Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Jeannie Zandi--"Streaming Beggars"
Streaming Beggars
Jeannie Zandi
Now that you have moved
into my heart, taken
the doors off their hinges and
removed the windows,
glass, sash and
beggars are coming from
everywhere for
your sweet embrace.
The beggars stream in from
every direction–walking, running, crawling,
rolling and being carried. The neighbors
have stopped
screaming about it. At first they had
plenty to say but after
weeks and weeks of this they
know there is no
helping it. This is beyond
city ordinances.
Soon they will be coming
themselves, dropping
rakes, dog leashes, clothespins,
leaving cars running
in the street, for a glimpse
of your holy face.
What am I to do but
watch in awe at the blessed
variety of your creation, the myriad wounds,
the incredible stories, the way they gather
around the door quivering
with the certain knowledge that finally
no one
will be turned away.
And stay in the house
making meals, and carrying
sheets up and down the stairs.
Jeannie Zandi
# posted by Dorothy : 4/30/2019 04:16:00 PM
Monday, April 29, 2019
Edge Magazine––Christine Day––from the Pleiadians
from Edge Magazine
Sunday, April 28, 2019
A Pleiadian Message: Awakening of the Dove (Edge Magazine)
By Christine Day - April 1, 2019
(I ran across this article by "accident" recently and found it of interest. I do not necessarily endorse all of her ideas, but they do provide matter for serious thought. I think that declarations of this kind are now coming forth from many quarters as we move deeper into the transition into a new species. When I experienced original awakening in l981, this was the essence of the information that was given to me at that time.)
Beloved ones, we greet you. Since New Year there has been a pure form birthed on the planet. A completely new framework was created and activated, and this form has enfolded Earth with its essence, and interwoven itself within the multidimensional layers of the planet.
This framework has been forged at this juncture to support you in being able to transform and accelerate your awakening by shifting your awareness to stabilize you within an alignment to your multidimensional sacred aspect Higher Self.
The design of this process is to enable you to begin to live from a different perspective of understanding and clarity within your day-to-day lives and to see, sense, witness and or have a “knowingness” of Truth that has always existed beyond the illusion of the 3rd dimensional drama. Each one of you has the potential to fully engage with your unique God light aspect now and consciously utilize this higher aspect of Self. These openings originated from the Corridor of Light anchoring on Earth.
Conscious path
Those of you on a conscious path, who are actively engaging within your heart, are able to propel yourselves forward to merge with a higher level of your awakened state within your unique God light. This process is an aspect of the New Dawning Prophecy that was set in place for your planet and humanity for this time. You have come here to have this direct experience of living on Earth in a conscious state of awakening.
The purity of the collective God consciousness essence is currently utilizing the Corridor of Light to build a further expansive form of this framework. This is to support you individually in your quest to fully experience the multidimensional aspect of you. This pure consciousness framework is being extended into the magnetic core of your planet, flowing outwards to the multidimensional energetic atmosphere, surrounding Earth. We liken this flow to an energetic womb that is supporting you in a transmutation process of birth within your physical cells. Simultaneously there is a rapid, electrical shift throughout your energetic body. You are being held within this space while you move through this powerful transitional birth.
The quality of this energy transmitted from the framework is about to enter another phase. By the middle of April these transmissions will contain a higher resonance frequency of God light. These vibrations will be transmitted directly into the magnetic core of the planet, shifting the magnetic rotation. This energetic light will continue to steadily build, creating a series of crescendo light waves. This will create a continuous movement of light, designed to shift you deeper within the sacred aspect of your God light, expanding you further and further into a higher state of consciousness. This flow is designed to act as an energetic network moving across the planet. It brings communion to those of you who are actively engaging within your hearts, bringing you access into a series of multidimensional doorways to a higher perspective of Truth and love.
Awakening of the Dove
This process is a first step, a preparation, of the next process to launch you into what we call the full “Awakening of the Dove” energy. The Dove energy is set to fully activate on our planet on April 27. This is part of the completion prophecy within the Mayan calendar. There is a call being put out to all of you to open and receive these new frequencies of light that are pulsing from this expanded framework in readiness for this full shift of consciousness.
These energies, called “frequencies of love,” have been released at this time on your planet to prepare you for being in direct alignment with the Awakening of the Dove energy. This energy of the Dove is the return of a higher essence of love consciousness for your planet. This is what we refer to as an “unconditional love”state. This energy has been designed specifically for those of you who are on a conscious path of awakening, because you are ready to realign to this higher form of love.
This higher frequency of love is for you to receive and engage with now, and it is to be re-accessed through your multidimensional heart. This is you being returned to a natural aspect of the Higher Self. An aspect of your mission is for you to access and begin to transmit this love outwards from your heart to humanity. As a race, you need this frequency of pure love within your environment of Earth. Simply, this is the right timing for this essence to be an active gift within your lives.
Power of love
Know that this love frequency can shift the balance within the planet. The essence of the love can be sourced through the hearts of people, whether they are aware of it or not. The power of love can transform and heal. Love is the one true healer that always reigns supreme in every moment. No one thing is greater than love.
There is much for you to celebrate at this juncture. This celebration is about you and your unique sacred place that you have upon Earth. Those of you who are actively engaged with the frequency of Truth in your lives will begin to witness a profound shift of light birth within this multidimensional framework on Earth. This frequency will reveal and anchor you further within your place.
As an individual, you are supporting these preparations to become manifest. Each one of you holds the platform of this framework within your heart’s multidimensional unique signature frequency. An essential aspect of your unique signature frequency of God light essence is love. The process of your love has always been an active ingredient within you, whether you are aware of this or not. The “wheel is turning” to re-activate this force of unconditional love within your heart. You have always been an aspect of the multidimensional wheel that turns within the Universe, and now your spoke within the wheel is going to become lit!
Your vast potential
Take this time to bring your awareness through your heart and then open your consciousness outwards. Let go as you breathe into a higher, more open space of your heart. This opening is there, waiting, like a doorway, and it awaits your conscious reconnection to this realm of your light. Be within your heart and let go. By letting go with the conscious breath, you reach outwards and inwards in the same moment. You can move towards the sacred elements of home that exist within your heart.
