Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Who Is Thomas Hubl? 

Thomas Hubl is, according to the descriptions, a highly respected spiritual teacher from Germany. He is reported to be well known in Europe, but is just beginning to emerge in America. He is currently on tour in the U. S., and he will include a visit to Colorado (Boulder) on his itinerary.

He has many videos on YouTube and you can learn a great deal about his approach from viewing them. The essence of his teaching is "transparent communication." He advocates that our move into the next stage of cultural evolution will include this rather remarkable ability to be totally transparent to one another, and thus move from an "I" culture to a "we" culture. Through this approach we would immediately know one another at the deepest levels--our history, our past griefs and traumas, our present aspirations, and our shadow. He feels that this would permit a fullness of connection lacking in our present society.

His approach is quite interesting and he is an extremely articulate and well informed teacher. His ideas remind me of what I have read from certain metaphysical writers of the past, who described life in the afterworld in similar terms, stating that there are no secrets among the spirits in the higher realms, for each thought is instantly transmitted to all the others in that particular circle. Thus, there is no deceit, no cunning, no harmful desires.

I must admit that, although I find Hubl's perspective compelling, I also have several reservations. Frankly, I would not wish to know the full history of another's life experience on the initial (or later) meeting. Nor would I wish my own life history and present occupations to be available instantly to anyone who chose to probe. I would feel that this was a great invasion of my privacy, and likewise of theirs. I meet many people who could--I feel sure--in no way comprehend my own past experiences or present pursuits (some would even think that being a poet was odd). I have always respected personal privacy, mine and other people's. I have no wish to"pry" into others' lives, nor do I wish to put my own on display for the world to see (though I do reveal a lot on this blog--but I feel that my "audience" is a self selected group, not the world at large.) Frankly, I feel that only God could contain or should be privy to such total inseeing into our human souls.

I may not be interpreting Hubl's views accurately, but these are the conclusions I have gathered from reading his writings and listening to his youtube presentation. I rate him highly for his ability to present his ideas in a most intelligent and persuasive way, but am not certain of the outcome of his approach.

I urge you to check him out at his website and youtube--he is well worth your consideration. And if you live in Boulder, you can hear him talk tonight and attend his workshop this weekend.

(Image from Hubl's website)

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