Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Certain early cabalists were known as "merkabah riders." We are told that they attempted to construct a "chariot of light" which would, presumably, carry them in a flash to paradise. Later mystics have thought of the chariot as, in fact, a light body, the self illumined by spirit, which would itself become the vehicle.

This afternoon I was listening to a song in which the world "Merkabah" appeared, and then this poem happened, said by the inner voice.


Some call it a chariot.

Some call it a body of light,

yourself refined,

shot through with love,

pierced like a vessel

of god.

This vehicle rightly made

will carry you

to the Place.

Some will perish along the way.

They say the slightest flaw

or lack

could bring annihilation,

journey's end.

Still, you must keep trying,

polishing and purging,

clarifying your essence,

until you have become

your true self,

this utterly transparent


light ascending.

copyright, Dorothy Walters

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