Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Greetings 

Dear Loved Ones,
The Unitarian Universalists have called for February 14 to be a national "Standing on the Side of Love Day." In particular, we are asked to remember all who have been ostracized and marginalized by society, often with bullying and worse. One day of love can do a lot to counteract the influence of the many days of its opposite as expressed too often by our fellow citizens. For me, their call is of special interest, since I spent many years as a member of the target group (the closet behind the closet.)

Here is their statement:

Monday, February 14th, 2011 is the 2nd Annual “National Standing on the Side of Love Day,” when the very heart of the Standing on the Side of Love campaign comes to life. On this day, and the days surrounding, we re-imagine Valentine’s Day as a holiday of love and acceptance for everyone.

In 2010, we were confronted with so many stories of bullying and name-calling. There were partisan divides, labels and stereotypes, and political decisions motivated by fear.
But how many stories can you remember that shone the spotlight on courageous love?
National Standing on the Side of Love Day is our opportunity to honor courageous love, and recognize those whose words and deeds exemplify the values of inclusion, diversity, community, and equality. When we stand on the side of love, we let our communities know that how we treat each other truly matters.

And here is a Valentine greeting I received recently from a friend:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dear Friends and Family,

The Unitarian Universalists are calling for Valentine's Day to be
National "Standing on the of Side of Love Day"

This idea started at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville where Jim Adkisson fired into 230 people who were watching a children's performance, killing two and wounding six. (July 27, 2008). He didn't like the congregation's progressive stand on gay rights, telling police that the "ultraliberal church never met a pervert they just didn't embrace."

Standing on the Side of Love is about promoting tolerance and loving your neighbor as yourself.

I am sending that kind of love to you, today and always,


P. S. I send this kind of love to everyone reading this as well--Dorothy.

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