Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Synchronicity 

And here is another synchronicity that happened to an e-mail friend of mine recently. Through FaceBook, he reconnected with a childhood friend who had in fact been his best friend in grade school. They had not been in contact for many years, but when they corresponded they discovered that they both were writers, both were interested in spirituality, and that she was having mysterious tremors in her body. He then revealed to her that he was going through Kundalini awakening, and she realized that a similar process was happening to her.

I find events like this fascinating, and they seem to be happening more and more often to many people. Such events are known to be more common when one is undergoing deep spiritual transformation. It is as if the barriers between soul and soul, psyche and psyche, dissolve, and we are reminded that we are indeed all one.

Yes, the nets are growing tighter, the bonds that connect us all.

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