Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Trees in Autumn (poem) 

Trees in Autumn

Who are they,
so long demure
and unassuming
in their familiar greens,
tokens of strength
and stability
in an assured universe,
now flaming torches
held against
a waiting sky?

Dazzlement of
ochre, bronze, and mauve,
defiant proclamation,
passion released at last.

Sometimes an old friend
will surprise you,
as if a voice whispered,
and there they were,
all dullness shed,
robes and vestments
to reveal
the unclothed self
dancing like David
before the ark,
all splendor
and naked bliss.

They say at death
the body fills with joy,
ecstasy of return,
spirit rising in its own sweet flame
to join the choirs above.

Dorothy Walters
October 6,2009

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