Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Poem by Denise Levertov 

O Taste and See

The world is

not with us enough

O taste and see

the subway Bible poster said,

meaning The Lord, meaning

if anything all that lives

to the imagination’s tongue,

grief, mercy, language,

tangerine, weather, to

breathe them, bite,

savor, chew, swallow, transform

into our flesh our

deaths, crossing the street, plum, quince,

living in the orchard and being

hungry, and plucking

the fruit.

Denise Levertov

Denise Levertov is reminding us that it is not enough to yearn for the fullness of life, or merely to read the accounts of others. We must "taste" the world about us for ourselves, we must see it up close, we must feel its texture. We are indeed surrounded by beauty and transcendent reality, but only if we allow ourselves to breathe its essence into our own being will we possess it. We live in the orchard, but it is up to us to pluck the fruit.

P. S. Just a few minutes ago I received an amazing "care package" from a friend in another state. It contained a wealth of forbidden "goodies," from chocolate chip cookies to popcorn--all the things I love and generally do not allow myself to eat But, since this was a special occasion (aren't they all?), I immediately began to sample the spoils. And so I smiled when I read Levertov's poem once more--since I was indeed taking her advice to "taste and see."

Like Oscar Wilde, I can "resist anything but temptation."

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