · CathyM
This is nauseating, under the circumstances:
Acting Secretary Chad Wolf
· 4m
Let us always honor the legacy of Rep. John Lewis. America is a more just place because of his sacrifices.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 10:40:19 AM MDT · CathyM
Coverage from Time Magazine (I’m glad this issue is getting national attention! Bolding mine):
Portland Mayor Demands Trump Remove Militarized Agents From City After Protesters Detained
(PORTLAND, Ore.) — The mayor of Portland demanded Friday that President Donald Trump remove militarized federal agents he deployed to the city after some detained people on streets far from federal property they were sent to protect.
“Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said at a news conference….
Federal officers have charged at least 13 people with crimes related to the protests so far, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Thursday. Some have been detained by the federal courthouse, which has been the scene of protests. But others were grabbed blocks away.
“This is part of the core media strategy out of Trump’s White House: to use federal troops to bolster his sagging polling data,” Wheeler said. “And it is an absolute abuse of federal law enforcement officials.”
One video showed two people in helmets and green camouflage with “police” patches grabbing a person on the sidewalk, handcuffing them and taking them into an unmarked vehicle.
continue. (Peaceful protesters were "seized and detained" without probable cause by paramilitary forces in unmarked cause.") »
Oregon Will Sue Feds to Stop Unmarked Detentions
Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)
Saturday July 18, 2020 · 7:54 AM MDT
Recommend 149 Share Tweet 94 Comments 94 New
Police stand as protesters gather during a demonstration, Thursday, July 16, 2020 in Portland, Ore. Federal officers deployed tear gas and fired less-lethal rounds into a crowd of protesters late Thursday. The actions came just hours after the head of the Department of Homeland Security called the protesters “violent anarchists.†(Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP)
I just saw this on the Oregonian — good news! I’ll update with more when I get it:
Oregon will sue federal police agencies, open criminal investigation into use of force
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced late Friday that her office would sue several federal law enforcement agencies over their response to Portland protests and launch a criminal investigation into an incident of force by federal officers.
Rosenblum is seeking a temporary restraining order to stop federal officers from detaining Portlanders, arguing federal agencies seized and detained Oregonians without probable cause. She said the state’s lawsuit in federal court will name the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protection Service as defendants.
...Rosenblum also said the state and the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office would criminally investigate the shooting by federal officers of Donavan La Bella in the face with a less-lethal munition Saturday, critically injuring him. La Bella’s hands were above his head when he was shot.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 7:57:53 AM MDT · CathyM
This is from yesterday, but important: Wyden, Merkley, Bonamici and Blumenaur have asked for an investigation:
this is page two:
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:05:19 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s more from Willamette Week:
Oregon Attorney General Sues to Stop Federal Arrests of Portland Protesters
“Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening. If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere.”
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum will file a lawsuit in federal court tonight seeking a temporary restraining order barring the Department of Homeland Security and other federal law enforcement agencies from seizing and detaining Portland protesters without probable cause
...As the top law enforcement official in Oregon, Rosenblum is asking a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order against four federal agencies: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Federal Protective Service, which guards federal buildings.
In late June, President Donald Trump created a task force out of those four agencies to defend federal monuments and buildings from protesters. He has chiefly deployed them to one city: Portland, where they have used the wide powers granted to federal police in spite of the objections of local officials.
If a judge grants Rosenblum the injunction, it would limit the authority of federal police to make street arrests without meeting the typical standard held to by cops: probable cause that a crime is being committed.
Which seems like the minimum standard to be held to!!
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:07:30 AM MDT · CathyM
Short video of ACLU official observers in Portland last night:
Sergio Olmos
ACLU legal observers in Portland
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:16:32 AM MDT · CathyM
I want to be objective in this — photos are emerging on Twitter of protesters using sections of fence to block the doors of the Federal Courthouse… that is provocation, and certainly needs to be addressed — apparently they were pushed away with smoke bombs:
credit: Dave Killen, Oregonian
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:33:29 AM MDT · CathyM
And not at all surprisingly, Dana from OAN posted a sensationalist photo and clutches her pearls on twitter (I won’t repost photo — it’s just odd)
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:40:50 AM MDT · CathyM
I’m reviewing how the rightwingers are reporting this on Twitter — talk about an alternative universe!! But sadly there are a few violent protesters, which gives them an opening to condemn the city for “not responding”… this is the kind of crap being posted (by one of Portland’s notorious non-journalist wimps):
Andy Ngô
Lilith Sinclair, a Portland antifa activist & sex worker, says she is organizing for the abolition of the police & United States at an event outside the federal courthouse today. She is applauded by the audience & joined by religious clergy.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 8:48:48 AM MDT · CathyM
This is NOT good news, if confirmed (my bold):
Josh Marshall
· 10h
Deputy Secretary of DHS Ken Cuccinelli tells NPR not only are they not stopping the Portland tactics they're going to take them nationwide. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/dhs-under-boss-were-taking-this-national
via @TPM
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:01:06 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s a bit more on last night’s protest- apparently Portland cops and Feds acting “in tandem” (bolding mine):
...The overnight force against protesters by federal police came soon after Oregon’s attorney general announced she was suing several federal agencies over the arrests of protesters. Several other state and local officials, including Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, also criticized the federal presence.
