Kundalini Splendor

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Monday, October 19, 2009

"The Divine Feminine Fire"--new book by Teri Degler 

Teri Degler, one of the most established writers on Kundalini, yoga, tantra, the Divine Feminine, and creativity, has just published an exciting new volume. It is titled "The Divine Feminine Fire: Creativity and Your Yearning to Express Your Self."

Teri has explored the mysteries of yoga, Kundalini, creativity and the Divine Feminine for many years. She brings to us the distillation of all the wisdom she has accumulated through her own long journey of investigation, experience, and yielding back. Even her chapter titles beckon us forward: "The Goddess Hidden in the Body,"; "My Lover, My Longing,"; "Tantra and the Transmutation of Desire,"; "Shiva, Shakti, and the Balance of Power,"; "The Precious Juice of Grace."

On the back cover we find this description: "This is a book about our yearning--our desire to know our true nature, to ease the suffering we see around us, to save Mother Earth, and especially, to express our true selves creatively. For, amazing as it may seem, our desire to be creatiave is fueled dby the same cosmic force that triggers our longing to do good in the world. Called Shakti in yoga, this divine feminine enegy is not just the creative force of the cosmos but also the creative force within each one of us.

In The Divine Femine Fire you'll delve into the myths and sacred stories that unveil Shakti's myterious workings, explore the stunning parallels to Shekinah and Sophia in Judaism and Christianity, and be passionataely inspired by both fiery women mystics and women just like you."

Teri, herself an experienced workshop presenter on creativity and spirituality,
offers valuable exercises we ourselves can use to enhance our own creativity.

I particularly like the statement she includes at the front of the book "...it is often in opening ourselves and becoming vulnerable that we are able truly to experience the power of the divine feminine fire that exists within each and every one of us...."

Anyone who has tasted or the "divine feminine fire" (or nectar) of Kundalini knows full well how true this statement is. We do not "make" Kundalini happen--any more than we can "make" a glorious poem to come forth or a painting to take perfect shape. Instead we open ourselves to the secret energy that abides within and that will come forth if we are willing to become vulnerable and open to it.

This is an important book and a timely book. I encourage you to read it. You will not be sorry, I promise.

Also, be sure to check out Teri's website at http://www.teridegler.com/
On this site you can read about Teri's other books, order this one, and check out her online newsletter "The Feminine Fire."

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