Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Parallel Universes Continued 

On an earlier post (March 15)I discussed the theory of parallel universes as presented by Michio Kuko, a physicist who often writes or speaks for a general audience. In that posting, I mentioned that several phenomena could be accounted for if indeed parallel universes do exist, including ghosts, UFO's, bi location, and long distance seeing. Now I would like to add to the first 4 I mentioned then:

5, Teleportation, in which a material object moves from one place to another energetically. Molecules seem to be disassembled in one location, reassembled at another. Do they go through another dimension to do this? So far, only protons have been observed to do this, splitting in two at a test point, then reuniting on the other side.

6. Transmutation, that involves a shift from one molecular form into another.

Ancient tales of wizards who transform human into animal form on up to the Eucharist, where bread and wine are said to be literally transformed into other substances. There is also the phenomenon of bending metal by mind or mind along with exerted pressure, an effect which many have observed or facilitated.

7. Psychokinetic movement, in which objects move through concentration.

8. Spontaneous Kundalini awakening, that may involve a sudden shift from one dimensional reality to another. The nervous system now reacts differently, picks up heretofore unfelt vibrations and the "third eye" opens to new realities. In tune, one vibrates with the cosmos itself, and feels its ecstatic pulse. One discovers one's place as a single atom in the whole.

9. Synchronicity in which two events appear to be strangely linked . Does this occur when two universes co-exist and collide for a brief moment?

10. Deja Vu--The sense of having lived an experience before in some other lifetime, including sudden recognition of strangers.

11. Historic references to re-existence on other planes. These are frequent in literature and myth. Plato believed that the soul existed before birth (where? and Wordsworth said "trailing clouds of glory we come". Various other writers and philosophies posited the pre-existence of the spirit before it took on material form. Reincarnation theories affirm this idea, as do certain Cabalists,who think that each spirit passes before God before birth, pleading not to be caught into physical form but it is always refused.

12. Numerous accounts of the appearance of persons who have died, including Biblical stories of Jesus returning.

13. Tales of places which retain the vibrations of past events, especially battlefields, sacred centers of worship, and locations where happenings of extreme importance occurred.

Again, it must be stressed that these are not the ideas of Michio Kuko, nor are they offered as fact, but rather as speculation. How much of science fiction is in fact true, once the existence of parallel universes is taken into account?

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