Yet after Portland police declared the downtown demonstration to be unlawful early Saturday morning, federal and local officers emerged at the same time to advance on protesters. Some demonstrators had piled fence parts in front of some entrances to government buildings.
At a press conference hours before the demonstration began, Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell said city officials “communicate with federal officers for the purpose of situational awareness and de-confliction.” But he said they do not act at one another’s direction.
...As hundreds of people huddled together at the candlelight vigil, a few dozen other people began gathering at two recently closed city parks across the street. They started to dismantle the chainlink fence that surrounded the parks and moved parts of the fence into the street around 9:30 p.m.
...dozens of federal officers emerged from the next-door federal office building. Protesters stood several feet away near the intersection of Southwest Third Avenue and Madison Street.
Federal officers within minutes used impact munitions, stun grenades and some type of gas to force people to leave. Journalists for The Oregonian/OregonLive did not see a precipitating event that prompted officers to deploy those tactics.
People shouted, “Go home!” as federal officers advanced toward them. Some officers wore camouflage uniforms and others wore darker uniforms marked with the Department of Homeland Security.
quite a lot of photos in this article, and a step-by-step description of how the night’s unfolded.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:06:39 AM MDT · CathyM
At least one Portland commissioner was out last night, calling for Feds to leave:
Hardesty calls for feds to leave on steps of Justice Center
The City Commissioner organized a candlelight vigil Friday evening
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty spoke out against the federal response Friday evening outside the Justice Center.
This comes a day after protesters were doused with hefty amounts of tear gas and hit with impact munitions Thursday night….Community leaders joined Hardesty on the steps of the Justice Center to call for federal forces to leave Friday night. She called for a peaceful protest and said Portlanders’ rights to free speech and assembly need to be protected, and called for an end to the violence “perpetrated against protesters.”
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:07:48 AM MDT · CathyM
Pelosi reacts:
Nancy Pelosi
Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti.These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission.Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:09:09 AM MDT · CathyM
Here’s a reminder that is nauseating:
Garrett M. Graff
Angry about Portland? Remember none of the DHS leaders were Senate confirmed. We have an acting Sec, acting Dep Sec, acting head of CBP, acting head of ICE. It’s been that way for over a *year*.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:37:28 AM MDT · CathyM
Spudsy posted a very good link to legal analysis of this:
It addresses questions such as which officers are being used, which laws are being used as reasons, what authority do these officers have? Well worth reading all of it!
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 9:48:30 AM MDT · CathyM
This is nauseating, under the circumstances:
Acting Secretary Chad Wolf
· 4m
Let us always honor the legacy of Rep. John Lewis. America is a more just place because of his sacrifices.
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 · 10:40:19 AM MDT · CathyM
Coverage from Time Magazine (I’m glad this issue is getting national attention! Bolding mine):
Portland Mayor Demands Trump Remove Militarized Agents From City After Protesters Detained
(PORTLAND, Ore.) — The mayor of Portland demanded Friday that President Donald Trump remove militarized federal agents he deployed to the city after some detained people on streets far from federal property they were sent to protect.
“Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said at a news conference….
Federal officers have charged at least 13 people with crimes related to the protests so far, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Thursday. Some have been detained by the federal courthouse, which has been the scene of protests. But others were grabbed blocks away.
“This is part of the core media strategy out of Trump’s White House: to use federal troops to bolster his sagging polling data,” Wheeler said. “And it is an absolute abuse of federal law enforcement officials.”
One video showed two people in helmets and green camouflage with “police” patches grabbing a person on the sidewalk, handcuffing them and taking them into an unmarked vehicle.
Monday, July 13, 2020
A Year of Kabir––Andrew Harvey
A Year of Kabir: 365 Mystical Lessons––Andrew Harvey
This brand-new 365 day program is Andrew's love-letter to Kabir, to radical truth... and most of all to you.
Take your first step here (go to www.AndrewHarvey.net for how to enroll).
