Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Snow Mountain 

Snow Mountain

Snow on the mountain,
the tears of god, frozen.


The geese circle overhead.
Only the lake knows
where they will land.


Is it the mind, is it the soul,
this vessel filling with light?


Light delivers the landscape,
carries us into definition.


What we hope for
is what we are given.
Let us list our needs


Moving into the field of light,
we become the light,
it becomes who we are.


What does it matter
whether they do
or do not believe
what you tell them
of your journey.
It is engraved on your heart,
lasting token
of your spirit's awakening.

Dorothy Walters
December 18, 2007

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