This is the time to utilize your vast multidimensional potential, which has always coexisted with your human self. Your heart is naturally linked into the framework — you only need to consciously choose to align within your heart and then consciously open your awareness within the framework. The energies have been set in place for you to expand an energetic connection within the vastness of the collective God consciousness that makes up elements of this framework.
We will witness you as you choose to take this next step. We always continue to play our role, for this is our mission: to anchor stability within the sacred space that exists for you to realign. This space is limitless, held by the power of God, within the full collective communion of light, that has always existed throughout this entire resident Universe.
Monumental change
This step brings monumental change within you. This is self-empowerment, because you set in motion the fulfillment of your own self-realization process for this lifetime. That is for you to continue to have the human experience and simultaneously to consciously awaken to your Higher Self.
Part of your own self-fulfilling prophecy is to change the way you relate to your human part so that your relationship can deepen within yourself. The aim is to be able to hold yourself with love, patience and compassion within your human imperfection. Shift from an action of self-judgment, which creates an internal separation, and move into a place of self-acceptance for all your seeming mistakes and idiosyncrasies. Self-acceptance is the full expression of self-love.
When you end separation, you end the internal suffering of the human ego. When you end the internal separation, the enlightenment process can accelerate.
Through realignment to Truth, by gaining the reconnection to your Higher Self love, you open up to and allow the possibility for self-acceptance of your imperfections that exist within your human aspect. You have the direct experience of being “perfectly imperfect” and you can celebrate yourself as a human being. This is the aspect of your mission within your human experience that you have come here to play out.
A Message from the Pleadians (Christine Day––Edge Magazine)
By "accident" I ran across this article this morning and found it quite interesting. I think we are getting a similar message from many sources these days: the transition is accelerating; we are now experiencing the birth pangs of a new consciousness; this metamorphosis is happening on many levels and in many ways; we are being guided by invisible forces as we more through this major transformation.
I do not endorse these ideas as presented by Christine Day, but I fully resonate with many of them.
Witness the illusion
The drama on your Earth plane is going to continue to accelerate on many levels. The important thing for you to begin to accomplish right now is to simply witness the illusion of fear that is perpetuated by the ego mind. During this process the essential piece you need to remember is that the illusion is strong and the Truth is even stronger.
You can only align to Truth by building a pathway to your heart. Each moment you spend within your heart is accumulative to your stabilization within the vastness of clarity and Truth. Be focused on your goal of a heart connection, step by step, one moment at a time, knowing that within each moment all will be revealed to you for the next moment. All the magic is within your heart in the moment. This is not a time of knowing anything or even understanding what is coming. The ego mind is obsessed in its need to understand and to know.
This is a time for revelations to be discovered within the very moment that you are actually experiencing something. Allow your awareness to adjust to this changing forum, of not trying to work out what is coming and just being with what is right in front of you. When you are present in the moment, everything can shift around you because you are aligned to the moment. You are aligned to the magic that exists in each moment.
When you try to figure out what is going to happen, or what you need to do to find a solution, you separate and disengage from being present in the moment. You move with the ego mind and move away from the magic within your heart.
Deeper towards truth
Keep breathing and letting go within your heart and allow your self to be guided by your heart. Move deeper and deeper within this vast space. The letting go with the breath aligns you deeper towards Truth.
Simply be the witness to the drama while you are connected to your heart. However, do not react to the illusion of the drama. Stay in your heart. Build your bridge into your heart. Develop this connection one moment at a time. Build your bridge to Truth.
Align to your God light within your heart, breathe and be. With each conscious breath, you claim your sacred heritage, and you forge the pathway to the vast sacred space, which contains the love of your being.
We give you the gift of a sacred sound frequency that will support you to build your heart connection within each moment — AENTAH AEN (pronounced AY EN TAH AY EN) — which will accelerate your connection to your heart. Use this sound only when you can are fully committed to the moment within your heart.
Remember to live one moment at a time. Give yourself moments of living within your heart to fortify your spirit and to remember and align to Truth. Blessings, The Pleiadians.
# posted by Dorothy : 4/29/2019 05:56:00 PM
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The Outsiders––Poem by Dorothy
The Outsiders
We tend to look
much like the others.
We walk with the same hesitation
or else perhaps vibrant step.
We go to the same
write on the same subjects,
sing in the same choirs.
But sometimes they know
that we are different,
as if we are aware of something
beyond what the others
They look on us
as odd, strange,
a bit eccentric.
They think we have unusual
follow strange beliefs,
bow to secret gods.
Not until we leave
and our papers explain
do they realize
that we were the other,
the ones from elsewhere
who mingled
unnoticed for so long.
Only then do they understand
the look in our eyes,
the distant gaze, the intent focus,
as if we were listening
to a song
they did not hear.
Dorothy Walters
April 26, 2019
# posted by Dorothy : 4/28/2019 07:07:00 PM
Saturday, April 27, 2019
My Portion––poem by Dorothy
My Portion
In truth
there was little hope
for someone like me.
I did not know how
to sound the mantras
with the correct vibration.
I could never form
the mudras
into the proper shape.
As for asanas,
my body was too awkward.
So stiff it would
never reach the correct
attain the prescribed posture.
I was an innocent
and had no knowledge
of what was required,
what the texts
insisted upon.
I never sought
nor did I comprehend
its meaning.
I did not even know
how to pronounce
the names of the gods.
Yet one day
the lotus rose
from the waters
and opened
in my head.
Ecstasy was my portion.
After that
my life
was never the same.
Dorothy Walters
April 25, 2019
# posted by Dorothy : 4/27/2019 07:21:00 PM
Friday, April 26, 2019
The Sounding Board––poem by Dorothy
The Sounding Board
Always I was searching for something,
but I did not know what it was.
Then it happened
and rapture
flooded my veins.
It was now too late
to be instructed
into protocols
and proprieties.
