Monday, August 10, 2009
Kundalini, Synchronicity, and Strange Experiences

When I first arrived Boulder last month, I had considerable trouble getting my internet connection set up. Finally, it was working, and two days later, I received the following e-mail from Ron Adams, whose picture appears above:
I just came across your book, Unmasking the Rose, at the Lighthouse
Bookstore in Boulder, so I am looking forward to reading a female view on Kundalini, having already read Gopi Krishna's books. Let me share my experience with you: The summer of 1984 I had just moved to Boulder, Colorado and I was experiencing my first Saturn Return, at the ripe old age of 28. My friend Gary went back to Indiana, where we both came from, to visit his folks. It was a weird time, all alone in a new town. I started having anxiety attacks, and one hot summer nite I was sitting upstairs in the hot room in my shorts, and suddenly I had the weirdest sensation, at the bottom of my spine, I kept feeling icey cold and firey hot, like liquid mercury sloshing around. The feeling began to rise up my spine. It was like energy rushes, very powerful. When it got to my heart chakra, I was sure I was about to have a heart attack. I called 911 and they sent the ambulance. My blood pressure was skyrocketing, 190 something over 100. They took me to Boulder Hospital. The doctors calmed me down, but they could find nothing wrong. When a nurse happened to come in to check my pulse, it began to happen again. I mentioned it and she asked me to describe it. I did and she told me not to say another word to the doctors, that I was having a spiritual experience. She gave me the name of a local holistic health group and I went there the next day. The doctor there listened to me and announced, you are having a Kundalini experience. I asked, "A Kunda what?" He explained that yoga practitioners practiced for years to have this experience. I told him they could have it. He gave me some book titles, Gopi Krishna's Kundalini books and suggested that I go to Boulder Library and get them immediately. He said next time it happened, ride it like a tiger and try not to be afraid, that it would complete itself. I was also having stigmata in the palms of my hands, incredible heat and redness.So I immediately went to the Boulder Library, checked out the books,and as I was coming out, here it came, the rushing energies. I was by the beautiful Boulder Creek so I accepted it, as it would be a perfectplace to die, if that was the case. I took a gulp, as the energy rose from the base of my spine, up to my heart, and I did ride it like a tiger. I left my body as the rushing energy escaped out my crown, it felt like dying and anxiety, being born and bliss, as I saw smokey darkness. Then in some mystical vision I saw the planet 130 years in the future. There were no longer any buildings, roads, cars, concrete as we are use to, but instead everyone lived in tune with nature in small tribes. Nobody wore clothes, and the climate was about 72 degrees all year round. It seemed like everyone was telepathic, as I saw some teenage boys off to hunt, with their faces painted like Indian warriors, all for play. I saw this naked elderly woman telling stories to a group of children. I looked in her almond shaped eyes and could sense the whole planet, and the term "Planetary Consciousness"entered my mind. As I was awakening from this mystical vision of pure Peace, I was still standing in the middle of the green grass of the Boulder Library. A homeless guy was walking by and I went up and gave him a big hug, probably freaked him out. It was incredible. My thoughts the next few weeks were awesome, thinking of things in terms of "Breaking the Cultural Trance," "Spiritual Evolution," and"Planetary Consciousness." My telepathy was strong. I discovered Joseph Campbell and Aleister Crowley. Within a year I had talked to Dr. Jose Arguelles about the coming Harmonic Convergence in a few years, 1987, and I held my own Peace and Freedom Day in BoulderCentral Park, with the intention for that day of living in thepossibility of the end to the threat of nuclear war. Ann Waldman, Naropa teacher and poet, a band Electric Third Rail, and other poets, performers and bands showed up that day, I even got the even supportedby the Boulder City Council and UNICEF, being October 25th, l985 beingthe 40th anniversary of the United Nations. Anyway, that was the real beginning of my spiritual awakening, and I am lucky that nurse sent me in the right direction, or I probably would have ended up on prozac or some other antidepressant, or something worse.I look forward to reading your book, and I've also read Andrew Harvey's work too.-- Peace & Freedom,
"Tarot is the art & science of tuning into random events and synchronizing meaning, transforming understanding, into new
consciousness." Ron Adams
Now I was, to say the least, surprised by this communication. First of all, it is an arresting account of kundalini awakening, and I am always interested in spontaneous arousal of the energies. But, more than that, the writer was mentioning places in Boulder I was very familiar with--the Light House Bookstore, the Library, the park downtown, Boulder Creek. It was difficult to believe that the writer had not somehow learned of my recent move back here and was therefore writing about places and scenes I knew.
But--it turned out that this was not the case. The timing of the e-mail was pure synchronicity (two seemingly unrelated events coinciding in time).
I immediately got in touch with Ron and discovered that he was a professional psychic who also did Tarot readings on Boulder Mall on weekends. We agreed to meet sometime in future.
Now, the synchronicity did not stop there. Because this post is already rather long, I am going to wait to tell the rest of the story until tomorrow. I will also say more about Ron and his background at that time.