Friday, April 22, 2011
Looking (poem by Dorothy)
We go on our wanderings,
looking here,
seeking there,
turning over this leaf
or stone,
scrutinizing the clouds
for a message,
sometimes just stopping
and listening
Don’t you ever get tired
of this endless searching,
this fruitless pursuit
of a sign?
Don’t you sometimes long
for a final revelation,
angels descending on
a cloud,
the ultimate “aha!”
What would you do
if you made a sudden discovery,
the light surrounding you
like a revelation,
heavenly choirs
singing hosanna?
Would you be happier then?
Could you cope
with this amazed wildness streaming
in your blood,
touching your cells alive,
reminding you
that you, too, are wondrous,
pulsation in the eternal flow?
Dorothy Walters
April 20, 2011
(Above image is from ancient Egypt. It is titled "Drawing Down the Magnetic Fluid" and is thought to depict an initiation ceremony in which the priest transmitted the magical energies (Kundalini?) into the aspirant.)