Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

A strange dream Would like to post this on my private page, but can't find it. Here is my post, entitled "A Break in Time.". 

Would like to post this on my private page, but can't find it. Here is my post, entitled "A Break in Time." I generally do not recall my dreams, but found myself having this one recently just as I woke up. I was with an unknown companion looking 'across the street" at a row of buildings, with only a pile of rubble where the center building recently stood. There were no humans in this scene. We did not know what had happened, why the building had collapsed. Two days later the news showed pictures of the rubble from a collapsed building in Florida. It was a major disaster. At first I thought it was a "premonition" dream of a coming disaster. Then I realized that this "event" had already taken place and my dream was of the aftermath. I felt no emotion, just a curiosity about what had happened. The fact that we were looking from "across the street" was important, as if we were from some other place or dimension. Also important was the fact that we saw no life amidst the rubble, only the debris. This was a very strange "dream" that somehow seemed more than a dream. Were my "friend" and I from another dimension? 2Fred LaMotte and Drew Carlson Like Comment Share

Monday, July 19, 2021

Not in a cave 

Not in a Cave No, I did not live in a cave. Never bathed in icey cold rivers. Nor did I take a vow of silence, yet said nothing for 14 years. Then in the 15th year I met a man who understood my tale, though I never spoke it aloud. My ecstasy filled the room. He felt it and let it mingle with his own. Dance of Shiva and Shakti. Butterfly and blossom, candle and flame, male and female, all combinations the same to the One. When two ecstatics get together anything can happen. No words were needed. Silence spoke, sang songs of transcendence and transfiguration, of love, unbearable joy. Dorothy Walters July 18, 2021 --

Poetry changed to prose 

Once again, a lovely poem is primted as if prose. Blogger no longer supports poetry. It only recognizes prose. So sad. Also, no way to raise the font. only itty bitty size, making reading hard for folks like me with low vision.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Alex RespondsII felt you the minute your words were in the room. I felt your light all the way home. I felt your soul through the night causing blissful tears of unmeasurable flows. A soul so strong as to heal heart by whisper and love softly by wind. Soul so beautiful as to cause premature bloom on the wild flowers where she still roams. I hear your secrets and I live I’m your poems. Your love and divine infused essence will continue to be whispered forever and your droplet to shine bright, peacefully and eternally in our ocean. A dear friend gave me the book “The Goddess Speaks” And the Goddess was heard -ALEX ROGERS 

I felt you the minute your words were in the room. I felt your light all the way home. I felt your soul through the night causing blissful tears of unmeasurable flows. A soul so strong as to heal heart by whisper and love softly by wind. Soul so beautiful as to cause premature bloom on the wild flowers where she still roams. I hear your secrets and I live I’m your poems. Your love and divine infused essence will continue to be whispered forever and your droplet to shine bright, peacefully and eternally in our ocean. A dear friend gave me the book “The Goddess Speaks” Not And the Goddess was heard -ALEX ROGERS Note: I could not find a way to raise this font. I am low vision and prefer larger type. Am I missing something?

Friday, June 04, 2021

Hadewijch of Antwerp 

Hadewijch Dear Lady, I know you well. The solitary cup of tea, the walk alone in the woods. Hours kneeling before the cross. You shared many secrets, but the one you never shared was this: your love was in your body, you felt it in you cells, your hands, your lovely cheek. How young you were. Your fiery spirit confined in those strange costumes, that curious head gear, those billowing skirts. Yet Love found your heart, told you how to turn, how to pray without words, you were hers. The others at times did not approve. How much is too far? You listened silently and wrote more verses. Dead at 45, who knows why? yet still here. Dorothy Walters June 1, 2021 (Hadewijch was a Beguine who lived in whatis now Belgium. Beguinae were independent women who lived together and, though they were mostly good Catholics, exercised a certain freedom of thought and action. Some of Hadewijch's ideas challeged traditional church beliefs.)

