Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tom Kenyon, the Hathors, and Planetary Ascension
Recently I wrote about a visit (my second) to the Crystal Chalice, a crystal shop in Fairfax, a nearby city. In that post I described the unexpected and remarkable experience I had as I participated in a meditation which a single meditator was engaged in nearby. As I approached this woman (who was seated on the floor), I felt as though I had entered a powerful bliss field, and immediately I fell into ecstatic trance. The vibrations were the "highest of the high," and the overall experience truly transcendent. In the closing minutes, we were joined by a sound healer, who produced tones on a crystal bown that added even more to the intensity of the vibrations. Later, when I asked first woman about this meditation, she explained that this was a special meditation conducted by the "Hathors," an off planet group dedicated to helping the earth raise its vibrational level to prepare for major transformation.
Last night I looked up the Hathors on Tom Kenyon's website. ( Tom is a sound healer who channels the Hathors, both as spoken (or written) text and as pure sound. I was surprised to discover that this particular meditation had been more special than I had realized.
Here are the Hathors' comments on the meditation (as channeled by Tom):
...those who cannot join us physically for this gathering are invited to join us for the Planetary Meditation in absentia. This is a form of planetary service, through the action of what we call The Planetary Holon of Ascension. (You are then referred to the entry under "The Holon of Ascension" for instructions as to how to prepare a foundation for this meditation.)
We now wish to turn our attention to earth’s Celestial Soul, the BA of earth itself. For it is uniquely different in its organization. Unlike your BA, which is located along the central axis of your body at a point above your head were you to join your hands together, the Celestial Soul of earth is spherical. It completely encloses the earth in a sphere and is located about sixty miles above the surface of your earth. This is what some people refer to as the Christ or Buddha grid. It enfolds earth, completely surrounding it.
During the Planetary Holon of Ascension you align yourself with this greater BA.
You do this by extending the axis of your own Holon to the core of the earth and up to the BA of the planet. Thus, when the Celestial soul of earth responds to you, its energy will pass down this axis through your own personal BA, into your KA (your etheric twin), your physical body, and into the earth.
In a very real sense, you are grounding rods for the Celestial Soul of Earth during this meditation.
As corporeal beings, your bodies are primary standing wave patterns, comprised of atomic and subatomic particles from earth. And from this perspective, your very physicality is birthed from earth, which was, itself, birthed from the remnants of stars. Thus, as embodied beings you have the spiritual authority, the spiritual right and the spiritual responsibility to allow and to assist Earth’s ascension.
The Planetary Meditation
The Planetary Meditation has three phases.
In the first phase, you engage your own personal Holon of Ascension. This charges your KA body with etheric light and spiritual potency, generated from your own celestial soul. This opens your own KA body to become a vibrational-receptor, for the greater influx of etheric light and energy that will descend from the Planetary BA.
In the actual meditation on Sunday, April 5th, we will spend ten minutes in this personal phase, activating our individual Holons of Ascension.
In the second phase, you move your awareness up the axis, past your own personal BA, to the sixty-mile sphere of the BA that surrounds Earth. In the previous phase, you sent appreciation to your own personal BA in order to activate the Holon. In the planetary phase you send appreciation up the axis to the BA that surrounds earth.
As the planetary BA receives your impulse of appreciation it will respond to you and send an influx of energy down the axis, down into your personal BA, your KA body, your physical body, and into the Earth.
It is important to understand the nature of the appreciation that you shall be sending.
It is based upon a spiritual realization that occurs to one as he or she enters into the ascension process. We would describe it as a recognition that embodied life is a treasured gift, that the experience of being in matter and specifically in a human form, is something to be honored and cherished.
This has nothing to do with the dilemmas you may be facing in your life or the situations that aggravate you, make you fearful, angry or sad. These are separate issues, having to do with your own personal psychology and how well, or how poorly, you are adjusting to being a spiritual being having a human experience.
