Saturday, May 02, 2009
Always Sunset
You know the moment.
The lovers are drifting
farther and farther apart,
on open sea.
They have kissed
and said goodbye
and made their pledges of reunion,
but they know they will
never see one another again.
One will go on to become a famous
with many followers,
flowers every day.
The other will land
on a quiet beach,
a place where there
are few visitors,
little to break the soft
breathing of the palm trees,
the swish of the taffeta waves
the shore.
She will wonder what became
of her one lost love,
her passion of so long ago.
Little will change here.
It will always be sunset,
the moon opening like a silver fan
spreading above the earth’s curved arc.
Dorothy Walters
May 2, 2009
(This poem more or less "came through" while I was listening to Wagner on the radio this afternoon--his is a piece about lovers torn apart by fate and the lasting sorrow it brings. Lovers separated can also be seen as an allegory of the soul's separation from God.)