Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Merrilee and Mechtild of Magdeburg 

As Merrilee's spiritual opening continues, she finds that she is interested in reading about the medieval women saints, many of whom experienced kundalini as well as deep moments of divine union. The day following her inner vision of "flowing statues" she came across this remarkable passage describing Mechtild of Magdeburg:

I just came across this quote about Mechtild of Magdeburg:
"For example, she would use the movement of flowing water to be a symbol of her philosophy that the soul is constantly moving towards God."

This reminds me of what I think I saw while listening to my Chakra Chants CD - people's souls flowing like they were in the current of a river. Cool coincidence!

And there is another quote that resonates with me:
"She strongly believed that every human soul contains a part of God, but that we all long to be closer to His Perfect Divinity. The most common underlying theme and philosophical portrayal of Mechtild's writing was that "the remedy for distance and alienation from God is found in love as well as in nature and knowledge."

More information can be found at http://faculty.msmc.edu/lindeman/mo8.html .

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