Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Synchronicity within a Synchronicity 

Dear Friends,
My computer is doing something very strange. It will not allow me to post a picture, nor change the script below, so I am trying to publish it as is. Sorry about this. Dorothy

The last post talked about Ron Adams and the curious synchronicity that occurred when he e-mailed me soon after I moved back to Boulder and just two days after my internet got connected. In that post, I offered his own description of his Kundalini awakening that occurred in Boulder a few years ago, and I wondered if he had advance knowledge of my return. But no, it was a true synchronicity.

A few days later, Ron mailed me again, and in this letter he asked whether or not I was on Facebook (no, was my answer). But later I was curious as to who with my name was indeed on Facebook, and so I began to check out this question. Somehow I came upon a reference which read, "I had found "Unmasking the Rose" by Dorothy Walters "(in a bookstore.) This phrase had a reference to a certain site (not Facebook) that I turned to, but the page contained no such phrase or reference. Then, somehow, my computer clicked to another page (part of the same internet group) and there was a picture of Ron Adams with the following entry from Ron:

I had a spiritual synchronicity happen today. I posted my story of my kundalini experience over on my Facebook page group, and mentioned Unmasking the Rose by Dorothy Walters. I ended up finding her email address on a blog a couple of day ago and emailed her. She replied today, she has moved back to Boulder, where I do Tarot readings, and just got internet hookup 2 days ago. How's that for timing? I love this stuff! Metaphysics of Business Part 8: Synchronicity Happens.

To me (Dorothy) this latest "coincidence" is especially interesting because the site I located wasn't even Facebook, but one I did not know about.

Here is Ron's self-description on the above site:

What Ron does

I am a professional psychic, writer, and blogtalkradio guest and soon to be host. My main two goals at this present time are publishing my writings, and gathering clients for the Sacred Wheel of Fortune ceremony.

What Ron does best

Tarot readings and my Sacred Wheel of Fortune ceremony are what I do best with my clients. I speak, write and teach about the metaphysical arts, western magick, mayan calendar, learning tarot, developing your psychic abilities, and give abundance workshops.

What does Ron need?

Well I am doing pretty well this summer with clients, and one thing that helped was asking for their emails after a tarot session and shoot them out a reminder about what we talked about. Now what I need is to publish my manuscripts, being that I am a writer too.
I am creating more clients for my larger Sacred Wheel of Fortune ceremony.


High School graduate of F. J. Reitz High School in Evansville, Indiana. Went to Colorado University at Boulder for 3 1/2 years, studying Public Relations and Sociology.


I've read tarot cards for over 32 years. Working on Mile High Psychics, Psychic Friends Network, and now on American Association of Professional Psychics. I've read at Boulder bookstores: The Emerald Rose, The Delphic Oracle, the Mandala, and also the Mystic Rose.
And there is more about Ron on Facebook. He has had a very interesting life journey, investigating many esoteric realms and applying his knowledge to his Tarot and psychic readings and other areas. On Facebook, you can find out how to contact him if you would like a reading.

I look forward to meeting Ron in person.

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