Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Awakening (for the Beloved Within) -- poem 

The Awakening
(for the Beloved Within)

You thought it was enough,
those nights when nothing
else seemed to exist,
only those moments
in one another’s arms,
the human enactment
straining toward myth.

And then there were
the times when
you walked over earth
as if it were
the first day.
Everything shone,
everything spoke
to you,
you went
where the bird cries
thrilled your spirit,
and trees allowed you
to enter their secret congregation,
the red clay trails
leading you always deeper
into what you thought of
as your private paradise.

And books
that comforted your soul,
fed you
hidden wisdoms,
and music that rose
in your throat
like the calls
of angels.

But it was not enough.
Then You came,
and after that nothing
else mattered,
only this being together,
this constant flow,
this terrible knowing
of who You are,
who I am,
how we were
before time.

Dorothy Walters
October 14, 2009

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