I had only
the teacher within,
guide who led me
breath by breath,
vibration by vibration,
until each pore
and corpuscle
became a vessel of bliss,
conveyor of ultimate feeling.
How could I pause
for instruction
on the correct manner of proceeding?
Until the texts told me
the right way to follow?
I was now
an instrument of the unknowable,
a sounding board
for God.
Dorothy Walters
April 25, 2010
# posted by Dorothy : 4/26/2019 09:43:00 PM
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Now is the Time––Kathleen Rose McTeigue
Now is the Time
Don’t let the jewels remain buried
at the bottom of the ocean
Dive deep
Hold your breath
Let another breath breathe you
Let the breath of the universe
propel you ever deeper
into the mystery of Being
Surrendering to the unknown
as it unfolds in your life
Moment by moment
Miracle by miracle
What jewels will you bring
to the surface to share with the world?
What gold did you find hidden
in the depths of the darkness?
Wear it as a crown,
a symbol of the wisdom
and power discovered
in the depths of your Being
Let the voice of love
find its expression
through your heart
broken or unbroken
No need to wait for perfection
to let your light shine
You’re already reflecting
the perfect light
Let the heart of compassion
flow as a river of mercy
into the wounds of humanity
Now is the time
Now is the time
Now is the time
- Kathleen Rose McTeigue
PoetryLovers mailing list
# posted by Dorothy : 4/25/2019 07:44:00 PM
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Mirabai Starr: Wild Mercy
Mirabai Starr is a national treasure. She has plumbed the depths of the mystical journey into radiance and ecstasy through her brilliant works on Saint Teresa, St. John and other such spiritual pilgrims of the past. This book takes us into yet another journey into the realm of the feminine mystic and shows us how we can uncover and nurture our own mystic within.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered this passage on p. 64:
"My friend Dorothy Walters is an example of spontaneous and and utterly transformative kundalini awakening. Dorothy was a college professor of English and women's studies in Kansas when, at the age of fifty-three and with no context for what was happening, her kundalini suddenly ascended, uprooting her life as she knew it and catapulting her onto a path of longing and ecstasy. The formerly political and academic woman became a raving mystic. Now, at ninety, Dorothy still pays attention to the suffering of the world and seeks to alleviate it, but she mostly spends her days writing poetry worthy of the great mystic poets of the past, such as Rumi and Mirabai. To read Dorothy's poems to the Beloved is not only to bear witness to her experience of divine union but to participate in the direct experience of Love."
From the Cover:
Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics by Mirabai Starr
Wild Mercy is essential reading for anyone ready to awaken the feminine mystic within and birth her loving, creative, and untamed power into the world.
“Mystical brilliance at its best.” —Caroline Myss
“No one can take us into the fiery and tender depths of the sacred feminine with more skill, humor, clarity, and vibrant naked honesty than Mirabai Starr.” —Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope and The Return of the Mother
We live in a world that has suffered the abuses of an unbalanced masculine rule for thousands of years—but the feminine is rising. “Seeds of feminine wisdom that have been quietly germinating underground are now breaking through the surface,” writes Mirabai Starr. “Women everywhere are rising to the collective call to step up and repair our broken Earth. And we are activating a paradigm shift such as the world has never seen.”
With Wild Mercy, Mirabai shares the subversive wisdom and fierce compassion of the feminine mystic across cultural boundaries and throughout history. From saints and sages, to goddesses and archetypal energies, to contemporary teachers and seekers—you’ll meet women who blazed a path that will illuminate your own.
Each chapter explores a different facet of feminine mysticism through a tapestry of teachings, reflections, and stories, along with a practice for integrating the chapter’s themes into your own life. As you journey through these pages, you’ll explore:
Taking refuge in contemplative practice with St. Teresa of Avila and the Shekinah
Longing, embodiment, and union as the heart of feminine spiritual practice with the Hindu poet Mirabai and Mary Magdalene
Your relationship with the Earth, motherhood in all its forms, and a loving call to action alongside Gaia and Ix Chel
Community and the web of life with Indra, the Beguines, and female prophets throughout history
Wild, playful, and compassionate mercy with Tara and Kuan Yin
Finding joy in creativity and the arts with Saraswati and Chiyo-ni
More inspiration from archetypal goddesses and amazing women past and present—Julian of Norwich, the Sufi saint Rabia, Pachamama, Sophia, Old Spider Woman, Hildegard of Bingen, Demeter, Kali, and more
Wild Mercy provides a much-needed alternative to the models of religion and spirituality that have dominated history. Here, Mirabai invites you to welcome the wisdom of women back into the collective field where it may transform the human family, heal the ravaged Earth, and awaken the divine love in our hearts.
# posted by Dorothy : 4/24/2019 08:01:00 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Channelings from the crew of the Challenger disaster
Channelings from the crew of the Challenger disaster
I just listened to a webinar claiming to present transcripts of the astronauts killed in the Challenger crash a few years ago. "On January 28, 1986, the NASA shuttle orbiter mission STS-51-L and the tenth flight of Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-99) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, ..." (from Wikipedia). All seven astronauts were killed in this disaster.
The presentation, coming from an IANDs group in California, was marred by constant background noise during the presentation. I found this quite distracting and wonder why, in such a high tech age,
this problem was allowed to continue for so long. In addition, some of the opening remarks were marred by dysfunctional audio transmission.
However, despite these technical problems, the webinar presented some interesting bits of information. The astronauts made clear that they did not all die immediately, as the early news report said, but rather drowned when the shuttle fell into the water. They also asserted that the problems with the o-rings (later confirmed as the cause of the crash) were reported by the engineers well ahead of the launch date, but the authorities in charge decided to go ahead anyway. The crew stated that the ship carried nuclear devices, as part of the Reagan star wars project, and thus was part of an effort to weaponize space. They implied that all the publicity and hype that preceded the launch was part of the government effort to cover up the military purpose of the mission.
For more information on this topic, see
The main message that these astronauts wished to convey to humans was that life does not end at "death" but continues forever.