Friday, April 23, 2021

Marjorie Woollacott 

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6_7sdNeahC4 -- Wonderful interview with neuroscientist Marjorie Woollacott on science and spirituality. Don't miss it.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Poetry and Music– – Brenda McMorrow and Dorothy Walters 

Announcement Who: Brenda McMorrow and Dorothy Walters What? Music and Poetry How? Dorothy reads from her new book of poems (“The Goddess Speaks: Poems of Ecstasy and Transfiguration”) and Brenda sings in her inimitable way. Together they weave a tapestry of love. When: April 6, 2021 Where: Youtube Cost: Free Brenda is a world renowned singer/composer; Dorothy is a widely published poet of magical effects. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LnKpV3yXF00 (above is the link to reach this youtube presentation)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Brenda McMorrow and Dorothy Walters: Zoom tomorrow 

Dorothy Walters and Brenda McMorrow are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dorothy and Brenda Poetry and Music Time: Mar 31, 2021 01:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89129491198?pwd=SE9Id2NQQzZRLy94amdDY0kzQVV4UT09 Meeting ID: 891 2949 1198 Passcode: 228748 One tap mobile +19294362866,,89129491198#,,,,*228748# US (New York) +13017158592,,89129491198#,,,,*228748# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 891 2949 1198 Passcode: 228748 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbDmbdXvS Brenda is a well knnown singer/commposer and Dorothy is a poet. Tomorrow they combine their talents for a special performance. It will eventually go up on YouTube.

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

On the Spanda Karikas 

On the "Spanda Karikas" Here is a reprint of a post I entered several years back. For me, the "Spanda Karikas" is in fact one of my essential books, especially in the NYU edition with intro by Paul Ortega-Muller. I believe you can now buy this edition on Google Play. Spanda means "Writings on" and Karika means Pulsation. This text from hundreds of years back describes the universe as the result of constant vibration or pulsation. Thus it resonates with contemporary physics. Here is my earlier entry: "Recently, I mentioned the book titled "The Field," (by Lynn McTaggert) which contains some fascinating information about new disocoveries in frontier physics. Lately I have been having some interesting discussions with some friends about seeming parallels with ancient lore contained in certain early Kashmir Shaivite texts. The latter seem, to me, to predict the discoveries coming along at present about the makeup of our "material" world. I won't pursue this too long, but I do want to add that when I mentioned the apparent similarities in recent discoveries in quantum physics and ancient Eastern wisdom literature, I was thinking more or less specifically of the text named the "Spanda Karikas" (with its commentary the "Spanda Nirnaya"--the English title is "The Yoga of Vibration and Divine Pulsation" in case anyone wants to locate it.) My translation is the Jaideva Singh (from the State U. of N. Y. Press) with a foreward by Paul E. Muller-Ortega. And I realize that much of my grasp (however limited) of this work is based on his (to me) most masterful introductory comments. Here are some that stand out, and seem to me to be associated with several of the concepts presented in "The Field" (which, along with other books written for the lay audience, I must rely on for my scattered knowledge of what may be coming up in current theory). "Long before the discoveries of modern physics, the Shaivite concept of spanda intimates a view of reality as composed of a vibratory web of infinite complexity." (Muller-Ortega continues going into the metaphysical implications....most physics hasn't reached this point yet): "Moreover, the Shaivite tradition suggests to us a unifying continuity between our physical reality, the activities of sense perception, and all forms of interior awareness. All of these are seen as phenomenal manifestations of the ultimate consciousness, enmeshed in a complex vibratory matrix." Muller once more summarizes the text: "Employing a variety of metaphors, the tradition often glosses the spanda by the term sphurra, the scintillating pulse of the supreme light which continuously trembles with its own incandescence. In sonic terms the spanda is glossed as the nada, the subtle but powerful resonance that echoes through the supreme silence...." (Now, more extension into metaphysics): "The supreme spanda releases a vibrating spectrum of energies that originate within the supreme (anuttara). As the infinitely fast vibration of the supreme systematically coalesces and condenses into progressively slower and thicker vibrations, tnagible perceptible forms emerge from the void and formlessness of the ultimate consciousness. These apparently solid appearances are called "cognitions" (puramasa) and they are complex and sustained interference patterns which arise in the intermerging cross-swirl of energies created by the interaction of the vibratory consciousness with itself." Well, I won't continue, but I do think these excerpts offer material for interesting reflection, in and of themselves, but also I sense echoes with some of the more modern material coming forth from some contemporary physicists. Many of the words and themes seem to resonate, one with the other, such as: Light and vibration ---(doesn't string theory posit a vast sea of infinitesimal dangles of light as the basis of all material reality? Aren't we now told that everything which seems to be material and solid is in fact a deception, since there is nothing, really, but dancing particles of charged energy--something akin to samsara or maya?) Resonance--Here again, resonance seems to be an underlying concept in both areas. McTaggart speaks of the universal resonance of virtually everything with everything else--a constant process of both resonance and exchange of energies. Interference--spoken of by McTaggart as extremely important--a central concept. Now, there is much more, and of course the Shaivite texts proceed to link their world view to a total, more metaphysical system. But there are indeed seeming parallels, and I would indeed welcome a review by someone versed in both areas. I of course have no such knowledge, and hence am forced to rely on what bits and pieces I can pick up from those who write for a general audience. And, indeed, I would never think to try to convince "science" of anything--a futile task, indeed. I would merely like this mythical writer to inform and enlighten me (and kindred souls) beyond my present limits. And--I would not "tie these investigations to an every shifting scientific world view." I would readily agree that all we could hope to do would be to get a firmer grasp of seeming parallels, not for all time, but for the present moment, which is, I think, a time of possible opening and discovery, not in terms of literal and total concurrence, but some very fascinating similarities. And, as a final note, I would add that I, of course, tie such discussions to the experience of kundalini bliss, in which one becomes, in effect, a pulsating body of light, an infinitesimal particle dancing in the endless sea of divine consciousness. P. S. Although this SUNY text is now out of print and expensive to purchase, you can order it in what I take is a digital form for your pad or other device for less. # posted by Dorothy : 8/26/2005 01:42:00 PM

