Kundalini Splendor

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Monday, June 07, 2010

Upcoming Prophets Conference in Vancouver 

This conference is of major importance. For me it is like watching a future unfold that was for long only a dream. I discovered Arguelles and his work on the Mayan calendar in the early 80's, and have been a believer ever since. I would love to attend, but can't--but please note the list of audios recorded by major "prophetic voices" that are available free. (not of the conference but of related material)>

When we look about us and learn of the dramatic changes taking place all around, including those in our own lives, we see that indeed we are all undergoing a vast sea change--for me, the release of the Kundalini energies across the planet is one major sign.

Hold close to your hope--and to your inner spirit. It may be a "rocky ride" getting to the "other side" of this transformation, but we know it is happening, and that we are each intended to play our respective roles in the process.

The Great Transformation
The Prophets Conference Vancouver
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus

Conference 23-25 JULY 2010
In-Depth Post-Conference Workshops 26-27 JULY 2010

Conference Information: www.greatmystery.org/events/vancouver2012.html
Exhibitor Information: www.greatmystery.org/events/vancouver2012register.html
Download an Event Flyer to share with friends Color or Black/White.

SOMETHING BIG IS COMING—many of us know it and feel it—many of us are waking up and becoming the New Humans prophesied throughout all times.

The purpose of the 2012 TIPPING POINT PROPHETS CONFERENCE VANCOUVER is to explore what this may be and to learn of a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of the Mayan prophecy – as referring to the end of the world as we have known it. Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the Mayan prophecy might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner transformation of humanity. The conference brings together JOSE ARGUELLES, FLORDEMAYO, ANDREW HARVEY, BARBARA MARX HUBBARD, JOHN MAJOR JENKINS, JOHN KIMMEY, JOHN PERKINS, LLYN ROBERTS, DANIEL PINCHBECK, RICHARD TARNAS, and MIGUEL ANGEL VERGARA in the beautiful setting of Vancouver, Canada. Following the conference will be in-depth post-conference workshops.

You are invited to take your place in this world changing event. You are invited to learn and then teach
The Great Transformation

The Presenters' Philosophy

The primary intention of the Mayan calendar system was not to measure time but to record the harmonic calibrations of a galactic synchronization beam, 5,125-years or 5200-tun (360-day cycles) in duration. According to the time science of the ancient Maya, a great moment of transformation awaits us at 2012, when we pass out of that beam.
—José Argüelles
One of the predictions concerns how we’re going to have seven days of darkness. When this takes place, a lot of people that don’t have a spiritual basis are going to go nuts. I have been assured that this will not be the end of the world. It really means, according to the Maya, that the earth is going to go through a period of gestation and enter into a new period. I saw in a vision that we’re going to have two suns. We need to get ready.
Please take the growing crisis very seriously and realize that the time for sacred action has come. Plunge deep into sacred practice so that you can connect with the eternal within you and remain calm and joyful and full of passionate compassion through all the shatterings to come.
—Andrew Harvey
Humanity is facing unprecedented, evolutionary changes. It is amazing—out of the famous Mayan prophecy has come the indication that we are facing the end of this world as we know it and the beginning of the new world of 2012. What vision of the future, of the new world, might we see so that we can place our attention upon this vision as a strange attractor to carry us through this critical time?
—Barbara Marx Hubbard
2012 is definitely not just about one day in 2012; it is about a sea change that probably won’t bear fruit for many decades. But I believe that 2012 could be seen by future historians as a temporal marker of a great renaissance that will raise a submerged continent of consciousness that has been suppressed by Western science and culture.
—John Major Jenkins
To not speak of this knowledge would be a betrayal of their (Hopi elders) sworn duty to the Earth and Great Spirit. Without a shadow of a doubt, restoring the truth about our Earth and Purification Time cannot serve any wrong purpose. To not speak of them now would be a "brevatio manus Domini" a foreshortening of the hand of God.
—John Kimmey
We have indeed entered a critical time in human history. A tsunami is rapidly building on the horizon. Every person on earth is connected like never before, through the Internet and cell phones. Most of us have come to understand that we are perched on a shore that is threatened by a mounting wave of economic and environmental disaster.
—John Perkins
As we complete this apocalyptic passage, we will conceive ourselves, increasingly, as fractal expressions of a unified field of consciousness and sentient aspects of a planetary ecology—the Gaian mind—that is continually changed by our actions, and even our thoughts.
—Daniel Pinchbeck
We live in a provocative, evolving time that promises to impact how we live together on the planet, how we continue as a species, and how we understand ourselves in relation to a larger universe...this is the time to remember how to live in ecstatic relationship with natural forces.
—Llyn Roberts
I believe we have a choice. There are many possible universes, many possible meanings, floating through us. We are not solitary subjects in a meaningless universe upon which we can and must impose our egocentric will. Nor are we just empty vessels, as it were, on automatic, playing out passively the implacable processes of history, of the universe, of our environment, of our genes. Rather, we are all miraculously self-reflective creative participants in a larger cosmic drama, in a co-evolutionary unfolding of reality. It is a complex process where both we and the universe are mutually creators and created. What seems to be unfolding is not only a recovery of the soul of the world, the anima mundi, but a new relationship to it. Something new is being forged.
—Richard Tarnas
Now, we are in those days when many people are talking about 2012: and some of them don’t see the positive side of the Prophecies because they are looking only at the surface of the Prophecies and not at the deeper meaning of the Prophecies.
—Miguel Angel Vergara