# posted by Dorothy : 4/23/2019 10:16:00 PM
Monday, April 22, 2019
Children Recall Past Lives
Children Recall Past Lives
Carol Bowman - YouTube
Video for carol bowman youtube▶ 1:52:11
This morning I happened to run across this YouTube site and paused to listen. It is a fascinating account by Carol Bowman of children who apparently recall earlier lives when they are quite young. Carol's primary interest is in helping children to remember past traumas, that are now expressed as illness or troubling symptoms in their present bodies.
She became interested in this topic when her son had some bad eczema in his wrist. His past memories revealed that he had been a soldier in the Civil War who was wounded in his wrist. He recalled being taken to a field hospital consisting of poles and a tent and placed on a "bed" which was in fact a board. After the memory manifested his eczema disappeared.
The children who recovered such memories were very young, some only 2 or 3 years old. Sometimes they drew pictures of what they recalled. One striking anecdote was that of a child who said he had been a pilot in WW2. He remembered the type of aircraft he flew, the name of the carrier he took off from and other specific details. Because of his precise memory, his family was able to discovery his previous name and also that of one of his buddies while he was a pilot. When they contacted members of his previous family, they confirmed many details of his account.
Ian Stephenson was an early investigator of such children. He collected thousands of such narratives, mostly from the far East. Some children could navigate to their previous home villages, recognize the possessions of the previous self, name their prior family members, and so forth. It was suggested that more such experiences were found in Asia than in the U.S., since Asian countries tend to accept the phenomenon of reincarnation more readily than do western countries.
I think that such stories are fascinating and deserve to be attended to as we expand our consciousness into more and more esoteric realms. Such investigations are by no means the goal of our own life journeys, but they do suggest that the human experience is more complex than we suppose.
# posted by Dorothy : 4/22/2019 05:23:00 PM
Channeling from the Challenger Crew
DON"T MISS THIS AMAZING LIVESTREAMED EVENT THIS COMING TUESDAY ~ ~ (hosted by South Bay (San Francisco) IANDS chapter, located in Saratoga, CA) and zoom from www.iands.org -- Please see the links below.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jacqueline Arnold
Gerry Gin Ph.D., MBA
Board Chairman, Foundation for Mind-Being Research(FMBR), Palo Alto, CA
LIVE STREAMED by International Association for Near-Death Studies, (IANDS)
South Bay Chapter, Saratoga, CA -- Please see below for details -- -
"Challenger Crew" - - Hearing from them NOW -- through Channeled Transmissions....
On January 28, 1986, 17 million Americans witnessed the launch and explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle and within 1 hour of the explosion, 85% of Americans had heard about the disaster. All 7 astronauts, including Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher in space, had died in this national tragedy. NASA and the media reported that no one survived the explosion. However, Jeanne Love, in Adrian, Michigan, channeled a hysterical Christa McAuliffe and learned the real story. In subsequent days and months, all 7 astronauts told their stories to both Jeanne and Regina Ochoa, Jeanne’s close friend. The astronaut stories, as they experienced their “life” after death, were documented in recordings which were transcribed for the next 2 years.
The main message the astronauts wanted to communicate to the world was: “life continues after death and life is eternal”. The key question was how to accomplish this mission. Tom, Jeanne’s husband, a physicist, knew about the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR) and knew one of the physicists on the FMBR Board. Contact with FMBR was made. After 30 years, FMBR has finally honored the request of the Challenger astronauts to get their message out in a website (https://challengercc.org/ ) - there is no death and life is eternal.
Learn the stories of what happened at the time of their deaths, the energy which whisked them away from the explosion. Learn about their grieving and attempts to reach their living families to let them know they were okay. Learn how their stories evolved over 2 years and now over 30 years. Learn the connection between the Challenger disaster and the Strategic Defense Initiative (Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program) in place at that time. Learn about the Columbia Shuttle disaster in 2003 and how the crew of the Challenger helped bring the Columbia astronauts over the "astral moat" to the other side. NEW INFORMATION by Dr. Gin...
We hope to see you online! Zoom platform -- presented by IANDS
Register for event live streaming
Cost for attendance is $10.00 for IANDS members, $15.00 for non-IANDS members.
IANDS members can register for tickets by GOING HERE!
LINK: iands.Z2systems.com
May Love Surround YOU
Jacqueline Arnold
# posted by Dorothy : 4/22/2019 01:49:00 PM
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Abbey of the Arts––Dorothy Walters, Featured Poet
Abbey of the Arts
(Abbey of the Arts is a wonderful internet website and physical sanctuary located in Galway, Ireland: "Welcome to Abbey of the Arts, a virtual global online monastery offering pilgrimages, online classes and retreats, reflections, and resources which integrate contemplative spiritual practice and creative expression with monastic spirituality."
I am honored to be included in their recent series on poets.)
Featured Poet: Dorothy Walters
by Christine (Valters Paintner, Abbess)
We are launching a new series this spring with poets whose work we love and want to feature!
Our next poet is Dorothy Walters whose work is deeply inspired by sacred ecstasy and "the Beloved Within." You can hear Dorothy reading her poem "The Transition" below and read more about the connections she makes between poetry and the sacred.
"What you seek was seeking you."
How is it
that when I was
looking for You,
You were seeking me also?
Silently You watched and waited.
Sometimes gave me
a brief glimpse
or taste
of who You were,
like a shy deer in the forest
that vanishes when
you turn to look.
And so I roamed,
looking here and there,
gazing at the hieroglyphs on trees
or peering into the throats of flowers for secret revelations,
listening to the waves
pounding the shore for messages,
examining books and stars,
seeking essence.
Finally I gave up my searching,
surrendered my deep desire
to stillness.
And then You gave me a kiss
that lasted forever.
Themes of Her Work
My themes today are a continuation and refinement of those I have long dealt with: the sacred journey, the ecstatic moments, the infusion of divine energies within the self. Sometimes I write ecstasy poems, sometimes those that are more reflective. All proceed directly from source, the unseen mystery that infuses directs our lives. We sense rather than see this presence, and proceed in partnership with it to "bring the gift back home."
