Sunday, November 25, 2007
O My Lord
O My Lord, Your dwelling places are lovely
By Judah Halevi
(1075? - 1141)
English version by Solomon Solis-Cohen
O My Lord, Your dwelling places are lovely
Your Presence is manifest, not in mystery.
My dream brought me to the Temple of God
And I praised its delightful servants,
And the burnt offering, its meal and libation
Which rose up in great pillars of smoke.
I delighted in the song of the Levites,
In their secrets of the sacrificial service.
Then I woke, and still I was with you, O Lord,
And I gave thanks -- for to You it is pleasant to give thanks!
-- from A Treasury of Jewish Poetry: From Biblical Times to the Present, Edited by Nathan Ausubel / Edited by Marynn Ausubel
(and from Poetry Chaikhana)