Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, November 07, 2008

Grace unfolding truly describes the profound awakening and transformation

that begins with a real encounter with Holy Wisdom,

the Holy Mother, Prajnaparamita,

or one of Her sons and daughters, sage or saint.

It continues until the fabric of one's being

is drenched, indelibly dyed,

by the unfathomable ocean

of Her Love, Joy and Compassion.

Seekers intuitively know

that this is what they seek,

and the restlessness of divine discontent

brings them to Her feet eventually and finally.

Oh what a sweet refuge is to be found there,

my dear companions!

Know what you really seek a

nd never be satisfied with ephemeral distractions.

Give up being a consumer

and be consumed!

The Infinite awaits you!

Lawrence Edwards

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