I believe we are now undergoing worldwide spiritual transformation, even in the midst of outer chaos, and that poetry has a major role to play in this evolutionary shift of the human into a new creation.
Who I Am
I am neither Moslem
nor Jew.
Buddha does not tie my feet.
I gave up being a Protestant long ago.
Too wild for the Taoists,
too tame for the Tantrics,
neither breathing
nor transfixed
nor saying magic words.
Yet for years I yearned,
followed formulas in ancient texts,
listened to the saints
and philosophers
seeking wisdom.
Finally I gave up searching,
stood very still
and fell
into who I am.
Poetry and the Sacred
For me, poetry itself is sacred practice, whether writing or reading the verses of another (such as Rumi, Hafiz, or Kabir.) These two phenomena are so intermingled that it is difficult to speak of them separately. I had a major Kundalini awakening in 1981 at the age of 53. I was thrown immediately into a state of intense ecstasy (somatic, visceral), an experience I had no word for at the time. This experience felt like what one person described as "God moving through your body." This process of connecting with divine energy has continued to this day, but in a much more subtle and gentle form. I think of this recurrent presence as "the Beloved Within."
My poetry and other writings stem from the ongoing unfolding of Kundalini within my subtle/physical body. I feel that my poems are transmitted rather than simply crafted (though I do have a lifelong commitment to language and its expression.)
My poems arrive swiftly, often spontaneously, when the inner voice speaks. I feel blessed to have been allowed to serve as the vessel for this higher source.
Kundalini, The Life Force
What you must know
is this:
it will not come
as a thought
or a concept
or an experiment
in a laboratory.
It will not be an extension
of all that has been proved
by wise men
in tomes and bound volumes
for centuries before.
It will happen
within what you call
your body.
You will not know
where your flesh ends
and a feeling comes that is
both outside and inside,
a realization arriving
as an experience,
a happening
you have no words to describe.
Of course, you can try.
You can speak of it
as rapture, as ecstasy,
as a flowing field of bliss.
But once it happens,
your will recognize it
as that which unites all
and of which you are an
indivisible part.
Drop to ocean,
cells to body,
the nameless you to
(Somehow the audio link to "The Transition" did not come through, so I am including the text here.)
The Transition
Even as the world around crumbles,
the gates of heaven
are opening.
Indeed angels
are flowing down
mingling among the crowds.
Their children are appearing
among us
with strange talents
we do not understand.
Something is carrying us
into another universe,
where colors deepen
and frequencies rise.
The old gods are wakening,
the times when the oracles spoke.
Some of us are hearing
unknown music of the sublime.
Others are seeing
images of holy ones, visions of the real.
No one can explain
what is happening.
We are now captives of rapture,
of seeing beyond the veils.
We must surrender to vastness,
to love.
We must become more
than we are.
About Dorothy
Dorothy Walters grew up loving the world of books and the language they contained. She took a PhD in English and American literature and spent her long professional life teaching university classes in both classical and contemporary literature in English. She helped to found one of the earlier women's studies programs in the U. S. and directed this program for many years. In 1981 she experienced spontaneous Kundalini awakening, an event that transformed her life. She now writes about and counsels others on the topic of Kundalini, which she views as the key factor animating current spiritual awakenings across the globe.
To see her on Youtube, go to:
Dorothy Walters and Andrew Harvey Discuss Kundalini
Dorothy Walters Andrew Harvey Interviews Dorothy Walters "Mystic Poet"
Dorothy Walters and Andrew Harvey Read "Some Kiss We Want"
Connect with Dorothy:
Facebook (Dorothy Walters)
Order Dorothy Walters' Books
The Kundalini Poems: Reflections of Radiance and Joy
Marrow of Flame: Poems of the Spiritual Journey
The Ley Lines of the Soul: Poems of Ecstasy and Ascension
Some Kiss We Want: New and Selected Poems
(using the Amazon links above help to support the Abbey scholarship fund at no additional cost to you)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/21/2019 05:30:00 PM
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Poetry as Meditation––Madisyn Taylor from Daily Om
Poetry as Meditation |
Sculpting your thoughts into a poem can take you on a journey where your conscious mind is momentarily cast adrift.
The creation of any kind of art can be as much a form of meditation as a vehicle for self-expression. Energetically splashing colors of paint onto a canvas can be like casting the weight of the world off your shoulders, while raising your voice to hit the high notes of a song can inspire you to release your fears so you can reach new heights in your own life. And then there is the act of meditation that can take place when you create poetry. Sculpting your thoughts and emotions into a poem can take you on a journey into your inner universe where your conscious mind is momentarily cast adrift.
Like other forms of meditation, writing poetry requires that you stay fully present during the process, rather than focusing on any outcome. In doing so, you release any inhibitions or ideas of "what needs to happen," so that your thoughts can flow freely through you. When you write poetry, you are able to see the reflections of your innermost self imprinted on a page.
If you'd like to experience poetry as a meditation practice, you might want to try this exercise: Set aside twenty minutes where you can be alone in a quiet space. You may want to look at poems other people have written to see if there is a style of poetry you would like to try. You can also try writing in freeform. The structure of the poem will then organically reveal itself to you. When you are ready, sit down with pen and paper and let the words flow. Don't think about what you are going to say next, and don't worry about spelling, grammar, or logic. Instead, be as descriptive, visually precise, rhythmic, or lyrical as you want to be. When you feel complete, put the pen down, and read over what you've written. Appreciate this work of art you have created. You may even find that thoughts and emotions you had repressed before are now making themselves known so you can process and release them. Writing poetry as a form of meditation lets you slow down your mind long enough for you to get out of your own way, so that your soul can freely express its deepest yearnings.
The Kundalini Poems: Reflections of Radiance and Joy
Some Kiss We Want: Poems Selected and New
Unmasking the Rose: A Record of a Kundalini Initiation
# posted by Dorothy : 4/18/2019 07:01:00 PM
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Channeling from the crew of the Challenger
Channeling from the Crew of the Challenger
(When I first saw this title, I was quite skeptical, and felt that "this was going too far." After I read the description below, I was not so sure. I plan to listen out of curiosity and perhaps to learn something I had not known before.)
