Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Entering the Next Level 

Entering the Next Level

We are, of course, moving forward, encountering new experiences in our own journeys of transformation all the time. We never stand still, but keep moving on to new stages, unfamiliar and exciting levels of awakening.

But at times, many of us sense a sudden shift into a new level of awareness and response, a kind of “jump” into a still more advanced state of our common evolution.

And such swift shifts can be challenging. It may take us into more intense infusions of bliss, or it can awaken old unresolved issues, wounds of body and spirit. If we move ahead too fast, we risk being overwhelmed. If we close to the new energies and the expanded awareness they bring, then we fail to accept our role in this key process and thus fail to realize our life purpose.

Here are some suggestions that I offer as a kind of loose guide:

Be open to what is unfamiliar, but don’t lose all your boundaries. Don’t be swept away as by a swift current, but don’t dam up your inner responses so that your process becomes static and hence begins to wither up and die.

Do whatever you need to to maintain balance on all levels--whether it is counseling or medical advice, more physical exercise, a change of diet--all these are important. Your body is your physical vehicle and your emotional and mental bodies all have a role to play.

Explore new territory but don’t throw away all your maps. Test every “truth” from every source in the fire of your own discriminating mind. Remember Buddha’s advice, “Believe nothing just because I have said it. Weigh it in the scales of your own rational mind.” (Paraphrase)

Examine diverse views, various perspectives, even those that seem too “weird” or “far out” to be credible. Often there is a kernel of truth even in the most seemingly outrageous positions. Extract what is valuable to you, and leave the rest for others.

Don’t “give away your power” to any teacher or source or self-proclaimed prophet. None has a monopoly on final truth--though many may have gleaned helpful insights.

Listen to your heart. If it feels right, embrace it. It it frightens you or makes you uneasy, let it go.

Enjoy each stage as it occurs, allow time for sufficient integration before moving too fast to the next.

Follow a meditation practice, but choose the one that is best for you. Some like to sit quietly and clear the mind. Others do mantra, yoga, visualization, movement and so forth. There are meditation practices for every temperament and taste. If you are on a Kundalini path, let the energies themselves show you the way.

Many believe that we are now in a time of swift transformation like that referred to above. Our energetic and physical bodies are undergoing obvious changes. As always, the cause and final purpose are clouded in mystery, but we welcome the process. As the world scene “heats up,” as crises become more acute in every arena, we realize that these challenges are part of the overall transition now taking place.

This time of massive global change has been predicted for many centuries by numerous traditions and sources, including native traditions, Nostradamus and other prophets, even such writers as W. B. Yeats, who wrote in “A Vision” about the coming close of one era and the beginnings of the next.

As is often said, “Crisis is Opportunity.” Our crisis is upon us. 2012 has already begun. It is our time of challenge, and our chance to restructure ourselves and our universe.

Dorothy Walters
May 23, 2010

(Mandala created by Stacy Wills--see more of her work at


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