Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Anam Cara Newsletter 

Anam Cara Foundation
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey

Greetings and Namaste!

As human beings we are capable of boundless love and compassion. Great souls are recognized not by magical displays of power, not by fitting some artificial notion of perfection, but by their unwavering compassion and love, the greatness of their hearts.

What moves us to feel compassion for another person or another living being?
What moves you to feel deep compassion, to be truly present with the suffering, the plight, the struggles, and the challenges of others?
What opens the door to your heart, allowing you to be so lovingly, compassionately present?
What closes the door?
How do you open it again and keep it open?
How do we cultivate compassion?

(above by Lawrence Edwards)


Blessed are the man and the woman
who have grown beyond their greed
and have put an end to their hatred
and no longer nourish illusions.
But they delight in the way things are
and keep their hearts open day and night.
They are like trees planted near flowing rivers,
which bear fruit when ready.
Their leaves will not fall or wither.
Everything they do will succeed.

Psalm 1, The Book of Psalms
From The Enlightened Heart, Stephen Mitchell, ed.

"At the heart of Buddhist philosophy is the notion of compassion for others. It should be noted that the compassion encouraged by Mahayana Buddhism is not the usual love one has for friends or family. The love being advocated here is the kind one can have even for another who has done one harm. Developing a kind heart does not always involve any of the sentimental religiosity normally associated with it. It is not just for people who believe in religions; it is for everyone who considers himself or herself to be a member of the human family, and thus sees things in accordingly large terms."
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

Raising Our Hearts

How do we elevate our loving heart above the limitations of our ordinary mind? Do the simple act of lowering your head below your heart, thus elevating your heart above your head. Watch what happens to your gaze. Bowing our head is really elevating our heart, the posture for approaching the Divine, the boundless Presence of Love and Compassion already there in our heart. With that inward-turned gaze we rediscover the greatness of the heart we have been given. Rest there in your heart for a while. Raising your head again, you can do so with your vision transformed by your heart, as though your mind had been dipped in the ocean of compassion present in your heart and came out cleared once again of the obstructions and afflictions that deluded it into seeing anything separate from itself. Dive into your heart, into the ocean of love and compassion, over and over until heart and mind no longer know the difference.

Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening
A new book by Lawrence Edwards, et al

"Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening is the contemporary voice to guide a new generation of seekers through the uncertainty of life's most intimate journey. This is the book that you'll hand to your children with pride while wishing someone had done the same for you years earlier to answer your questions of awakening."

Gregg Bradden, New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix and Fractal Time.

Upcoming Programs
Anam Cara Foundation, Bedford, NY

Nov. 6-8, 2009, Friday Evening-Sunday Afternoon
Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Empowerment Retreat
Led by Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
The extraordinary power of Consciousness that allows us to directly know the Infinite is called Kundalini in the yogic tradition. In this retreat you will be guided through ancient practices that awaken and unfold the inner power of meditation and yoga, Kundalini.
Through this innate power of Consciousness we will explore the archetypal realms of transcendence, wisdom and grace. Through the power of mantra, chanting, breath work, and the profound tales of mystical traditions, including the Black Madonna, Inanna, Kali and Kundalini, we will further access the inner source of true knowledge and ultimate freedom. That source is the Divine within. Through this process you will be empowered to deepen and sustain your meditation practice at home. Many people take this retreat repeatedly in order to delve more and more deeply into the mysteries of true meditation and further unfold the power of Kundalini.
Sharings from others who have taken the retreat can be found through the program link below.
Pre-registration is required. Fee: $270, includes meals but not accommodations.

Wed. Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9; 7:15- 8:45pm
Buddhist Wisdom Treasures I for Non-Buddhists
This popular 4 week course gives you access to the compassionate teachings and meditative practices of the Buddha that have inspired people and clergy of all faiths and traditions. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $125

Sunday Dec. 13, 9am- 3:30pm
Abiding in Stillness - Gateway to the Sacred
This one day program will include meditation instruction, contemplations, chanting and a delicious vegetarian lunch. In this Holy season, give yourself time to step back from all the activities and come to rest in the Divine Presence, the source of lasting peace and good will toward all. Pre-registration required. Fee: $60, including lunch.

Wed. Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 2010; 7-15- 8:45pm
Buddhist Wisdom Treasures II
Many people have been asking for a continuation of the Buddhst Wisdom Treasures for Non-Buddhists initial course and here it is! Start the New Year off with your highest good at heart. You don't have to have taken the first course, though it will be helpful, and of course you don't have to become a Buddhist to enjoy and benefit from the insights and wisdom of this great tradition. Pre-registration required. Fee: $125

Sat. Oct. 31st- Nov. & Dec. dates to be announced 7:00pm
Monthly Kirtan Night!
With Satya, Ma and Kalidas. Join us in this ancient and ecstatic practice of chanting the names of the Divine. Everyone is welcome!

Meditation Group Every Tuesday Evening:
Starts promptly at 7:30pm at our center at the Anam Cara Foundation in Bedford, NY. All are welcome! Directions are on the Anam Cara website. If you wonder whether the group is being held on a particular Tuesday evening there will always be a message stating if it is cancelled on that night on 914-234-4800.

For more information please visit our Events page (click here)

Thank you all for your notes of appreciation for our newsletter.

Everyone has the heart to be a true friend of the soul, an Anam Cara. By embodying that ideal ourselves we may serve to help another to find love and compassion within themselves.

Our highest nature is always manifest in relationship - to all other beings, to the environment, in relation to our own body and mind. Becoming mindful of the quality of our relationships allows us to learn where the light shines and where it needs to shine more. The ideal of Anam Cara is to continuously endeaver to expand the depth and the inclusiveness of the loving kindness we bring into every relationship, every moment, every breath.

If you have any suggestions, comments or sharings, for our newsletter please don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'll do my best to respond.

The Anam Cara Foundation is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non- denominational programs are open to all. There are free meditation instructions and downloadable audio files of guided meditations on our website.

Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for The Anam Cara Foundation. Because of your gifts we can offer free programs and instruction to thousands of people. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation please send it to address listed below.

I look forward to welcoming you in person to our programs.

With all my appreciation and love,
I thank you all.

May all beings realize complete freedom from suffering and may all our actions reflect only wisdom, compassion, patience and loving kindness.
Lawrence signature
Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
The Anam Cara Foundation
Lawrence on the Isle of Iona, Scotland
All newsletter contents copyrighted 2009

email: le@anamcara-ny.org
phone: 914-234-4800
web: http://www.anamcara-ny.org

The Anam Cara Foundation | P.O. Box 215 | Bedford Hills | NY | 10507

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