Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, February 12, 2010

All I Had 

All I Had

What they appear to want
is a study.
An experiment with
so many of these,
so many of those,
carefully selected and matched,
who knows which was which.

It would of course
need to be replicable.
how could it be believed
or verified,
readied for review
and publication.

There would have to be
strict controls.
no one could measure
what happened,
how to interpret
the results.

And then I realized,
I could not qualify.
I had nothing to show,
no statistics,
no graphs,
no sheets of repeated

All I had
was what had happened,
the great flash of light
that changed everything
in a single second,
the constantly burning fire,
the afterglow
like an ember
at the bottom of the dish.

Dorothy Walters
February 10, 2010

(image from National Geographic site)

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