Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Monday, March 15, 2004

Drowning in god 

Those drowned in God want to be more drowned.

Everything in.
Nothing held back,
not the bewildered face in the mirror,
the memory of the first time,
the quarrel and reconciliation.

This wind will sweep you
from yourself,
the way clouds absorb an ocean,
the way fire seeks out
the marrow of flame.

When it is over
you will be less than a bit
of twisted weed,
smaller than a splinter
of sea-blackened wood.

You will not miss
your lost possessions
nor even remember their uses.
When someone shows you
your cast items,
your familiar appendages
and agendas,
even your flashing ornaments,
you will look puzzled,
and ask, "What are these?
Their functions or relevance?
I have drunk from a deep well.
What are these sips you offer,
'just for the taste?'
I'm looking for a world
sky deep in water."

from "Marrow of Flame"

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