Kundalini Splendor

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Monday, November 23, 2009

The Living Matrix Movie 

The Living Matrix

It is called "The Living Matrix." It is a film about the new approach to medicine and healing that is emerging on many fronts. Its thesis is quite simple: things in our universe are not divided one from another as Newtonian physics would have it, but rather each item, each object, each being is part of a vast energy field which contains and in fact is reality itself.

Think of that for a moment. You and I and every living (and non-living) thing) are part of a huge, swirling, immeasurable, indefinable, unutterable "field" of energy, a reality that many simply call "god."

The proponents of this view are not fringe mystics. Rather they are coming from the various areas of leading edge science, where healing is occurring in unexpected circumstances and in previously unsuspected ways.

A child with severe symptoms of cerebral palsy is taken to a renowned energy healer. After only four minutes he can walk with assurance once again, hold a cup in his hands. climb and descend stairs unaided, rather than seated and scooting or crawling up and down.

A woman with brain cancer tries various traditional techniques and then decides simply to accept her condition--o live with her ailment rather than trying to “cure” it. Soon her tumor shrinks and disappears.

Edgar Mitchell, of Astronaut fame, contacts an energy healer in another state for help with a kidney malfunction. Soon the malady vanishes.

Mainstream medicine has no way to account for any of these "miracle healings." Such events lie well outside the purview of traditional science.

The brain is not the primary organ of perception. Intelligence is located throughout the body, with the heart being especially sensitive. The heart reacts before the brain when the subject is shown positive or negative images: sometimes the heart reacts even before the images are presented, as if it intuits or has foreknowledge of what is going to happen. A wife who has been trained to send loving thought to her ill husband sits in a room apart from him and sends such thoughts at various intervals according to the test protocol. His heart rate responds each time at the very moment she sends such love.

In the field, each part communicates with all the other parts. For that reason, energy healers do not need to be in the physical presence of the client to perform their work. Every single cell in the body is in constant communication with every other cell. How do they do that? Mainstream science cannot tell us, any more that it can explain how the body heals a wound, how the genes of the embryo know what part of the physical system to become as the baby grows inside the womb, or what actually directs the operation of the various organs in the body, such as heart, liver, and lungs. We do not perform such oversight consciously. Who is the "subconscious conductor” of such complex functions?

Genes and hormones are not the answer. Other processes play an essential part, one in which mind and intention are closely involved. Biologists, chemists, healers, philosophers—all are bringing their various perspectives to bear on this new vision. It is no longer relegated to the underground of contemporary thought. Much of it arises from the discoveries of quantum physics, which teaches us that the world operates in a very different fashion than "common sense" rationality has thought.

This exciting documentary is not being shown in many mainstream theaters at present, but it is available for purchase as a DVD on http://www.thelivingmatrixmovie.com/

It is also being shown in various cities through the sponsorship of local organizations and institutes. A calendar on the website above tells you when a showing may be scheduled for your area.

My suggestion: go the website, take time to look up each contributor to the film. They offer exciting information for us all, for they are the leading edge of the new thought, the fresh paradigm.

Finally, I would add that those of us involved in Kundalini processes will be especially interested in this new perspective, for we experience "the field" often in our daily practice and everyday lives. In one sense, the new knowledge is perhaps a return to ancient wisdom.

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