The Great Transformation
The Prophets Conference Vancouver
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus

Conference 23-25 JULY 2010
In-Depth Post-Conference Workshops 26-27 JULY 2010

Conference Information: www.greatmystery.org/events/vancouver2012.html
Exhibitor Information: www.greatmystery.org/events/vancouver2012register.html
Download an Event Flyer to share with friends Color or Black/White.

Our Moment in History as an Initiation for Humanity by Richard Tarnas
The Hinge Of A Transition In Our Species’ Awareness by Daniel Pinchbeck
Gazing Into The Cosmic Center December 21, 2012 by John Major Jenkins
An Alliance of Prayer, Education and Healing for Our Mother Earth by Flordemayo
2012 Planetary Evolution by Barbara Marx Hubbard
A Radioactive Nuisance to All Those in Power by Andrew Harvey
1000 Days to Zero Point 2012 by Jose Arguelles
The Eternal Fire of Transformation by John Major Jenkins
Planetary Whole System Design Science by Jose Arguelles
Sacred Activism and the Birth of the Divine Humanity by Andrew Harvey
Something Monumental Is Going To Happen by Mayan elder Flordemayo
This Is It by John Eesawu Kimmey
2012 and Other Indigenous Prophecies for Transformation by Llyn Roberts
How Do We Get Ready for 2012? by Barbara Marx Hubbard
It Happened In Cancun a preview for Vancouver
2012 : The Primal World Ensouled - Richard Tarnas
The True Meaning of 2012 by John Perkins

Banyen Books & Sound - A Watering Hole for the Spirit on the World Wide Web.
Conscious Living Radio - To expand your consciousness.
Reality Sandwich - Evolving consciousness, bite by bite.
Lilipoh ~ the spirit in life
Disinformation - A dynamic, independent media company promoting important political, social and cultural issues.
Gaia Media - For a holistic and up to date understanding of our existence and the potential of human consciousness.
Shaman Portal - The global resource for all things shamanic.

For more information email: Event Info

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Recommended Reading from
The Prophets Conference
and The Great Rethinking
Featured Tours
Featured Tours

Jose Arguelles, Miguel Angel Vergara, Flordemayo, Andrew Harvey, Barbara Marx Hubbard John Major Jenkins, John Kimmey, John Perkins, Daniel Pinchbeck, Llyn Roberts, Richard Tarnas
23-25 July 2010

with Christian de la Huerta
30 Nov - 12 Dec 2010

In the Lands of the Maya
with John Perkins & Llyn Roberts
2-12 December 2010
Together we can make a world of difference — bringing The Prophets Conference to your community
Free Spoken Word Offerings
Source Of Enlightenment

Contact Info

Email: The Prophets Conference
Home: www.greatmystery.org
Tel: (1) 505 796 4023 USA/Canada or (44) 020 8123 5108 UK

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