The Four Indispensable Realities of Kabir
When I finally plunged into recreating and translating Kabir, I was living alone with my two cats in a log cabin lost in the Ozarks and that was the perfect place for Kabir and my soul to meet because there was absolutely no way of distracting myself from him or escaping from the fierce and extraordinary process that living with him and in him day after day set racing through my entire being.
It was during this time that I understood viscerally why Kabir is so central not only to my own maturation but to the rigorous maturation of our entire spiritual movement.
It was in this time that I finally allowed myself to face that the world was in a global dark night and this dark night had only two possible outcomes, extinction or transfiguration—the annihilation of humanity through its obscene addictions, or the transfiguration of humanity into a new kind of species through its dying into a surrendered life of adoration and service.
As I lived with and in Kabir, and as these recognitions became more integral to everything I was working on and speaking about, the modernity of Kabir’s transmissions became lightning clear to me.
I realized that in Kabir, we have four indispensable realities, a field of the most galvanizing imaginable initiatory power.
The first reality is the need to go beyond all religions and patriarchal mysticisms into claiming with great courage our direct connection with the one beyond all names and forms and concepts, only claiming that direct connection can possibly transform us urgently enough now. And the bankruptcy of clinging to any of the traditions and systems and all their limitations will only hold us back in a time when we have no time.
The second reality is the necessity of facing unshrinkingly the horrific shadows in humanity that are obviously erupting everywhere and the equally horrific shadows in ourselves that perpetuate what is now clearly a suicidal and matricidal headlong rush to annihilation of ourselves and of a great deal of nature. Any spirituality that shrinks from this in any way will delude us and dilute the urgency of our turning in absolute surrender to the grace and the light.
The third reality Kabir lays bare to us is the necessity to learn how in each moment to die into a vaster and vaster truth. It is obvious to anyone with true insight that even what we have imagined to be illumined consciousness is now absurdly insufficient in the face of what looks like terminal disaster. What we need is to be divinized and to have access through grace to the most complete powerful, luminous divine consciousness imaginable, and this is only possible if we learn the real lesson of the dark night, and allow the dark night to crucify us and burn away every illusion and fantasy about our human nature and the nature of God that we have clung to in order to console ourselves.
The fourth reality that Kabir makes exultantly clear reveals the whole purpose of this global dark night we are in. And we must listen to him. He knew that if we could die into love and truth, then love and truth would possess us entirely—heart, mind, soul and body—and birth in us the next human species, one that could collaborate and cocreate with the divine a wholly new way of being and doing everything.
This I am convinced is the secret meaning of the apocalyptic situation we are in, that it is potentially the birth canal of a new embodied divine humanity. Kabir is the one who has been through this birth canal, who is standing reborn and engoldened in his full human divine glory, and he is challenging us to follow him into what he has discovered is our own most magnificent, ennobling and miraculous truth.
You can see now why I love him so much and why I need him as my deepest friend. All of the work I have done on him is to be able to present him to you as the friend you now need. To tell you the truth about what’s happening, to tell you the truth about what you will need to face, to tell you the truth about what you will need to undergo and to sing out the glorious truth of what you are destined to become if you love, surrender, hope, pray, long and burn enough.
Each day you will receive a different message from this enlightened hot mind. Every day the one who is eternally alive will throw a ray of his light into the depths of your life. Every day a different facet of the comprehensive revelation I have described will flash its brilliance into your soul. Every day you can, if you want to, take this supreme friend’s advice into the core of your mind and ponder it and allow it to brace and ennoble you for the real struggle and the real reward.
What I hope this year with Kabir will offer you is what my years with Kabir have given me—a far more stringent vision of reality and a far more humble and glorious vision of myself and a passion to serve all life as the illusions of the death machine threaten the whole of the human adventure.
Guru Nanak, who founded the Sikh religion and incorporated 300 of Kabir’s greatest poems into the heart of the Sikh’s scriptures, called Kabir, “the perfect mystic”. If you truly want to be a perfect mystic, and a perfect sacred activist and truly rise to the challenge of our times, I would advise you to go into training with the one whose ferocity, courage and clarity establishes him as our supreme guide to the next stage of evolution.
Begin Your Year With Kabir
Unsubscribe | Sent by Institute for Sacred Activism
5 Surrey Brook Plz, P.O. Box 1522 • Sauk Village, IL • 60412
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Bodiharma Speaks––poem by Dorothy
Bodidharma Speaks on his reincarnation as a lesser being
Bodhidharma was a world teacher who is credited with bringing Buddhism from India to China,where he introduced the art of meditation. During my initial awakening initiation (internal) I was given his as my "new name," though at the time I did not know what these syllables meant.
