Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Anam Cara Newsletter
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey
Sophia's Gifts Events


Fall Programs

Lawrence Edwards, Ph. D.

Greetings and Namaste!

Kundalini Shakti is the Sanskrit term for the power of Divine Consciousness that creates the universe from Her own Being. She delights in revealing this highest truth, the unbroken union of Creator and creation, to Herself as She takes the form of a dedicated seeker perservering for life times, yearning for true Awakening. Her means for bestowing the grace of awakening to unbounded wisdom, compassion and love, are spread throughout Her creation like hidden jewels. Follow the mystics if you want to know where to find one for yourself! Sages, saints, buddhas, yogis, and mystics may call Her by different names, but Her gift of ultimate Freedom goes to all who are genuine and resolute in their loving pursuit of Her. To possess this is to be rich beyond measure and free to live in the world with unbounded love, compassion and patience.

Mukteshwari Swami Muktananda

Kundalini Shakti is the prana of the universe.
By the power of this great Goddess
the universe exists.
Muktananda, know Her.
When Kundalini awakes
all doors are thrown open.
Rama reveals himself in the heart.
Muktananda, love Kundalini.
When Kundalini awakes,
the eyes are filled with light,
fragrances arise,
nectar bathes the tongue,
ecstasy plays in the heart....
Muktananda, worship Kundalini.

Fall Programs
Anam Cara, Bedford, NY

Sunday October 19th and Saturday Nov. 22ndKirtan Night!
7 PM on Sunday and 7:30pm on Saturday
With the Ma Kirtan Singers, Satya and Kalidas. Join us in this ancient and ecstatic practice of chanting the names of the Divine. Everyone is welcome!
November 14-16, Friday Evening-Sunday Afternoon
Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Empowerment Retreat
Led by Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
The extraordinary power of Consciousness that allows us to directly know the Infinite is called Kundalini in the yogic tradition. In this retreat you will be guided through ancient practices that awaken and unfold the inner power of meditation and yoga, Kundalini.
Through this innate power of Consciousness we will explore the archetypal realms of transcendence, wisdom and grace. Through the power of mantra, chanting, breath work, and the profound tales of mystical traditions, including the Black Madonna, Inanna, Kali and Kundalini, we will further access the inner source of true knowledge and ultimate freedom. That source is the Divine within. Through this process you will be empowered to deepen and sustain your meditation practice at home.
Many people take this retreat repeatedly in order to delve more and more deeply into the mysteries of true meditation and further unfold the power of Kundalini. Sharings from others who have taken the retreat can be found through the program link below.
Meditation Group Every Tuesday Evening-- starts promptly at 7:30pm at our center at SunRaven in Bedford, NY. All are welcome!
Directions are on the Anam Cara website. If you wonder whether the group is being held on a particular Tuesday evening there will always be a message stating if it is cancelled on that night on 914-234-4800.

Click here (see website) to find out more about the programs. . . .

Thank you all for your notes of appreciation for our newsletter. Everyone has the heart to be a true friend of the soul, an Anam Cara. By embodying that ideal ourselves we may help another to find it in themselves. Our highest nature is always manifest in relationship - to all other beings, to the environment, in relation to our own body and mind. Becoming mindful of the quality of our relationships allows us to learn where the light shines and where it needs to shine more. The ideal of Anam Cara is to continuously endeaver to expand the depth and the inclusiveness of the loving kindness we bring into every relationship. If you have any suggestions, comments or sharings, for our newsletter please don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'll do my best to respond.
May all beings realize complete freedom from suffering and may all our actions reflect only wisdom, compassion, patience and loving kindness.

Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D. Founder and Director
Anam Cara, Inc.

All newsletter contents copyrighted 2007
email: le@anamcara-ny.org
phone: 914-234-4800
web: http://www.anamcara-ny.org

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