The appreciation that needs to be sent to the Celestial Soul of earth is appreciation for the elements of earth itself, appreciation for the unique experience of life on earth, and for the archetypal elements of water, air, fire, earth and space.
Your science does not consider space to be an element. But here we are referring to an ancient alchemical knowledge, not to the elements of your periodic table.
This ancient knowledge recognized that space is not the mere absence of something, but is a womb for all that may come into existence. It is the mother of all things. Out of this space, subatomic particles and atoms, as well as all their configurations are birthed.
Although your science currently views subatomic particles and atoms in a mechanistic manner, we see them as conscious beings with volitions of their own. This gives rise to a fascinating array of possible futures since your bodies are comprised of these multitudes of consciousnesses.
We intend in future communications to address how the art of human appreciation can affect atomic structures and possible futures. But let us now turn our attention back to the Planetary Holon of Ascension.
When you send appreciation to the BA of earth, you are sending appreciation for the treasure of embodied existence, and for the treasure that you call earth. It is the emotion of appreciation that shall cause the Celestial Soul of earth to respond to you, just as with the personal Holon of Ascension.
When earth’s BA responds to your appreciation, there will be an influx of energy down the axis of your own Holon of Ascension, and depending upon your level of evolution, you will have many different types of experiences. Some of these shall be transcendent in nature, some of them interdimensional in nature, whereby you are taken into the multi-dimensionality of earth in all her grandeur.
For some it shall be an act of purification, for the dross that would keep you at a lower vibration shall be struck like a bell, and the vibration that arises shall wake you from your sleep.
What we mean by this is that human consciousness has been in a state of slumber, not recognizing its abilities as co-creators of collective reality. While being asleep, human consciousness has allowed others to manipulate its reality, and determine its destiny. With the ascension of earth, those days are numbered, and so as the great Celestial Soul of earth responds to you, you shall enter into a more energetic vibration, a quickening of the KA (your etheric twin).
There are many, many types of experiences that will arise, but do not be sidetracked by them. They will naturally appear. The important thing in this phase of the meditation is to be the grounding rod for Earth’s Celestial soul.
The Mechanics
This is the sequence for the second phase of the meditation: the Planetary Holon of Ascension.
After activating your personal Holon of Ascension, you extend the axis of your Holon into the center of the earth and up to a point sixty miles above the surface. This point is one of an infinite number of possible points along the sphere that is earth’s BA.
Then you send appreciation to earth’s Celestial Soul and wait to feel the response, allowing the response to move down your energetic-axis into your body, into your KA and into the earth.
After you feel the response of earth’s BA passing through you into the physical earth, you return to the state of appreciation and send it back up to earth’s BA again, waiting and allowing the response, allowing it to move through you and into the Earth. You repeat this as many times as you wish during the time of the meditation.
This phase of the meditation will last twenty minutes.
This portion of the meditation can become very dynamic. If at any time the energetics become too strong for your comfort range, shift your attention back to your personal BA point and just rest in your personal Holon of Ascension until you feel ready to receive a greater influx of energy. Some of you may need to do this several times in the course of the twenty minutes.
After this second phase of the meditation, we will return to the personal Holon of Ascension for five minutes, allowing the experience to integrate.
At this point, we will have been in meditation for 35 minutes. We then suggest you rest in silence for at least five minutes. If you have the time, it would be a very good thing to lie down and drift off for a while. It is not advisable to move into your outer world of activities without this period of rest.
Once the meditation begins and until it ends, we shall, ourselves, construct a Holon of Ascension. We shall create a disc shape, just like the personal Holon of Ascension. The center of our Holon will be the center of your Milky Way Galaxy, what is sometimes referred to, as the Great Central Sun, and the disc shall extend out so that the entire galaxy is enclosed in it. For some of you this is unnecessary information, but for others this information will be helpful.
