Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

For the Beloved 

For the Beloved

Do not think
that because I say words
to another,
that I have forsaken you

love like ours
does not begin
or end
never fades
or disappears

it is ours forever,
bound in the net
of eternal longing
no matter whose face
it may wear.

Dorothy Walters
May 28, 2011

This morning I was unexpectedly graced with a "bliss out." Perhaps it was related to the fact that this is the anniversary time of my original awakening into bliss consciousness, and each year at this time, the energies become more intense. This year makes some thirty years of having such experiences--now less frequent and more subtle, yet extremely delightful.

After I did the "Tandava" movements for half hour or so (as ecstatic feelings flowed in arms, chest, and down my legs), I sat down and continued to move my hands and arms (major centers of feeling). Then I did something I seldom do--I recited mantra out loud (the famous Om Nava Shivaya). This chanting made the sweet energy flows even stronger. Each time I repeated the mantra, I emphasized the syllable "Shi" in Shiva's name, and each time I felt a strong "thrill" throughout my body, especially the chest.

Again, I am amazed that these experiences continue to recur. I know very few others who also receive such beautiful energetic blessings in their lives--thus I feel very grateful each time the Beloved returns in such a graceful manner--for me the most sacred experience of union I can imagine.

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