Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A Dream of a Shaman 

The writer of the following description is a close friend of mine, a woman in her early fifties who is a long time yoga teacher and traveler on the spiritual path. She has been closely attuned to her dreams for many years and often they are amazingly detailed and vivid, with deep spiriual implications. The following one is especially profound.

I had my first me-as-shaman dream last night: I was sitting in a small circle of tourists in a hut in Mexico (I think that's where), waiting for the guide to give us a "feel" for what a shaman would do in a group like that, but when the person failed to really do ANYTHING significant, I began to speak and never stopped.

I flew over the head of the guide and spoke in various languages, asked for a problem to solve and when nobody spoke, pulled one out of a person, gently -it was a definite physical thing that emerged. Some local natives begin to pay attention, and in the next days (I was in the same hut), they brought me a very heavy case: a 4 month old baby girl with very evolved genitals that were not in one piece, ie needed suturing or even something beyond surgery. Her head was also in a breathing bag with raw flesh around her neck where the bag was chafing. I performed the genital healing, but made a sweeping gesture re the head - take off the bag - which might have rendered her dead if she could not survive outside in the real air. I had shaman doubts! But banked on the faith of her family.

Woke up with the bed shaking.

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