Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Giant Crystal (poem) 

(This is Aeneas feeding the birds. His namesake founded a new kingdom. Perhaps he will do the same.)

I will be going on vacation for the next two weeks (Colorado--to see the aspen turn)so I will not be putting up blog entries for awhile. Have a wonderful rest of the month!

A Giant Crystal

Sometimes I think
that many of us
came here
the same vow.

We were from some other
planet, or distant star,
or perhaps that realm
which Plato talks about
where the soul resides
before it comes back again.

Many had been here before
and brought
the hidden gifts those
lifetimes had bestowed--
ritual fires
to call the gods,
images, music from some other plane,
healing potions
from ancient pyramids--
all to stir
the inner streams of light,
to awaken self to source,
and together make a giant crystal
turned to sun.

Dorothy Walters
September 15, 2007

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