Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, August 07, 2009

About Om 

What is it about "OM" that is so fascinating? Why is it that when a group sounds "OM" together the sound resonates through your whole body? Does OM have a meaning or is it simply a syllable we use to connect with something beyond ourselves? Does the fact that this Sanskrit term has been used for centuries by many hundreds of thousands (or more) devotees to affirm their allegiance to a greater power (known by many names) add shakti power to the word when it is chanted or sung?
Does a special energy accrue to a word or a place or an object when it becomes the object of veneration of myriad devout worshippers? If so, what is this magical power? Why do books have the capacity to raise the shakti within, even when they sit unopened on the shelf. (and music of course--and visual images too--and the world of nature--the list continues)
There is a young man living today who lost his sight when he was two years old. His mother assured him that he could "see" with his other organs--his eyes, his ears, his hands. And so he did. But as time passed he learned to do even more. He learned to "see" (sense ) objects in his path, without touching or feeling. He was able to navigate on sidewalks unaided, even to play in the street with his mates. And then he began to do more--he would make little clicking sounds to help him "echo-locate" the way bats and dolphins do, to know where objects were. With this unique faculty, he became gifted with a sense that no one else in the world possesses.
This amazing young man was presented on a documentary recently and his power was impressive. Who knows what the rest of us might do if we surrendered to possibility? What vast numbers of us might accomplish if we together focused on allowing this kind of expansion of consciousness to occur?
Perhaps we are finding out now. Perhaps this is indeed the time, ours the spirit, the world essence the creative intelligence to take us together to undreamed of heights and to accomplish unbelievable marvels.
Be prepared!

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