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Poem ruined by blogger editors 

I just successfully posted my poem on my FB page. If you want to read it with proper line breaks, it is available there.

Poem ruined by blogger editors 

The previous entry was written as a poem. Then blogger editors removed all the line breaks and ruined it. Why did they do this? Are they prejudiced against poetry? What is going on? I used to have no trouble of this sort. Now I am thinking of getting off blogger and trying another site. Why did they try to fix something that was not broken?

What Happened 

What Happened (with apologies to Mary Oliver) I once believed in the reality of thinking things true as proved by equations and pronouncements by authorities. Then one day a surprise occurred and indescribable bliss went racing up to my head and I fell into a trance of love. I quit trying to explain all this to others: no one understood and I had no real words, just these rare and exquisite sensations of lovemaking with the invisible. Where were these unknown raptures coming from? Was it angels making love with me? Frankly, I wouldn't believe any of this strangeness, if it had not happened to me. Dorothy Walters January 30, 2021

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Living in the Two Worlds 

Those of us who undergo deep spiritual awakenings know that from that moment forward our lives are totally changed. On the one hand, we bear the legacy of our previous lives--outwardly conforming to the rules of society, paying our taxes like a good citizen, reaching out to contribute what we can as viewers of regular upheavals in our society, signing petitions, grieving when we find in the obituary columns another name we recognize, whether of friends or celebrities as another significant piece of our personal identity quilt unravels and drifts away. Those who do not know of our secret, hidden life assume that we are the same person they have always known, someone who shares their own values, who can be counted on to discuss the latest volume of poetry or prose, the most recent political outrage as the country falls deeper into universal chaos. But alongside this persona, the public personality, exists the shadow (hidden) self, the authentic being who constantly yearns for connection with another realm, the one that guides us into ever deepening waters of belief or experience, who directs us to embrace notions unknown to the world at large. Here we may speak with like minded others of such ideas as the divine human, evolution of human consciousness, even planetary initiation. These terms likely mean little or nothing to those caught up inmaya, the world of human affairs and universal social happenings––the doers and activists who dedicate themselves to human betterment in various ways. Our inner world cannot be satisfactorily described to others. It can be approached through diverse avenues, from meditation to chanting to rapture begotten by deep listening of ancient melodies. It can be a very solitary experience as through the thrill of Kundalini energies in the body, or communal, as by group approaches that invite the mysteries to appear. It demands intense concentration as one experiences evident shifts of consciousness that lead into another world, a kingdom of amazing transformation where love and beauty reign supreme. Here one drops the mantle of dedicated citizen and becomes the universal seeker, the one who wants only connection with Source, ever undefinable but easily recognized when it occurs. How can one be both, active participant in the world's external affairs and secret practitioner open to divine connection to a divine reality? No longer does the disciple seek refuge in caves and forests, immune to the chaos and confusion of the outer world. One partakes of the hustle and bustle of the marketplace, but one also engages in the greater project: redemption of the species through personal dedication to Source, the power that brought us here and tells us how to go forward, as we together, evolve into our next configuration as the New Human. Dorothy Walters January 23, 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Story of Humpty Dumpty 

