Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Two Longings (poem by Larry Robinson)
The Two Longings
Late August snowmelt,
Dropping down from the Crystal Range,
Feeding penstemon, pussypaw and lupine
Fills Barrett Lake, then cascades to a quiet pool.
The sudden arc
Of a rainbow trout, drawn upward, drawn homeward,
By a call it may not refuse and cannot fulfill,
By a call it may not refuse and cannot fulfill,
Catches the eye, catches the heart, catches the imagination.
And the water,
Answering a summons of its own,
Supporting the trout even in its defeat,
Reaches down to the American River, the Delta,
through the Golden Gate... home.
- Larry Robinson
Larry Robinson is a wonderful poet and poetry lover who offers a daily poem from various writers of many traditions, mostly modern. To receive these is to discover what is often a new voice (or an old voice revisited) in your mail each morning. In this way, you can easily sample many poetic offerings and discover which you truly like. If you want to be on his recipient list, e-mail him at:
"Larry Robinson"