Monday, July 19, 2021
Not in a cave
Not in a Cave
No, I did not live in a cave.
Never bathed in icey cold rivers.
Nor did I take a vow of silence,
yet said nothing
for 14 years.
Then in the 15th year I met a man
who understood my tale,
though I never spoke it aloud.
My ecstasy filled the room.
He felt it
and let it mingle with his own.
Dance of Shiva and Shakti.
Butterfly and blossom,
candle and flame,
male and female,
all combinations the same
to the One.
When two ecstatics get together
anything can happen.
No words were needed.
Silence spoke,
sang songs of transcendence
and transfiguration,
of love,
unbearable joy.
Dorothy Walters
July 18, 2021