Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Radiance Sutras (Lorin Roche)
Here is the fifth verse of Lorin Roche's recently published new translation of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, a wisdom book of the ancient Kashmiri Shaivite tradition:
Follow the path of the radiant life force
as she flashes upward like lightning
through your body.
Attend simultaneouslyto the perineum,
that bright place between the legs,
to the crown of the skull,
and to that shining star-place above the head.
Notice how this living electricity becomes
ever more subtle as she rises, radiant as the morning sun
until she streams outward from
the top of the head into all-embracing gratitude.
Thus become intimate with the life of all beings.
See Lorin Roche's website for more of the Radiance Tantras:
Wikipedia has this to say about these sacred writings:
Rudrayamala Tantra. As a Bhairava Agama it is a purely monistic teaching where Bhairavi (Parvati) asks Bhairava (Lord Shiva) to reveal the essence of the way one has to tread on the path to the realization of the highest reality-- the state of Bhairava. In his answer Bhairava describes 112 ways to enter into the universal and transcendental state of consciousness.
(Further note: Parvati is the wife of Shiva, and thus she embodies special qualities herself.)
(Image from Wikipedia)