Frankly, I am tired
of traveling to strange countries,
telling them
what it is they should know,
how speak, what learn.
I brought with me
sacred knowledge,
some say even taught
peculiar techniques.
It was a challenging
but it succeeded,
albeit in forms
I had not foreseen.
I became renowned,
honored in ceremony,
written about in books.
Now I wish to be small.
Hidden in a remote frontier area,
parents kind
but unawakened,
myself choosing
books for companions,
no awareness
of what I had been before.
I sought Western wisdom,
not Eastern lore,
passionate relations,
heartbreak, the whole,
a human of my time.
At the end I was infused
with the subtle body
I brought in.
Awakening was swift,
rapture my reward.
Ecstasy was my guide,
my way of reclaiming
who I was.
It wrought transfiguration,
every cell and tendon within.
Again I was called
to be the pilgrim,
the pioneer pointing the way.
Once more I was the lonely missionary.
Again, I spoke my truth,
helped other eyes to open,
found ways to change the world.
Dorothy Walters
June 25, 2020
Bodhidharma was a world teacher who is credited with bringing Buddhism from India to China,where he introduced the art of meditation. During my initial awakening initiation (internal) I was given his as my "new name," though at the time I did not know what these syllables meant.
Frankly, I am tired
of traveling to strange countries,
telling them
what it is they should know,
how speak, what learn.
I brought with me
sacred knowledge,
some say even taught
peculiar techniques.
It was a challenging
but it succeeded,
albeit in forms
I had not foreseen.
I became renowned,
honored in ceremony,
written about in books.
Now I wish to be small.
Hidden in a remote frontier area,
parents kind
but unawakened,
myself choosing
books for companions,
no awareness
of what I had been before.
I sought Western wisdom,
not Eastern lore,
passionate relations,
heartbreak, the whole,
a human of my time.
At the end I was infused
with the subtle body
I brought in.
Awakening was swift,
rapture my reward.
Ecstasy was my guide,
my way of reclaiming
who I was.
It wrought transfiguration,
every cell and tendon within.
Again I was called
to be the pilgrim,
the pioneer pointing the way.
Once more I was the lonely missionary.
Again, I spoke my truth,
helped other eyes to open,
found ways to change the world.
Dorothy Walters
June 25, 2020
Friday, July 10, 2020
They want something tangible.
Something they can see,
touch, bow down to.
They do not hear
the music in the rain,
the secret messages
carried in the wind.
They craft images
in clay.
make figures
our of wood,
disdain the invisible.
They have hierarchies,
build structures to contain,
create rituals and rules,
make judgements
and pronouncements.
When the spine opens,
all other concerns
the self is one
with truth,
becomes a living particle
of holy writ,
composed in rapture,
divine infusion,
Dorothy Walters
July 10, 2020
Tuesday, July 07, 2020
God's Music––poem by Dorothy
God's Music
The tell me
my poems touch their heart,
speak to them
in the same register
as the great ones,
Rumi, Mary Oliver.
But I am merely
the vessel,
the conduit,
the receiver
of the songs
that God keeps
in my ear.
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
The tell me
my poems touch their heart,
speak to them
in the same register
as the great ones,
Rumi, Mary Oliver.
But I am merely
the vessel,
the conduit,
the receiver
of the songs
that God keeps
in my ear.
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
Monday, July 06, 2020
Our Faces Imprinted––poem by Dorothy
Our Faces Imprinted
Why does your face look like me?
Or should I ask, why does my face
look like you?
We are not two
but a oneness,
never parted,
ever a single being
no matter how many,
in vastness and love,
our faces imprinted
on every leaf and stone,
each passing cloud.
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
Why does your face look like me?
Or should I ask, why does my face
look like you?
We are not two
but a oneness,
never parted,
ever a single being
no matter how many,
in vastness and love,
our faces imprinted
on every leaf and stone,
each passing cloud.
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
Sunday, July 05, 2020
This "God"––poem by Dorothy
This "God"
Who is this "God"
that everyone
keeps talking about?
Is he the one
playing the invisible cello
in the corner?
The source of the perfume
that filled my house
the other night?
The bard who composes
the poems
that I write down?
I do not know
his real name
or face,
but he seems to be
at work everywhere.
What if he lives inside
whoever I am?
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
Who is this "God"
that everyone
keeps talking about?
Is he the one
playing the invisible cello
in the corner?
The source of the perfume
that filled my house
the other night?
The bard who composes
the poems
that I write down?
I do not know
his real name
or face,
but he seems to be
at work everywhere.
What if he lives inside
whoever I am?
