Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Uniting with the god 

Shiva’s Bridegroom

(After the ceremony for his arranged marriage, the Shaivite poet-saint Sambandar begged Shiva to unite with him and thus liberate him from all earthly ties. At this word a great blaze of light enveloped him as he, his bride, and all the guests entered final union with his god.)

Then he became a flame.
Tendrils of fire played
along his lips, his brow,
his cheeks blossomed in tiny petals of light.
His body shone, like a god
coming to birth.
A sudden crimson flare.
Then nothing remained but a halo of gold,
a bronze shadow gleaming, translucent,
to mark where he had been.

Dorothy Walters, June 21, 2003, S. F.

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