Gerry Gin Ph.D., MBA
Board Chairman, Foundation for Mind-Being Research(FMBR), Palo Alto, CA
LIVE STREAMED by International Association for Near-Death Studies, (IANDS)
South Bay Chapter, Saratoga, CA -- Please see below for details -- -
The Lecture -- LIVE STREAMED
from Saratoga, California ~ ~
Challenger Crew - - Hearing from them NOW -- through Channeled
On January 28, 1986, 17 million Americans witnessed the launch and explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle and within 1 hour of the explosion, 85% of Americans had heard about the disaster. All 7 astronauts, including Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher in space, had died in this national tragedy. NASA and the media reported that no one survived the explosion. However, Jeanne Love, in Adrian, Michigan, channeled a hysterical Christa McAuliffe and learned the real story. In subsequent days and months, all 7 astronauts told their stories to both Jeanne and Regina Ochoa, Jeanne’s close friend. The astronaut stories, as they experienced their “life” after death, were documented in recordings which were transcribed for the next 2 years.
The main message the astronauts wanted to communicate to the world was: “life continues after death and life is eternal”. The key question was how to accomplish this mission. Tom, Jeanne’s husband, a physicist, knew about the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR) and knew one of the physicists on the FMBR Board. Contact with FMBR was made. After 30 years, FMBR has finally honored the request of the Challenger astronauts to get their message out in a website (https://challengercc.org/ ) - there is no death and life is eternal.
Learn the stories of what happened at the time of their deaths, the energy which whisked them away from the explosion. Learn about their grieving and attempts to reach their living families to let them know they were okay. Learn how their stories evolved over 2 years and now over 30 years. Learn the connection between the Challenger disaster and the Strategic Defense Initiative (Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program) in place at that time. Learn about the Columbia Shuttle disaster in 2003 and how the crew of the Challenger helped bring the Columbia astronauts over the "astral moat" to the other side.
For more information about the meeting and the Saratoga, Calif.IANDS group, check out: www.sbiands.org
For our Facebook page, click www.facebook.com/sbiands
We hope to see you online! Zoom platform -- presented by IANDS
Register for event live streaming
Cost for attendance is 10.00 for IANDS members, 15.00 for non-IANDS members.
IANDS members can register for tickets by GOING HERE!
Join IANDS and SAVE 5.00 on attendance! JOIN IANDS AND REGISTER HERE!
# posted by Dorothy : 4/17/2019 12:31:00 PM
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Yo-Yo Ma on Global Unity
Yo-Yo Ma on Global Unity
Cellist Yo-Yo Ma recently performed unaccompanied Bach at the US-Mexico border, in an all-Bach project that will take him to 36 locations worldwide. He intends for his efforts to make a statement about global unity. "I've lived my life at the borders. Between cultures. Between disciplines. Between musics. Between generations… We live in a world of boundless possibility, but we also face daunting challenges, even to our very survival... I believe that during times of stress, confusion, and insecurity, we should share sources that offer comfort, purpose, and meaning. Bach does that. When his music touches us, it reconnects us to our common humanity."
above from Zachary Carretin of the Boulder Bach Festival
(from Dorothy) When the great spire of Notre Dame fell and the world waited to see if the entire structure would collapse, people gathered to watch and mourn. And then they sang, reminding us that music still operates as an emblem of civilization itself and that the human spirit survives even in the face of catastrophe.)
To see and hear Yo-Yo Ma play and speak at the U. S. border, google his name and listen as he plays and says : "Culture builds bridges, not walls."
# posted by Dorothy : 4/16/2019 10:45:00 AM
Monday, April 15, 2019
The Secret Ecstatic––poem by Dorothy
The Secret Ecstatic
I moved forward
without teacher or text.
I knew nothing of the rules and regulations
laid out in tomes and manuals,
had no one to guide me
from past or recent times.
What I followed
was bliss
coursing through my body.
This lover arrived
touched every place
in my body,
opened every pore
in sensuous joy.
Even when my head opened
I had no name for it.
When I turned
this way or that
the bliss became supreme.
Finally I lay on the floor,
arms outstretched,
and said, 'Here I am God,
take me,
I am yours."
This one then became
my constant Lover,
and did not rest,
left nothing unawakened.
No one ever explained to me,
how this happened
or why.
I followed the path of ecstasy
for the rest of my life,
and wrote no books of analysis,
no tangled explanations.
I was content
to live in the mystery.
I hid from the scholars,
kept my rapture secret
from those who claimed they knew.
What could they offer
but derision and scorn?
How could they deal
with what was not written about,
thus obviously untrue?
Dorothy Walters
April 14, 2019
(painting by Jan Elvee)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/15/2019 02:55:00 PM
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Sacred Energy––poem by Dorothy
The Life Force: Kundalini
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it."
Albert Einstein
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Nicola Tesla
"Energy is eternal delight."
William Blake
What I am telling you
is what you already know
but have forgotten.
Did you know
that you are made
of frozen light
and sound?
That your body
is a not a sepulcher
of loss
but a temple of desire,
a Taj Mahal of meaning,
an architecture
of communion?
That you came forth
from the womb of the Mother,
the place of original energy,
the ultimate Source of all?
Even now you vibrate
in holy frequencies,
pulsate in sensuous
rhythms of joy.
Forget about the world
and its invalid claims on you.
Become the sacred vessel,
the quivering instrument
of love.
Dorothy Walters
April 14, 2019
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies
tuned into the music of the cosmos, we are souls dressed up
in sacred biochemical garments, and our bodies are the instruments
through which our souls play their music.”
- Albert Einstein
(image from internet)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/14/2019 06:37:00 PM
Saturday, April 13, 2019
I Was There––poem by Dorothy
I was there
I was there.
I wore the thread,
carried the mark
on my forehead,
spread my deerskin
in the forest,
performed the ritual dance
where each small gesture
was a secret code.