Dorothy Walters
July 4, 2020
Saturday, July 04, 2020
:Psalm 122––Stephen Mitchell
Psalm 122
I rejoiced when I heard them announce,
“The time of warfare is past.
No more will brother hate brother
or violence have its way.
No more will they drown out God’s silence
and shut their hearts to his song.”
Pray for peace in the cities
and harmony among the races.
May peace come to live on our streets
and justice within our walls.
With all my heart I will pray
that peace comes to live among us.
For the sake of all earth’s people,
I will do my utmost for peace.
(The Psalms, trans. by Stephen Mitchell)
Friday, July 03, 2020
from Swamiji
from Swamiji
Dear Ones,
Each year as we celebrate the much cherished and memorable Independence Day, let us remind ourselves the more deeper independence that is needed in our personal, family, social and national life. Let us on every such occasion strengthen our resolve.
Happy Independence Day
(4th July)
Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen British American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and no longer part of the British Empire.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States
We celebrate the Day as a day of political freedom. However, let us use the word freedom in a wider spiritual sense and let us whole heartedly strive to be:
Free from all forms of fear.
Free from all racism and hatred of the other.
Free from every form of dogmatic religious belief system.
Free from the need to compare myself with others and trying to be like someone else.
Free from the need to be needed.
Free from the need to be validated by others.
Free to be myself as I am.
Free not to say yes when I desire to say no.
Let us elect congress members who are free from the clutches and stranglehold of the corporate and billionaire class.
Free politics from the power of money.
Free the common man from tolerating the hawkish, war mongering activities of the Military Industrial complex.
Free from anything that tends to separate us, divide us and tends to make us weak and unhappy.
On this auspicious day let us assert and strongly resolve
I will shine forth in joy, peace, love and wisdom.
I will shine forth in sharing, caring and offering.
I will shine forth in honesty, truthfulness and loyalty to my principles.
I will shine forth in humility and obedience to what my inner feelings tell me.
I will shine forth in loving service and surrendering to the God in me.
I will shine forth in courage, bravery and fighting injustice wherever I perceive it.
I will shine forth in stopping those who are cheating and deceiving people for their selfish ends.
I will shine forth in non-revenge, non-hatred and non-rejection.
Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
Much love and a million blessings,
Yogacharya Dharmananda (Swamiji)
Link here, to Follow events & postings on Facebook
Cell: 720-645-6250
Website: http://www.swamidharmananda.com .
India Address:
Spiritual Teacher, Counselor, and Trustee
Vishwaguru Ved Niketan Yoga Trust
Ved Niketan Dham,
P.O. Swargashram - 249304
Dist. Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, via Rishikesh, India
Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moment, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.
Dear Ones,
Each year as we celebrate the much cherished and memorable Independence Day, let us remind ourselves the more deeper independence that is needed in our personal, family, social and national life. Let us on every such occasion strengthen our resolve.
Happy Independence Day
(4th July)
Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen British American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and no longer part of the British Empire.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States
We celebrate the Day as a day of political freedom. However, let us use the word freedom in a wider spiritual sense and let us whole heartedly strive to be:
Free from all forms of fear.
Free from all racism and hatred of the other.
Free from every form of dogmatic religious belief system.
Free from the need to compare myself with others and trying to be like someone else.
Free from the need to be needed.
Free from the need to be validated by others.
Free to be myself as I am.
Free not to say yes when I desire to say no.
Let us elect congress members who are free from the clutches and stranglehold of the corporate and billionaire class.
Free politics from the power of money.
Free the common man from tolerating the hawkish, war mongering activities of the Military Industrial complex.
Free from anything that tends to separate us, divide us and tends to make us weak and unhappy.
On this auspicious day let us assert and strongly resolve
I will shine forth in joy, peace, love and wisdom.
I will shine forth in sharing, caring and offering.
I will shine forth in honesty, truthfulness and loyalty to my principles.
I will shine forth in humility and obedience to what my inner feelings tell me.
I will shine forth in loving service and surrendering to the God in me.
I will shine forth in courage, bravery and fighting injustice wherever I perceive it.
I will shine forth in stopping those who are cheating and deceiving people for their selfish ends.
I will shine forth in non-revenge, non-hatred and non-rejection.
Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
Much love and a million blessings,
Yogacharya Dharmananda (Swamiji)
Link here, to Follow events & postings on Facebook
Cell: 720-645-6250
Website: http://www.swamidharmananda.com .
India Address:
Spiritual Teacher, Counselor, and Trustee
Vishwaguru Ved Niketan Yoga Trust
Ved Niketan Dham,
P.O. Swargashram - 249304
Dist. Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, via Rishikesh, India
Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moment, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.