Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Teilhard de Chardin and Love 

Listen, listen.
Can you hear those honey drops
fall from the mouth of God?
Can you feel the rose
opening in your spine?
Whatever you were before,
now you are only this.

Does anyone else
feel this love?
Like the breath
of a thousand rose gardens
dreaming they are petals
crushed in God's hand.

(from "A Cloth of Fine Gold"--
Dorothy Walters)

Recently, I was in a gathering when someone mentioned Teilhard de Chardin. Teihard was, of course, one of the first to set forth certain ideas about the evolution of consciousnesses. Darwin had presented the notion of evolution of the physical body. Now Teilhard went further, pointing out that there had also been a progression in the development of the mental as well as the spiritual body.

Building on the work of others, Teilhard posited four stages in the development of the earth:

First, there was the "geosphere" that contained inanimate matter without life or consciousness.

Next came the "biosphere" in which life developed, though as yet it lacked self-reflexive consciousness.

Third was the appearance of the "noosphere", the realm of self-reflexive thought and the development of spirit through love.

Teilhard saw love (the impulse to unite) as the driving force behind all the various stages. He says of love:

"Love ...is...the direct trace marked on the heart of the element by the psychical convergence of the universe upon itself."

He sees that that primary impulse behind all the stages, including the physical, is the uniting of particle with particle, element with element. All things converge to make a new creation--atoms become molecules, molecules become tissues, tissues become bodies, and mental (spiritual bodies) converge to become even greater wholes.

For Teilhard, this process culminates in what he calls the "Omega Point," the ultimate center and goal of the entire process (possibly what we would call God or ultimate reality.)

He says further: "Love alone is capable of uniting human beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them in what is deepest in themselves."

Teilhard was a scientist/priest whose views were not popular within the Church. The latter did not allow his work to be published during his lifetime. Finally, after his death in l951, his writings became available, and in 2009 the Pope praised his work.

Today, Teilhard is recognized as one of the founding fathers of the New Age Movement (in its best sense.) He brought forth new ideas on consciousness itself, and made us realize that the Darwinian view is in fact incomplete, dealing as it does with the material realm only, and ignoring the role of spirit (love) in shaping humanity's course.

Recently, Anne Hillman has published "Awakening the Energies of Love" that offers the notion of a "spiritual sphere" based on love itself as the next phase of human development. www.annehillman.net

I have not yet read this book, but Anne tells me that the love she refers to is in fact similar to and perhaps the same as Kundalini--something palpable, real, felt in the body--not merely an abstract concept.

We are now in the season of remembrance of love, of a time to renew our vows, to reach out in love to all around us and those far distant. Again and again we are receiving the message that love itself is our only hope, our single means for preserving both ourselves and our planet. Globalization is occurring at a faster and faster pace. We are witnessing our own inclusion into a planetary unity beyond anything known in the past. We must love one another or perish.

For me,Kundalini is the ultimate expression of love. It is the feeling, the radical experience, the evidence and self-verification. It is the inner assurance that there is indeed love in the cosmos, that this love-field is where we exist and our source and destination. My hope as always is that Kundalini will embrace each one in its own loving arms and bring us into total harmony with ourselves and with that which is greater than any one of us individually.

Love freely and love often!


(Image from source)

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