Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Internet Broadcast from South Africa 

I have never listened to the broadcasts from this group (out of South Africa), but find their postings of interest. By the way, remember that "Melchizidek" is not a person's name but refers to those who act in a "priestly" (servant of God) role, but do not perform publicly in temples or churches. Jesus was said (by some) to have belonged to this "Order" since he did not serve in a temple. All who serve the higher cause of light and love today and thus promote planetary transformation into universal love are, in this sense, members of the "Order of Melchizidek." The Bodhisattva does much the same.


Arcturian Stargate Series 3 and Unity Grid of Light Transmissions

Teleseminar Series with Anrita Melchizedek

$33 (Approximately [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hh4qeqcab&et=1104536812232&s=6455&e=001TQlxmLChb5hHh71lV6sSiEv28W9TsWVD1l6-OsUFEbwyC1UNX8G5AaMUPIFJp6zW07gCcLUiBnrIzj1tzVA0bNpkszrl69dZWmsxW62lk9j9zfbd8F44HwRP2AdjAVPN3PV1eunA3Q5VT9w8owxi2mELhKYWarcGj7ce9kvItXStnezdXKAZdtKxoRN0f6U1]?25.00/£21.00/R240)

Saturday February19th 2011 at 11am PST, 2pm EST, 7pm GMT

London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, California 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (February

This one and a hour teleconference session includes:

A beautiful channeling by the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council
Members to the Order of Melchizedek on activating the bodies of Light, followed
by the Stargate 3 guided visualization. Following each guided visualization we
will bring a focus to the Unity Grid of Light, holding this collective focus for
11 minutes in amplifying these Light frequencies for all Life as well as experiencing
a deeper sense of Unity Consciousness and Love.

Stargate 3

In this stargate series, you activate the stargate related to the fifth dimension
taking you into Alcyone, holding the heart chakra energy and magnetic and electromagnetic
grid of Light through the Interstellar axiatonal lines. Prior to heading through
this stargate, you link into the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid and the Light
workers along this grid through the frequency of Love, and create the shape of the
octahedron around your body and within your energy field.

You travel through this fifth dimensional stargate and connect initially to the
Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. You then find yourself on this Interstellar grid
of Light, activating the fifth dimensional axiatonal lines within your body and
energy field through this grid as you connect to the Beings of Light assisting at
this dimensional level as well as merging with your multidimensional Selves. You
also get an opportunity at this dimensional level through the photon rays of Light
to transmute earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns.

There is a focus on the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Christ Consciousness at this
dimensional level, with the primarily quality of illumination being activated through
DNA strands five and six. Further to this, the gift of intuition is amplified at
this dimensional level allowing you to move forward in grace and harmony with a
deep knowing of your Life service and purpose. As you activate these related strands,
you are able to bring this fifth dimensional frequency into the body through the
energy of this ray, as well as place the activated codes within the Planetary Christ
Consciousness grid.

Each participant will receive the full teleseminar recording plus an additional
recording of the related Stargate guided visualization only.

Click here to make payment [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hh4qeqcab&et=1104536812232&s=6455&e=001TQlxmLChb5hZBpc2d2YB7-dBiJ4ORh5O-WeNNCzHsvOBh2LhsF4xHB1_k9FkpIcqgQNAmVxcPA6l6Ceb4GERqbECrnLuFrcI5GVO1gJ9UyDpTANJh3qs58fmt_A09TP9dYKmTy5NUIiU6JI6ClmawTMYlbRnvLuEpvQstZZR16GoAyccYAIQ8DfFvTU59SzQQzyteD1t4Z4oSq-_EdPiuvUwtWGZ6Qh5VQYriG1rsUM=]~
Teleseminar payment $33


How does the Teleconference work?

If you would like to join this teleconference, click on the related link to make
payment via credit card or paypal. Once we have received your payment, we will
send you a link to the pre-events page where we will be hosting the conference and
a password will be sent to you 24 hours prior the event. On the appointed day and
time, go back to this page so you can listen in via the web using your default media
player via DSL, wireless or dial-up connection. If you are local to the States and
would prefer to use a landline or mobile phone to listen into the conference, this
number is also on this link page. These calls are free to US participants only.
You may also like to call in on skype.

There will be a general Q&A session, usually the last fifteen minutes of each session
at which time you will get an opportunity to ask your questions. A box is provided
on the link page for those listening in via the web. Please feel free to email us
at info@pleiadianlight.net [mailto:info@pleiadianlight.net] with any questions you
may have around the teleconference.


You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net

Join Our Mailing List [http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1102200732903]


The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network | Gordon's Bay | Cape Town | 7140 | South Africa

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