Friday, May 28, 2010
Who Is Melchizedek?
Who Was Melchizedek?
In one of the Dead Sea Scrolls is part of an ancient text called “The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek.” This text, written a century B. C. E., lends (according to some interpreters) evidence that Jesus and Melchizedek are one, that is, they served the same purpose. A passage in the New Testament (Hebrews) refers to God as saying to Jesus, "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
But who was Melchizedek?
The title of the text, speaking as it does of a “Prince”, implies that Melchizedek was a specific being, one of high status. And indeed, in one of the Old Testament narratives, he appears as though he were an actual person. But most interpreters explain that “Melchizedek” was not a person or being but is rather merely the title or name of an order--and that this group consisted of those who served the spiritual welfare of humanity, not as public figures and ordained members of the priesthood, nor those who presided in church and temples, but rather those who served without title, perhaps invisibly on this and other planes, not occupying public roles in the certified religious institutions, but working instead “behind the scenes.”
Thus when God speaks to Jesus, he is confirming his mission as an “unacknowledged priest,” dedicated to divine purposes through his life service.
I suspect that even now there are those who are in truth included in Order of Melchizedek as unacknowledged priests, of whatever faith, akin to the Boddhisattvas, who also serve humanity, putting the needs of their fellow beings before their own advancement.
Indeed, there are many among us, unnamed, unannounced, who often move quietly through the world, doing their good work for humanity, though perhaps unnoticed by their fellows.
In researching “Order of Melchizedek” I came across this article. I don’t know what I think of it. In part, I feel it goes too far in co-opting the original notion into a more schematic format for modern readers. But another part of me is drawn to many of these ideas, for they are similar to some of my own beliefs. Interestingly, the ariticle combines the notion of Melchizedek with a network of Light Beings. You be the judge.
The article is found at: (
My sweet friends
Welcome to The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. This website is dedicated to all seekers of the Light who hold a focus of Service in Love. When we truly understand that the entire experience of Life, from beginning to end, is about serving others through the Cosmic flame of unconditional Love, we are on our way to becoming co-creators to the Company of Heaven in this magical weaving of Life. As we step into a deeper level of trust and surrender, allowing each Now moment to embrace the Divine within ourselves and others, we have the opportunity to experience the golden Liquid Light and Cosmic Flame of Divine Love of Mother/Father God.
2010 is Overlighted by the tenth ray of Divinity. 2010 ushers in the perfect balance of power, Love and wisdom through the pearlescent flame of Divinity and allows us to experience this balance within ourselves as well as removing all bands of forgetfulness as we truly cross the threshold into the Abyss ~ this ray is focused on synergy through Divine Equality, allowing us to find the grace and harmony in our own lives, whilst honoring and recognizing the Divine Equality of all Life, simply experiencing different levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. If we recognize and understand this, we step out of the “lesser than and better than consciousness” into a deeper level of self-acceptance, Self Love and Self nurturing ~ and then in this moment, we truly start to master our experiences, and draw upon the wisdom and Love of the Universe as Co-Creators in this ascension process through Service in Love. Primarily we are focused on greater abundance in all aspects of our lives as we have already planted the seeds of thought to bring this to fruition in a way that is fulfilling and joyful ~ we have the opportunity to network on a greater level with one another and to share our teachings collectively to more and more people.
With each passing year, we are experiencing more and more the eternal and everlasting Now through parallel realities and dimensions of Light, as we step beyond the veils of illusion and merge consciously with our Higher Light. Through the energy of the Christ Consciousness Grid we are at a Now moment where we can truly experience Self mastery, and cloak ourselves in our invisible garments of Light. What is often required is trust, surrender and dedication to our Spiritual goals. It is to remember that for every step forward we take, the Company of Heaven takes ten steps towards us, and we are always surrounded in legions upon legions of Light.
The teachings we offer on The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, are Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven, with a focus on many of the incredible Christed ET’s that work with us, such as the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, as well as Mystery School teachings, focused on ancient Egypt and Atlantis, through the Order of Melchizedek, and the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. And since September 9th, 2009, and the activities of Light that occurred at this time, primarily the activation of three of the twelve Atlantean crystals as well as the activation of the 48 symbols of immortality, a portal of Light has been created into Atlantis, and we can now bring through many of these Mystery School teachings.
Many of these Light teachings are not beginner’s material, so to speak, although if you are drawn to these teachings, it is simply a level of remembrance as you awaken the dormant DNA. These experiential teachings of Light are offered throughvarious programs and Light teachings. The first program, The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, focuses primarily on coming into the understanding that you are a Master Being of Love, through working with psycho-energetic techniques to clear your false beliefs and judgments, and bringing your focus to Service in Love through merging with your multidimensional Selves, awakening the dormant DNA and activating your sacred Merkaba/Light Body. The second program, The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program), focuses on working with rays, initiations, sacred geometry and the Qabala, as well as a nineteen breath Merkaba/Light Body activation meditation. There is a further focus on ancient Egypt and Atlantis, which weaves through the twenty-one initiations you undertake through the Left and Right Eye of Horus and the Priesthood training, Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, and the Mahatma. The third program, called Return to Original Innocence takes you through twelve guided visualizations, as you merge with your twelve Higher Selves of the Light from different realms, planets and stars, while working with the rays and archetypes. Mp3's, CD's and eBooks are available on all these our programs as well as bundled Mp3's. Many of the teachings are also available as Mp3 downloads in Portuguese, produced by my husband Chiang Choun, and can also be purchased from our website.
We have recently produced a series of new channelings, mostly in a series of seven and available as individual Mp3's. These include The Elders series by The Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council members to the Order of Melchizedek, the Arcturian Stargate series, the Seven Divine rays and numerous other guided visualizations, so we encourage you to look at this page under New Products.
We also have numerous eBooks available. The 82 page Ray Reading manual, available as an eBook in PDF format, gives an in-depth understanding of the earthly and Cosmic rays and is currently available in English, Spanish and Dutch. The Ray Reading manual includes details of the archetypes and key words as they relate to the rays. We also offer a Ray Healing manual, which is a wonderful eBook to work with the rays from a healing perspective, as well as DNA Activation eBooks, and related material and further details can be found under the eBooks page.
This Earth is our Home, and as Peace Ambassadors and custodians to this sacred Earth, we are the ones who need to make the changes for ourselves and others, as we have the Cosmic awareness to do so.
It is my hope that the writings and teachings on this website may inspire you to remember and become the magnificence that you are, and have forever been, as a magical Master Being of Love and Light through Service in Love.
From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek-Choun
Contact details:
South Africa: Sacred Life Foundation. Telephone: +27-21-785-7587. 11 Willow Street, Milkwood Park, Sunnydale, 7975, Cape Town.
Portugal: Chiang Productions. Telephone +351-969-852-803 or +351-918-117-547. Apartado Nº 8, Laranjeiro, 2811-601, Almada, Portugal.
Website Anrita:
Website Chiang: