Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Chariot Rider (poem) 

(A version of this poem was published a few days ago. Here is the latest version.

Chariot Rider

Oh you dervish
twirling on the desert floor,
firebird spinning toward heaven,
you cast your prayers
and secret spells of redemption
into the fire.

Eyes glazed inward,
body turning,
what is it you seek?

Do you long
to speak with angels,
gaze into the Beloved's eye
until you become a spark
of ash, flying upward on the wind?

Spiraling incandescence,
glowing brilliance,
you are a vortex ravished by light.

(The Merkabah riders of earlier times sought to make their own bodies into vehicles of light (chariots) to take them to heaven. Many died in the attempt.)

Dorothy Walters

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