I fasted the long holy days,
bathed in the sacred river,
chanted the hymns of devotion,
mated with the Other in ecstatic bliss.
Oh, Shiva,
I look and cannot find you.
My life is a river gone dry.
I cry out and hear
only an echo.
All I have left
is this small sculpture
and holy longing,
a wave of feeling now and again.
Dorothy Walters
March 27, 2019
(image from internet)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/13/2019 02:18:00 PM
Friday, April 12, 2019
Swirling Particles––poem by Dorothy
Swirling Particles
Now I have reached the age
where everything around
speaks to me.
I see with Einstein's eye,
hear notes crashing
in Mozart's ears,
leap onstage with Nureyev,
no riser required.
What does it mean
that the rose blossoms
in my head,
leaves burst open
along my own spine,
my curls the vines tangled
on the arbor overhead.
Nothing of me remains,
only this seeing, hearing
instrument of the divine.
Only these tones,
these frequencies
of frozen light,
these vibrations
of unsung matter.
I have no argument
with this arrangement.
I am glad to be God's emissary,
her messenger of creation,
her faithful reporter
of news of the universe,
the one she has created
and given us to become,
swirling particles
in the infinite dance.
Dorothy Walters
April 12, 2019
(image from internet)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/12/2019 10:26:00 PM
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Gregg Braden and DNA
Gregg Braden and DNA
Here is a fascinating presentation by Gregg Braden, who claims there is a "message" encoded in our DNA, implanted by whomever or whatever created us. This is not just another "face of Jesus imprinted on an enchilada." Gregg is a brilliant maverick thinker who challenges and inspires by his unique assertions. Whether you agree or disagree, his ideas provide stimulating food for thought.
Oddly, Ivan Granger posted this quote from Goethe today, which expresses the same idea, though from an intuitive rather than a scientific perspective.
The eye must be something like the sun,
Otherwise no sunlight could be seen;
God's own power must be inside us,
How else could Godly things delight us?
# posted by Dorothy : 4/11/2019 03:01:00 PM
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The Prisoner––poem by Dorothy
The Prisoner
It was dark in the cave.
And silence carved
from darkness.
We were bound there,
tied so that we could
not see
either right nor left,
but only straight ahead,
where the images moved
before us on the wall,
black silhouettes
of people, implements,
We watched in fascination,
for these were our reality,
our accepted truths.
Then I escaped
and entered
another world,
a place where light dazzled
and colors blazed
and palpable humans
walked to and fro,
casting shadows as they went.
I saw that we below
were victims of deceit,
mistaking such shadows
for the real,
falsehood for truth.
I returned below
to share my happy
news with my still imprisoned
fellows, eager to set them free at last.
But they would have none,
denounced me as a liar,
a charlatan bearing false goods.
And sent me away.
Now I live in this other realm,
bathed in light and air.
But sometimes I wonder
if this too is a cave of sorts,
if there are yet other places
with other truths,
other realities waiting
to be found,
perhaps an endless procession
of spheres within spheres,
each more radiant,
more filled with beauty and love
than the last.
Dorothy Walters
April 10, 2019
(photo by Jack Michaud)
(Note: Plato wrote a famous allegory in which he described those who sit in a cave and are deluded
by shadows moving on the opposing wall, which the onlookers mistake for real beings. Actually these are the false images cast by humans as they come and go in front of the fires outside. This myth thus depicts the illusions that the many fall prey to, mistaking spurious images and mundane goals for
the priceless treasures of the mind.
This poem suggests that even such realizations are insufficient. Plato, dedicated to the pursuit of rational discovery, omits the aspects of feeling, of subjective bliss, of spiritual union with source.
Thus his is a patriarchal (mental) rather than a matriarchal (felt) approach. And who knows, there may be worlds beyond worlds awaiting discovery even by our most evolved souls.)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/10/2019 05:22:00 PM
Tuesday, April 09, 2019
Fred LaMotte––"The jewel at the center of the lotus"
Fred LaMotte––The Jewel at the center of the lotus
'The jewel at the center of the lotus,' the 'inward light,' the 'fire of Christ in the heart': these are not mythic symbols but transcendental sensations in the human body.
For too long philosophers and theologians have intellectualized these fiery, organic, bio-spiritual encounters with God in the flesh. When did our culture forget that the body is a garland of portals to the higher worlds that are all within this one?
We are, in fact, born to breathe the divine, to taste the sacred, to imbibe the nectar of Love through the heart. And I mean this blood-drenched muscle in our chest, which is so much more than a pump. The cardiac plexus embroidering the physical organ is as 'spiritual' as any metaphysical 'heart' invented by intellectuals.
Let us feel the heart. Quite literally, let awareness sink into this dark flower pulsing at the center of our physical form. The heart is like one of those painted Russian Easter eggs, containing eggs within eggs. Here are layers of unawakened energy, depths of fear, mountains of sorrow to unpack from the blackness of our shadow. But if we keep falling into the heart's night, we finally discover that each particle of pain is actually made out of concentrated love, and at high resolution, the grains of our darkness are brilliant jewels.
At the very core of your heart, entombed in the shadow, is the ineffable diamond of Christ, who is pure Beauty. You are Mary, waiting at dawn. The stone has already been rolled aside. Meet the Beloved in the garden of your body.
Though its substance is formless and uncreated, yet in the radiance of this diamond is essential intimacy, luminous Friendship, more solid than matter. It is, in truth, what matter is made of - yes, every mote of dust and star.
Why do we not perceive the scintillating gem of our essence immediately, every moment? Perhaps we do at our death, and perhaps again when we are newborn infants. But the brilliance is soon 'educated' out of us. The human condition is this: the diamond that is nearer than our own eye gets buried in the dust of inattention, the mud of distraction, the mire of doubt. And that is why we must return again and again to polish it.
Use your breath to polish the diamond in your heart, and bathe it in reverberations of the mantra, until your inward light outshines the world, blessing all creatures. By the grace of the Christ who dwells even now in your heart, Be the healing, Be the Parousia, Be the one who is to come.
