Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Betweem Two Silences (poem) 

Between Two Silences

I am a comma
between two silences,
a spark flaring in
a bowl of darkness,
a breath circling
the unnamed stars.

What hand closes over mine,
what throat speaks,
whose eyes uncover
the golden air of morning,
the aspens' scarlet spill
on the awakening mountainside.

Who walks with me
when the waves
shock the shore
and the shouting gulls spin
into the waiting clouds.

Whose cells dance
when I dream myself awake.
Who makes love
to himself within my body
as I sleep.

Who says my name
again and again
when I listen?

Dorothy Walters
April 22, 2008

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