Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, August 01, 2009

A Walk in Boulder 

Today was the day. Most of my time since my arrival in this old/new home has been devoted to unpacking an infinite number of boxes (the pile seems to grow rather than decrease daily), and scurrying about on buses making necessary purchases to get set up. Actually, it was rather hot for many days after my arrival in Boulder (after San Francisco, 90 degrees seems rather torrid to me--like everyone else, I was wearing sweaters and fleece jackets just before I left)--and then in Boulder it rained off and on for several days (after four years of extreme drought, this area is now experiencing one of the wettest summers ever.)
But today was perfect--perhaps around 70 degrees with no sign of rain. So I set out to explore Boulder Creek with its 7 miles of walking trails. The photos above are a photo record of my walk. The first ;icture is of a lovely flower (is this a sunflower?) I met along the way. Next is a man fishing in Boulder Creek--this creek used to be filled with salmon--I have no idea whether any are to be found there now or not. Soon I arrived at the weekly Saturday farmers' market held in the park--wonderful fruits and flowers and vegetables were displayed on every hand. Here is a shot of the crowd, including one of the local Peace and Justice group demonstrating quietly against the violence the U. S. is caught up in abroad. Then there is one of a colorful "hippie" who, with his tie dyes and backpack, seemed to be a reminder of the sixties. I purchased some Vietnamese noodles from one of the food stands--they proved to be delicious. The last shot is of two little Asian (Vietnamese?) children who sat with their Caucasian mother across from me at one of the outdoor tables. I miss the Asian faces of San Francisco so I was happy to capture these images of such delightful children.
In Boulder, I have emerged cautiously from my "shell". In fact, I may have been a little bit "shell shocked" after I arrived, and at first didn't want to venture far from my home--I went out mainly to purchase necessaries or transact business. I didn't go wild with joy, or indulge in ecstatic exhilaration at being here (though I was indeed very grateful and quietly happy.) For days I reveled in solitude and silence. Now I am (finally) expanding my field of activity, going out on more local exploring expeditions and seeking new events.
Before I left San Francisco I had bought a ticket to hear Krishna Das in concert--but after I set my move date, I was unable to go, because I was scheduled to move out the day after the concert. But tonight I am going to hear him in Boulder--it seems a nice way to close the circle, to knit loose ends, and start the flow of more regular life once again.
Right now I am involved in discovery and integration of this "rebirth" experience and so I am writing more about personal adventures here on the blog. But soon I will return to less personal topics, with greater focus on Kundalini as such and the impact it is having on all of our lives.
My friend tells me that tonight is especially propitious, for it is the third of three eclipses and these mark the beginning of a new era--a time of renewal and movement into even higher states of consciousness. (I told her I wondered how this was possible, since many of us seem to be levitating already.) Frankly, I am glad my move is over. I think this is the right place for me to be in such a time of transition.
Greetings to all,

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