Through the mystery of space, the mother of all potentials, we extend to you this invitation. We invite you energetically to join those of us who shall be gathered in Seattle for The Great Triad. And we welcome you to this grand experiment of collective co-creation.
The time has come. The bell is sounding. It is time to wake up to your greater destiny.
The Hathors.
Tom’s Observations
I would like to take a moment and thank those of you who have decided to join us in this planetary meditation as described by the Hathors. Know that you will be joined in your efforts by thousands of other people throughout the world who, like you, sense the great opportunity of these times.
Although you may not know each other’s names, although our paths may never cross, we are part of a vast and growing global community. Some have called people like you, Lightworkers. The Hathors call you the Life-sustainers, for the values you express in your life, your work, and your community have a direct effect on the quality of life around you. And in the dance of creation, whereby thought becomes manifest in our lives, your life and how you live it helps to sustain life itself, or at the very least the higher qualities of what we call human.
Know that in this type of energy-work, distance does not matter. Those of us undertaking this form of planetary service will be connected in ways that transcend the limitations of time, space, location and distance.
Thus, in Seattle, when those of us who have gathered enter into the meditation, we will do so with a community of the well-intended who are spread throughout the earth, on almost every continent and in many different countries.
Those of us undertaking this planetary meditation share one commonality. Although our lifestyles and positions in life may differ, and although our philosophies and religions may not concur, we all agree on one salient point: life on earth is precious.
The grand experiment in collective co-creation that the Hathors refer to, is the hope that with enough well-intended persons working to anchor the ascension energies of the planetary BA, we may, as a species, wake up to our powers of creation and change our destiny.
It is my opinion that earth is going to be fine in this period of great transformation that we are now in the midst of. Some of her inhabitants might not make it, especially us humans who think we are above the ecosystem that we live in. But earth will be fine.
If the myths, prophecies, and legends that speak to this time are right, then earth will ascend to a new vibration of being and all those upon her will enter a golden age. Only time will tell if this is true or not, or just the delusional hopes of primate human minds with overly active imaginations.
I do think that we are in extraordinary times. Thus, one can witness almost daily, a plethora of extraordinary fiascos, stupidities and dangers as well as extraordinary opportunities for personal growth and ascension. For those of you new to the Hathor postings, in their view of ascension there is nowhere to go. Ascension is not about leaving earth in a flash of glory (although that is one version). For most of us, ascension is a movement upward in consciousness while still being embodied.
And so we undertake this meditation because we are embodied. We are made of the stuff that is earth herself. And thus we have, as the Hathors say, both the spiritual right and the spiritual responsibility to allow and to assist Earth’s ascension.
Those of us who have gathered in Seattle for the Great Triad Intensive will enter into the Planetary Meditation on Sunday, April 5th at 3:00 PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time. For those of you outside the US, the Internet has several Time Conversion sites that are free. The World Clock is one of these and it is easy to use.
If, for some reason, you are unable to determine the exact time in your time zone, then I suggest you just pick a time and do the meditation on your own. The vibratory field of the Planetary Holon will continue for some time after the meditation is completed in Seattle.
The meditation will last 35 minutes as the Hathors indicated. After this, those of us in Seattle will be in silence for 5 minutes to re-orient ourselves since I anticipate that this will be a very dynamic experience in transcendence.
For the last twenty minutes of that hour, we will be closing the Intensive with a sound meditation.
If you are joining us for the meditation at a distance, then this would be an ideal time to rest and integrate the experience before moving into the rest of your day or night.
NOTE: I have including this large segment from the Hathors and Tom Kenyon because I feel the message is of paramount importance at this time. Although I cannot vouch for the actual source (the Hathors or Tom's subconscious) I certainly can attest to the power of the meditation. It did feel just as it is descibed above, as of one's "Ka Body" (etheric twin) had become a "vibratory-receptor" for the greater influx of etheric energy descending from the planet's own spirit/soul ("Ba Body").
What a blessing to have received this unexpected gift!