Humpty Dumpty

sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty

had a great fall.

And all the king's horses

and all the king's men

could not put Humpty

together again. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Seeker's Journal 


The Seeker's Journal

There are many mystics

and each has his own design:

Blake and his Albion,

Yeats and his gyres.

Somewhere Buddha

lifts his flower,

the rishis chant their truth.

Christ rises again

and a yogi

dissolves in rapture

and pain.

We thread our way

among the labyrinths

of thought,

hoping to discover

the key,

the password to

the ultimate unnamed,

that which we are seeking

and do not find,

though we sometimes

catch vague glimpses

but are never quite sure,

until love grips us

in his implacable arms

and gives us a kiss

that has no words.

Dorothy Walters

January 10, 2021


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Documentary and a Book 

A Documentary and a Book

A friend whose judgement I highly respect has just watched and now recommends the following Documentary:

"The Way of the Psychonauts"  

You can google it and watch it for a small fee (about $5.00).  It includes interviews with folks like Stan Grof, Rupert Sheldrake, and other spiritual adventures of recent times.  These were indeed the pioneers of the spiritual awakening movement and the documentary promises to be quite interesting. 

The book that I am currently reading is called "The Mind of the Cells," by Sat Prem.  Though written some years ago, it is "the key to man's passage to the next species."  Sat Prem was the primary disciple of 'The Mother " (Shri Aurobindo's spiritual wife) and he recorded many of her sayings and commentaries.  These are cutting edge notions of what is in store for us as we literally transmute into a new form of our prior selves.  It is not an easy read, but you can obtain a copy (if you wish to explore these radical ideas) from:


This edition costs under $10.00.

I am a slow reader, but the main idea I have received so far is that "man" is a transitional being, a form who will evolve into another species as time progresses.  This notion requires much thought and contemplation to assimilate its meaning and ramifications.  A friend and I are going to read it "together" and discuss some of the main ideas through zoom.  If you have any questions you want us to consider, you are welcome to contact me and I will raise them in our zoom session.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Fire and the Rose 


The Fire and the Rose

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

T. S. Eliot––"Little Gidding"

What it was
was elsewhere,
a place that no one has visited,
not even in the first darkness,
the second remembering
why we were here.

It was enough, I think,
that we were given glimpses,
tastes of the eternal,
seasonings of something
greater than we could grasp,
moments of illumination
that blinded in the instant,
voices that we almost heard,
music that played unnoticed within.

Yet we yearned for more.

Who are we
that we might
stand in the midst
of revelation and remain,
behold the entirety
of that which is,
the silence that dissolves us
into itself, forever swallowed
into the nameless?

Dorothy Walters
December 17, 2020

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Goddess Speaks is now published 

This notice appeared on Åmazon on December 9, 2020.  It is the culmination of a life time of writing poetry.  Maybe if you order now you can get it before December 25.

 I will post a more formal launch page soon.

 The Goddess Speaks: Poems of Ecstasy and Transfiguration Paperback – December 9, 2020

by Dorothy Walters PhD. (Author)

  See all formats and editions




Monday, November 30, 2020

What I Have Come Here to Know 

What I Have Come Here to Know

It did not always arrive     

in words.

