Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Tom Kenyon's Soundhealing Workshop
Today I attended a fabulous sound workshop by Tom Kenyon, noted channeler, musician, composer, and healer (and probably lots of other things as well.) He did an outstanding job of integrating sound, shamanism, and transpersonal psychology, all with great wit and insight.
The room was filled with healers of various kinds, and this combination always helps to raise the energy level. They were an inspiring group.
Here is one of Tom's funny stories. He was about to do a workshop elsewhere, when he discovered that the sound amplifying system didn't work. So he asked his friend Don, himself a major energetic healer, to help fix it. So Don came over, spread his hands over the machine, and said, in the manner of a fundamentalist preacher/healer, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to HEAL!" And it worked!
Tom mentioned that ecstasy and bliss were the spiritual manifestations of our transformed, basic, earth energy, which is more sexual in tone. I was grateful to him for recognizing the importance of spiritual energy (bliss). Many teachers do not.
Tom believes that earth is going to do just fine in coming years. It is humanity which is in big trouble.
At the intermission, I got to play a "healing harp," a beautiful instrument which weighs about 7 pounds and which the healer can carry to hospital patients, who are able to play it and feel the vibrations in their bodies. It has a beautiful tone as well. Wonderful stuff going on in our world these days.
The lovely woman next to me (a sound healer/flutist/therapist/traveler from Tennessee) and I agreed that transformation is speeding up, that things are happening faster and more easily than in the past. Her husband was born in India, and she has traveled there six times(also once to Tibet). She also encouraged me to go and seemed to think that if I only had a positive attitude, I could make the trip without trouble. But I am still hesitant about such a large undertaking. We'll see.