Thursday, August 31, 2006
Anam Cara Newsletter
Here is the Anam Cara Newsletter, from Lawrence Edwards. It includes a listing of the meditations and workshops he will be giving soon.
August 29, 2006
Anam Cara, Inc. Newsletter
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey
Join our mailing list!
Greetings and Namaste!
The Buddha said:
Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it.
Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.
"He was angry with me, attacked me, defeated me, robbed me" - those who dwell on such thoughts will never be free from hatred.
"He was angry with me, attacked me, defeated me, robbed me" - those who do not dwell on such thoughts will surely be free from hatred.
For hatred can never put an end to hatred; love alone can. This is an unalterable law. People forget that their lives will end soon. For those who remember, quarrels cease.
Dhammapada (Eknath Easwaran, trans.)
Abiding In Stillness
Out of the stillness the gong sounded, dissolving back into stillness even as it marked the end of the sitting meditation and the beginning of the walking meditation. Thus the silent weekend retreat in August progressed, hour by hour from Saturday through Sunday. During the weekend the stillness and quiet moved to the foreground while the mind dissolved again and again, thought by thought.
Buddha said, "Better than a hundred years of ignorance is one day spent in reflection. Better than a hundred years of idleness is one day spent in determination. Better to live one day wondering how all things arise and pass away." Such wisdom guided the retreat. At the end of it people remarked that they felt a greater spaciousness and quietness of mind. People also noticed how much effort it takes to truly have the mind be silent for even a few moments! It goes after every sound, sensation, thought, feeling, image and on and on! As the stillness and spaciousness open through the deepening silence, this delicious subtle joy arises like a soft glow accompanying the bare awareness illuminating everything. Who can resist going back to that stillness over and over again! That's where even striving and effort, meditation and non- meditation dissolve and freedom prevails.
Programs and Announcements
September-November 2006
We're happy to announce a new website for offering information and support to those interested in Kundalini and the powerful transformative processes She engenders: It has answers to frequently asked questions and invites sharings from readers of their Kundalini experiences. We're grateful for the selfless service, the seva, offered by Roxi Benoit who created the website, and Dorothy Walters who shared her some of her wisdom as part of the answers to the questions.
New and experienced meditators are all welcome to our programs. We have a regular Tuesday evening meditation and chanting group in Bedford, NY that includes instruction and discussions as well as meditation. Courses and weekend retreats are also offered to develop and deepen your meditative practices.
September 13th The Power Of Meditation Enhances Health and Healing Lecture by Lawrence at Gilda's Club, White Plains, NY; 7 pm
September 23rd Rhode Island, WARL 1320am Radio interview; Saturday 11am-Noon, Steve Donofrio Show; streaming live
Oct. 12-Nov. 9th Cultivating Wellbeing Course - 5 Thursday evenings with Drs. Michael Finkelstein, Susan Rubin and Lawrence Edwards. SunRaven, Bedford, NY Course info. at:
October 22 The Science and Art of Meditation Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society Meeting presentation, Sunday afternoon, Rutgers Univ. For more info:
November 10-12 Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Empowerment Retreat Friday eve through Sun. afternoon, Anam Cara, Bedford, NY. Includes lectures, guided meditations, chanting and most importantly, the sacred and ancient Kundalini empowerment diksha.
Pre-registration is necessary for courses and retreats.
Find out more....
Anam Cara, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non-denominational programs are open to all.
Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for Anam Cara, Inc. In the fall we will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Anam Cara weekly meditation satsang. Because of you the years of serving to support people's meditation practices continue to mount. Anam Cara means "friend of the soul" and you've made it possible for us to continue fulfilling our mission in that regard. I am deeply grateful. With great respect and love, I thank you.
Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., LMHC, BCIAC
Anam Cara, Inc
phone: 914-234-4800
August 29, 2006
Anam Cara, Inc. Newsletter
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey
Join our mailing list!
Greetings and Namaste!
The Buddha said:
Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it.
Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.
"He was angry with me, attacked me, defeated me, robbed me" - those who dwell on such thoughts will never be free from hatred.
"He was angry with me, attacked me, defeated me, robbed me" - those who do not dwell on such thoughts will surely be free from hatred.
For hatred can never put an end to hatred; love alone can. This is an unalterable law. People forget that their lives will end soon. For those who remember, quarrels cease.
Dhammapada (Eknath Easwaran, trans.)
Abiding In Stillness
Out of the stillness the gong sounded, dissolving back into stillness even as it marked the end of the sitting meditation and the beginning of the walking meditation. Thus the silent weekend retreat in August progressed, hour by hour from Saturday through Sunday. During the weekend the stillness and quiet moved to the foreground while the mind dissolved again and again, thought by thought.
Buddha said, "Better than a hundred years of ignorance is one day spent in reflection. Better than a hundred years of idleness is one day spent in determination. Better to live one day wondering how all things arise and pass away." Such wisdom guided the retreat. At the end of it people remarked that they felt a greater spaciousness and quietness of mind. People also noticed how much effort it takes to truly have the mind be silent for even a few moments! It goes after every sound, sensation, thought, feeling, image and on and on! As the stillness and spaciousness open through the deepening silence, this delicious subtle joy arises like a soft glow accompanying the bare awareness illuminating everything. Who can resist going back to that stillness over and over again! That's where even striving and effort, meditation and non- meditation dissolve and freedom prevails.
Programs and Announcements
September-November 2006
We're happy to announce a new website for offering information and support to those interested in Kundalini and the powerful transformative processes She engenders: It has answers to frequently asked questions and invites sharings from readers of their Kundalini experiences. We're grateful for the selfless service, the seva, offered by Roxi Benoit who created the website, and Dorothy Walters who shared her some of her wisdom as part of the answers to the questions.
New and experienced meditators are all welcome to our programs. We have a regular Tuesday evening meditation and chanting group in Bedford, NY that includes instruction and discussions as well as meditation. Courses and weekend retreats are also offered to develop and deepen your meditative practices.
September 13th The Power Of Meditation Enhances Health and Healing Lecture by Lawrence at Gilda's Club, White Plains, NY; 7 pm
September 23rd Rhode Island, WARL 1320am Radio interview; Saturday 11am-Noon, Steve Donofrio Show; streaming live
Oct. 12-Nov. 9th Cultivating Wellbeing Course - 5 Thursday evenings with Drs. Michael Finkelstein, Susan Rubin and Lawrence Edwards. SunRaven, Bedford, NY Course info. at:
October 22 The Science and Art of Meditation Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society Meeting presentation, Sunday afternoon, Rutgers Univ. For more info:
November 10-12 Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Empowerment Retreat Friday eve through Sun. afternoon, Anam Cara, Bedford, NY. Includes lectures, guided meditations, chanting and most importantly, the sacred and ancient Kundalini empowerment diksha.
Pre-registration is necessary for courses and retreats.
Find out more....
Anam Cara, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non-denominational programs are open to all.
Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for Anam Cara, Inc. In the fall we will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Anam Cara weekly meditation satsang. Because of you the years of serving to support people's meditation practices continue to mount. Anam Cara means "friend of the soul" and you've made it possible for us to continue fulfilling our mission in that regard. I am deeply grateful. With great respect and love, I thank you.
Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., LMHC, BCIAC
Anam Cara, Inc
phone: 914-234-4800