Sometimes it was

just a feeling,

holding the hand 

of someone you loved

or the tumultuous waves

that washed through you

when you were dissolved

totally and knew nothing

but the bliss of the invisible,

come to claim you

as its own.

I could name things:

Mozart lifting you

to a place beyond the supreme moment

your body trembling

toward a different realm,

too intense to bear––

those leaves stirring within

as they shared their joy

with me, the witness––

those sweet frequencies that rose up

from earth itself

and captured you

in Ireland's sacred places,

your heart exploding

with unquenchable desire.

And of course

there were the dark opposites:

the betrayals,

the broken promises,

the desertions by the faithful.

All knit together now

into a single ball of truth,

a blend of everything

into a shining perception

of final reality,

how you are now mixed together

as one.

Dorothy Walters

November 21, 2020


The Evolute–– poem by Dorothy 


The Evolute

If you wish to transmute,

open yourself to change.

Le the vibrations of transmutation

flow through your being

like a gentle wind  caressing a rose

that opens its mouth to rain,

a bud that waits 

for the awakening sun.

Yes, you can hear without ears,

see without eyes.

These are done by the invisibles

again and again,

even without your knowing

or recognition.

But if you are wed 

to the realm

of the senses,

you will not reach

the kingdom I describe.

You will reject its perfections

for a world more familiar,

and wonder why anyone

would desire to enter

the realm of the immutable––

you will be content to remain

where you are, perishable

as a shadow in moonlight.

You will never know

the world of

formless beyond form,

the permanent after the ephemeral,

the embrace of ultimate bliss,

union with the unseen divine.

You will never find

your cosmic lover,

trembling as the earth shudders,

shaking within as secret love enters,

all in time with the leaf that wavers

now in your chest.

Dorothy Walters

November 20, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

Ivan Granger "The Warbler Knows" 


The Warbler Knows

By Ivan M. Granger

(1969 - )


The warbler knows

only dawn's shaft

of light

on her breast.

Forgetting false future

suns, she sings

in no voice

but her own.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

The witch is dead 

Ding, dong,

the witch is dead!!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Election Promises––Mark Belletini 

 Election Promises – by Mark Belletini

I hear the polls

are going to be open on Tuesday.

All day.

Good.  I certainly intend to go to them.

I certainly invite you to go to them and vote too.

But today I say the polls

Are not just open on Tuesday.

I say they are open every day.

Every hour.  Even here.  Even now.

‘Right now I am going to vote

for the robin’s egg sky,

the vanilla clouds,

the purple shadow spreading

under the gingko tree,

I am going to vote for tulips and redbuds,

I am going to vote for love,

That doesn’t have to run in someone else’s circles

in order to be love.

I’m going to vote the homeless into homes.

I’m going to vote the uneducated into classrooms

that teach them in the way they learn best,

not the way that would be most convenient.

I’m going to vote the sick into healing.

I’m going to vote the lost into belonging.

I’m going to vote, right now,

for the right to dream of a world

where the word politics

doesn’t stop me in my tracks,,

And where the word honor still

has a few good meanings left.

I’m going to vote right now

for the power of free people

to actually be free,

No matter who they are,

no matter who has abandoned them,

no matter who hates them.

I actually am going to vote for love,

I am going to vote for truthfulness as the norm,

not the exception.

I’m going to vote for a world

that doesn’t vote for killing, control and swagger,

I’m going to vote for you.

I’m going to vote for me.

Right now.  Right here.  Silently.  But for real.  

Friday, October 16, 2020


You are my true self, O Lord

By Shankara

(788 - 820)

English version by Ivan M. Granger


You are my true self, O Lord.

          My pure awareness is your consort.

          My breath, my body are your handmaids.

I am your holy ground.

My every action is an offering to you.

          My rest is my melting into you.

Every step I take circles you.

          Every word I speak is a song for you.

Whatever work I do, that work is worship of you,

          O Fountain of Bliss!


This Dance of Bliss: Ecstatic Poetry from Around the World Edited by Ivan M. Granger

Also available through Wordery Free shipping anywhere in the world

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