None of this is your doing. 'Doing' burns away into active Being, dynamic and grace-full. Your work is to radiate Life from the core of all worlds, which is your beating heart. All else unfolds.
I think this is an Easter message.
# posted by Dorothy : 4/09/2019 01:43:00 PM
Monday, April 08, 2019
Sri Aurobindo––God the Lover
Sri Aurobindo
God the Guru, God the Master, God the Friend, God the Mother, God the Child, God the Self, each of these experiences — for to us they are more than merely ideas, — it has carried to its extreme possibilities. But none of them has it pursued, embraced, sung with a more exultant passion of intimate realisation than the yearning for God the Lover, God the Beloved. It would seem as if this passionate human symbol were the natural culminating-point for the mounting flame of the soul’s devotion: for it is found wherever that devotion has entered into the most secret shrine of the inner temple.
We meet it in Islamic poetry; certain experiences of the Christian mystics repeat the forms and images with which we are familiar in the East, but usually with a certain timorousness foreign to the Eastern temperament. For the devotee who has once had this intense experience it is that which admits to the most profound and hidden mystery of the universe; for him the heart has the key of the last secret.
The work of a great Bengali poet has recently reintroduced this idea to the European mind, which has so much lost the memory of its old religious traditions as to welcome and wonder at it as a novel form of mystic self-expression. On the contrary it is ancient enough, like all things natural and eternal in the human soul.
Sri Aurobindo
(Dorothy Walters: I think of this force as the Beloved Within. It is not a thought, not a concept, but rather a presence felt––when all is in alignment ––as extreme bliss (ecstasy within.) I call this energy Kundalini, or the Life Force. It indeed feels like a lover making love to you from within. As you grow older, the bliss gets softer and softer, but it is still exquisite. It is no respecter of age, but continues in a more subtle form even into your nineties, always with less effort.)
# posted by Dorothy : 4/08/2019 07:43:00 PM
Sunday, April 07, 2019
Albert Einstein––Our Bodies are the Instruments
Albert Einstein––Our Bodies are the Instruments
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies
tuned into the music of the cosmos, we are souls dressed up
in sacred biochemical garments, and our bodies are the instruments
through which our souls play their music.”
- Albert Einstein
# posted by Dorothy : 4/07/2019 10:19:00 PM
Saturday, April 06, 2019
Ibn Arabi––On Love
Ibn Arabi
There was a time I would reject those
who were not of my faith.
But now, my heart has grown capable
of taking on all forms.
It is a pasture for gazelles,
an abbey for monks.
a table for the Torah,
kaaba for the pilgrim.
My religion is love.
Whichever the route love’s caravan shall take,
that shall be the path of my faith.
~ Ibn Arabi
Note: the Dalai Lama also says, 'My religion is love."
# posted by Dorothy : 4/06/2019 10:21:00 PM
Friday, April 05, 2019
Swimmers––poem by Dorothy
"In the Gilf Kebir plateau in the Sahara side
of Egypt there is a cave containing rock paintings
of swimming figures."
Rich Meyers
No one knows what they are doing there.
Why they are swimming in a desert,
where they are going,
why they are attempting the seeming impossible.
Clearly they had something else in mind.
Obviously they were moving
over a landscape
that is no longer there,
ancient times when land was sea
and visa versa.
Thus do our own lives
between land and water,
stability and flux,
determination and uncertainty.
So we move forward,
sometimes rising toward the stars,
sometimes falling
into the ditch
where we cling and pray,
chant and hope
until we begin to ascend
once more,
levitation of the soul,
St. Teresa and the Angel,
ourselves transfigured once again.
Dorothy Walters
April 5, 2019
# posted by Dorothy : 4/05/2019 08:26:00 PM
Thursday, April 04, 2019
Poets Gone––poem by Dorothy
In recent weeks, three of our major poets have left. Each leaves a blank space where their own radiant lines once appeared.
Poets Gone
Linda Gregg
And here the announcement,
another one gone,
she was among my very favorites,
a great star
hung in the sky
outshining all the lesser lights,
"lines like chiseled marble"
speaking to all who would listen,
now another blank space on the page.
W. S. Merwin
That time in Wichita,
he speaking to our university students,
reading his polished verses,
his face changing before our eyes
from the delicate elfin features
of a pixie
to the rough visage of
an ancient shaman,
his headdress a buffalo head,
dancer and speaker of oracles,
and then he: "When I was a child
and we played cowboys and Indians
I always wanted to be
the Indian."
And then the incomparable
Mary Oliver
everyone's delight,
transformed nature
into transcendence,
that house with her lines
scrawled across the floor,
the framed poem Ken
gave me,
her enigmatic face,
her wry wit,
her fearless embrace
of transfiguration through
union with the sublime,
almost a transgression
to praise,
darling of the soul,
mistress of holy fragments
of the all.
These were my lovelies,
my comforters,
my language masters,
pillars sustaining me
in this world
and portals into the next.
I must bow down,
I must kneel,
I must thank them
and pray.
Dorothy Walters
March 29, 2019
# posted by Dorothy : 4/04/2019 08:33:00 PM
Wednesday, April 03, 2019
The Music Within––poem by Dorothy
The Music Within
Hearing this,
some fall to their knees
and cry "Father!"
Others raise their hands
and know that the Mother
has come.
Some begin to whirl
and cry aloud.
Others weep quietly,
bliss currents too deep to describe.
Whatever it is called
each knows that this
is who they are,
the organ tones
of their being,
the strings and oboes
of the soul
at play once again.
Dorothy Walters
April 3, 2019
# posted by Dorothy : 4/03/2019 12:15:00 PM
Tuesday, April 02, 2019
Joseph Campbell––A Sacred Place
You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don’t know what was in the newspapers that morning, you don’t know who your friends are, you don’t know what you owe anybody, you don’t know what anybody owes to you. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen.
~ Joseph Campbell
# posted by Dorothy : 4/02/2019 08:10:00 PM