Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Thursday, October 08, 2009

This Unfolding (poem) 

This Unfolding

I am thinking how it
will all go down with
All the agonies, griefs,
the tears you fed
your sorrows,
the nights of love
that lasted
until morning,
the prize you almost
held in your hand
that went to someone else,
the guilt you
never told,
the moments on
the mountain tops
where the brightness
the trees,
the cold brush
of the river
against your
that fall
when you took
the dare.

will accompany
where you are going,
until it dissolves
like fog
the heaving shore,
like dew
morning sun.

And you too will
into whatever is
a nothingness
that doesn’t remember
what it was
that brought it
so much joy,
so much pain.

Yet sometimes you will catch
faint glimpses
of that which
used to be
and stare
in wonder
at so much felicity
from so little,
so much suffering
from almost nothing
at all.

And you will ponder
the meaning
of this lost unfolding
even as you prepare
to descend
once more.

Dorothy Walters
October 6, 2009

(Photo of pampas grass by N. M. Rai)

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