Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Integral Tantra 

Here is an interesting discussion on Tantra, which is, as the authors point out, one of the most misunderstood experiences in the awakening process. Tantra can "happen" with very little as its stimulus. At its best, it finds the aspirant, and can occur with small bodily movements when the energies are right and when the inner Beloved wishes to express itself.

Tantra can produce "Big Bliss" (as sometimes happens during Kundalini experiences) or "Little Bliss" (as now happens from time to time with me.) In fact, such was my experience this morning, and I always marvel that the sweet energies still may flow, even this far into my process. They are not the "big bang" of the beginning, but rather the soft gentle streams of delight moving subtly (yet delightfully) here and there through the system. I consider such experience "Tantra" though, as I have often said, it must be distinguished from sex as such. It is indeed the state of oneness, little self awareness united with divine love.

Integral Tantra: Bringing Everything to the Path

Sally Kempton and Ken Wilber talk about the theory and practice of Integral Tantrathe simple recognition of the erotic union of emptiness and form, and that Spirit and matter are ultimately not-two....


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Integral Tantra: Bringing Everything to the Path

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Duration: 56 minutes

This is not a discussion about sex. It's a discussion about bliss.

It often seems that the word Tantra is mishandled by the West, fantasized and fetishized and repackaged into something more enticing to our collective sexual shadows. But outside the realm of self-help books, soft-core porn, and Sting interviews, Tantra actually has very little to do with sexual virility or finding ways to last longer in bed.

Of course there are Tantric traditions that include sexual practices, but at its core Tantra is really just the simple recognition of the erotic union of emptiness and form—that is, that Spirit and matter are ultimately not-two, and if you follow Spirit into the depths of manifestation, you will discover a bliss beyond any you have ever known.

Here lies the heart of Integral Tantra. The apparent separation between form and emptiness is the very first boundary we draw in our experience, and is the very last to be transcended on the path to enlightenment. And it is this primordial duality which, throughout the process of evolution, fractalizes into every other dualism in our lives: feminine/masculine, interior/exterior, whole/part, collective/individual, etc.

Because Integral Tantra encompasses literally everything, it allows us to bring everything to our spiritual paths, while leading us to the central thread running through every different dualism in existence—pull this thread, and the entire Kosmos comes undone right before (and right behind) our eyes....

We are very happy to present Sally Kempton and Ken Wilber.

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton, formerly known as Swami Durgananda, is recognized as a powerful meditation guide and as a spiritual teacher who integrates yogic philosophy with daily life. She is the author of the best-selling bookMeditation for the Love of It, and writes the popular Wisdom column for Yoga Journal. She is a teacher in the tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, conducts workshops and retreats on its applied philosophy, and is also a core founder and faculty of iEvolve: Global Practice Community.

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages, and is the first philosopher-psychologist to have his Collected Works published while still alive. Wilber is an internationally acknowledged leader and the preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development, which continues to gather momentum around the world. His many books, all of which are still in print, can be found at Amazon.com. Ken Wilber is the founder of Integral Institute, Inc., the co-founder of Integral Life, Inc., and the Senior Fellow of Integral Life Spiritual Center.

Above selection is from http://integrallife.com/node/95853 To hear or read more, you must sign up and pay a substantial fee. Once again,

I feel it is inappropriate to charge for spiritual wisdom at a level that excludes many of us, some of whom have dedicated

their lives to advancing spiritual transformation in this world and offered their energies and talents at little or no cost.

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