Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Anam Cara Newsletter 

Here is the latest newsletter from Anam Cara, founded by Lawrence Edwards, one of the prime forces in the Kundalini Research Network and in the spiritual community. His workshops are highly recommended. And you can sign up for the free e-mail newsletter by contacting the addresses given at the end of the article.

November 28, 2006
Anam Cara, Inc. Newsletter
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey

Greetings and Namaste!

Across the millennia this time of year, marked by growing darkness and the return of Light in the northern hemisphere, has been celebrated by our familiar religious traditions as well as ancient shamanic and other spiritual traditions. It's a time for giving special attention to the emergence, the revelation of the Divine, in whatever form you are drawn to, be it the birth of Christ, the miracle of God's protective presence seen in lamps remaining lit, the Buddha's enlightenment, the solar return, and the list goes on and on.

It's also a time to make a concerted effort to embody the Divine - just as the Divine revealed Itself through these physical manifestations - we do so through generosity, compassion, patience and loving kindness. We participate in the revelation of the Divine by setting aside our small self and surrendering to the Divine Presence within, allowing It to radiate through our thoughts, actions and being. All religions are united on this level and when we recognize our unity we can celebrate together in peace.


One Song

What is praised is One,
so the praise is One, too,
many jugs being emptied
into one huge basin.

All religions,
all this singing,
is one song.

The differences are just
illusion and vanity.

The sun's light looks a little different
on this wall than it does on that wall,
and a lot different on this other one,
but it's still one light.

We have borrowed these clothes,
these time and place personalities,
from a Light, and when we praise,
we're pouring them back in.

Rumi, 13th Century Muslim Poet Saint
Coleman Barks, trans.
One-Handed Basket Weaving

Programs and NEW WEBSITE!
December 06-February 07

December 10 - The Sacred Season - Divine Emergence - One Day Meditation Retreat - Reclaim what is Holy in the holiday season! Enjoy a day exploring the stillness and peace of meditation and deepening your connection with the Sacred within yourself, your tradition and others. 9am-4pm Fee: $120 includes light lunch.

January 14, 2007 - Meditation for Health and Wellbeing - learn to meditate or deepen your meditation practice by spending a day focused on the principles and practices that make meditation effective and enjoyable. This popular program includes a powerpoint presentation on the amazing scientific research on the many health benefits of meditation. Makes a special holiday gift for someone you truly care about! Who doesn't want greater peace, health and contentment! Great for new meditators and experienced ones. 9am-4pm. Fee: $120, includes lunch.

February 23-25, 2007 - Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Empowerment.
Friday 7pm through Sun. afternoon, Anam Cara, Bedford, NY. Includes lectures, guided meditations, chanting and most importantly, the sacred and ancient Kundalini empowerment. In this retreat we will also explore the mysteries of Kali and the wisdom She imparts for living in this age.This is the last time it will be offered until the fall of 2007. This retreat was specially created to invoke the sublime power Kundalini and to open the portals to the sacred knowledge of our true nature at the heart of our being. The retreat gives you the opportunity to remain immersed in this sacred space of awakening so you can explore and discover for yourself what lies within. For thousands of years the yogic sages have written about the great serpent power as the key to treasury of wisdom within us. By the grace of Kundalini the meditation that allows you to directly experience this becomes accessible. The link to find out more below will also take you to sharings from others who have taken this life-transforming retreat, some of whom have taken it repeatedly, as it continues to support and deepen the process of Kundalini unfolding in their lives.

Pre-registration is necessary for courses and retreats.

NEW ANAM CARA WEB SITE!!! Part of our fifth anniversary celebration on October 24th was the unveiling of the new Anam Cara, Inc. website. We're grateful for everyone's hardwork and support that went into creating it. There are free downloadable meditation instructions, and MP3s of guided relaxation and meditation. Anam Cara's mission is to make meditation available to everyone and to thereby change the manner of thinking that informs individual and group decisions. Meditation grants greater and greater freedom to those who pursue the practices. Please vist the new site and pass it on to others!

We continue to offer the Meditation Group every Tuesday evening starting promptly at 7:30pm at our center at SunRaven in Bedford, NY. All are welcome! Directions are on the Anam Cara website. It you ever question whether the group is being held on a particular Tuesday evening there will always be a message stating it is cancelled if it is on that night on 914-234-4800.

Anam Cara, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non-denominational programs are open to all.

Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for Anam Cara, Inc. Your tax deductible donations enable Anam Cara to put on free programs and expand its work in sharing the practices of meditation.

On October 24th we had a wonderful community dinner and celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Anam Cara weekly meditation group. Because of you the years of serving to support people's meditation practices continue to mount. Anam Cara means "friend of the soul" and you've made it possible for us to continue fulfilling our mission in that regard. As you will see from the new website we are looking forward to meditation programs next year from great teachers from a variety of traditions. I look forward to welcoming you there.

With great respect and love,
I thank you all.

May all beings attain complete freedom from suffering and enjoy the steady wisdom from which compassion, patience and loving kindness perpetually flower!

Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., LMHC, BCIAC
Anam Cara, Inc. copyright 2006


email: le@anamcara-ny.org
phone: 914-234-4800
web: http://www.anamcara-ny.org

Anam Cara, Inc | P.O. Box 215 | Bedford Hills | NY | 10507

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