Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Kundalini, Discontinuity, and God
Kundalini, Discontinuity, and Quantum Leaps
"Man can never know truth--only experience it." (W. B. Yeats)
One of the major elements of discussion in current evolutionary theory is the idea of discontinuity. Proponents of a strictly materialistic picture of evolution posit that each new stage of species development arises from previously existent forms, responding to external pressures, and that these stages of transformation can be traced through the fossil record.
However, there are many "gaps" in the record--evidence of a new species often arises with no prior evidence of "preliminary" stages. These gaps lead to a contrasting theory of evolution that includes the implications of such "discontinuities," that appear to lead to quantum leaps (major transitions from one biological stage to the next with no intervening states). At this point, some point to possible divine intervention, a seemingly intentional directing of more elementary biological forms into higher states of expression--progress toward what Teilhard de Chardin called the “Omega point”--where human and divine become one.
If such gaps in evolution do indeed occur, it behooves us to consider what the implications may be for the evolution of all biological forms, with special attention to the development of our own species--the Ultimate Human.
Gopi Krishna (and others) have posited that Kundalini itself is the next stage of evolution of human consciousness. Anyone who undergoes profound transformation through Kundalini awakening is inclined to agree with this notion, since the nervous system itself is vastly changed, and often (at times of altered states) feels as though a new organism has emerged. It literally feels different, brings new capacities, lets us experience energies in a totally novel way in which bliss plays a prominent role. And yes, there is a kind of discontinuity involved here, both for the individual subject and the race as a whole, for there is indeed a marked difference between the "new self" and the "old self." Above all, Kundalini bliss convinces of the reality of the divine essence, and allows us to swim in the great ocean of delight which is God.
Today, the vast majority of humans have not yet undergone “Kundalini awakening.” They trudge along in the same familiar paths, trusting the same accustomed societally imposed ways of seeing and acting, bewitched by the “cultural trance.” They reject notions of radical transformation, for this phenomenon is well outside their own experience. The result is the chaos of our modern world.
Some of us follow a different mode. Our experience is well outside the “norm,” yet--even when it offers challenges-- we trust it because our inner guide assures us that we are on the right trajectory. What we feel is (I believe) an indicator of how the race itself may function once critical mass is achieved and the great “shift” to a new state of consciousness occurs.