Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Revelation (poem) 

Spring Revelation

Somewhere something is stirring
that hasn’t moved for what now
seems like centuries, eons of
and silence.

Perhaps it is a bulb
or a seed
cradled deep within earth,
to become a tulip
or an oak tree,
even a row
of spinach
in someone’s
surprised garden.

The air also
is moving with
a new intention,
suffused with a fragrance
that we had all but forgotten
until now we are giddy
with its scent.

As for the sun,
it has overcome its winter
and is proclaiming
something like glory
covering our shifting universe
with radiance,
shining luminosity,
as if everything
had just been
ready for us
to discover it
once more.

Dorothy Walters
March 20, 2010

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